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Posts posted by daggy_333

  1. I wonder if the people who thought we played so well last weekend, will still think that knowing we dropped points from a winning position, also knowing we had Man City and then Arsenal to play.

    9 points from 13 it shall be then... Ridiculous in my opinion

    Obviously it's a terrible points return but we've got some winnable games after Arsenal, lets just hope the players don't let their heads drop...

  2. And put that money towards buying equally good players?

    I don't think there's anything pathetic about not being happy with how our top players have been sold and replaced with inferior quality.

    I'm hoping that now that most of the deadwood has gone that those days are over...

  3. Bannan was absolutely brilliant today.

    Myself and all the people sat around me couldn't understand why he wasn't taken off after an hour, I thought he was pretty average to poor myself-I don't see a Premier League player there. Only my opinion of course!

  4. I was watching the bit of aggro outside the ground after the game and i didn't think it came to anything?

    Looked like the police separated the 2 groups and then it all dispersed after about 10/15 minutes.

    Seems like any excuse to have a pop at any aspect of Villa or the fans and you'll take it.

  5. Our net spend currently is 8.7 million this window. If we sign Benteke for say, 7m, that would be over 15m net spend, that is being backed. If we then add a couple more players in the January window, that would push our net spend to around 20-25 million for the season, I'd say that will be the 'and then some'.

    Benteke for 7m

    Bowery for 500K

    Stephens for 2M

    and then you are talking around 18M this summer without anymore surprises before Friday and there may very well be one

    Wishful thinking or do you know something we don't?

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