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Everything posted by StanBalaban

  1. Even at 0-2 I don't feel comfortable though. Let's get another whilst we're on top!
  2. That's better Stan! Miss from 5 yards but scores from 20!!! Booooooooom!!! He's prolific this season!
  3. Albrighton has made a huge difference today. With CNZ looking up for it and Gabby on fire we just need DB9 to get back to his old self!
  4. WTF is this free kick for now Dowd you clearing in the woods?
  5. Two touches for Benty now. That's one every ten minutes!
  6. Bad bad miss but we must be able to create more chances against this team! C'mon Villa!!!
  7. C'mon Villa. Better team in the first 10 mins but two shocking corners in a row. Bolton are here for the taking!!
  8. Is Gabby suspended for the next game, I thought it was CNZ that got the yellow?
  9. Entertaining game and naturally we made it much harder for ourselves than we should have. But a win is a win so happy today. Positives: Gabby was outstanding again. Bent may have got his shooting boots on and CNZ, although frustrating, is getting better. JJ coming on was good and looks composed and Petrov put in another good shift. Negatives: The hoofs from the defence and Hutton always makes me feel nervous when defending. AMc was shouting to keep the ball on the deck!! Overall, happy cos we needed the 3 points and the win!!
  10. Good shift from the skipper again today. Come on Stephen, grab yourself a goal for the Villa!
  11. Careful now, you'll awake the ghoulish spectre of SCG. Ghoulish spectre
  12. He will indeed, but hopefully that will create more space for CNZ. They're playing quite close together at the moment so I'd put some distance between them. If they do decide to double mark Gabby then they are still in place to mark CNZ, but if AMc spreads the formation then the gaps will appear. Think Heskey deserves some praise for his stint in the first half too.
  13. See Big 'Eck screaming "on the deck, play it on the **** deck!!!"
  14. I'm going 2-0 Villa with N'Zogbia to get his first goal for the club and kickstart his campaign. Bent to get the second. UTV!
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