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Posts posted by westholmevillan

  1. 2 minutes ago, AndyBM said:

    this guy is like a kid in a candy shop, or a woman in primark, there is no stopping him, its like he likes spending money on footballers, its bloody great!!

    but i hope he realises that you dont buy a football club to make money, you buy a football club to p!ss off your bank manager.

    Then he will just buy the bank....simples!

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, av1 said:

    As i said over in the speculation thread, 'working on a Striker and a fullback' would have sufficed. The use use of the word "world class" is invited abuse. 

    Cant you just leave Dr T alone.....he is a 'grown up man'!

    ffs....he owns the club, he has a twitter acount, he is a 39 year old man, he has 'freedom of speech' just like we all do.  Just let him  say what the **** he wants.  He is like a breath of fresh air.  If he makes mistakes, he can learn from them just like all of us, in the 'real world  'have to!

    Just wish certain people would stop the 'witch hunt' against him!  If you dont like what he tweets, then you do know you have a choice, dont you?

    • Like 3
  3. 39 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    If we get Morrison he needs to be buddied up with Elphick and Jedinak. We can't afford to have such an expensive player if he continues his off field antics like he did when he was in England. Hopefully those two can keep his head in the game.

    More likely to have his head on a block if he doesnt tow the line!

  4. 12 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

    Some positives to take (a clean sheet finally!) but 1 win from 5 matches is a very frustrating start to the season. 

    How much of a head start do we want to be giving the other teams going for promotion?

    These dropped points at the start of the season count for just as much as the points in the games during the run in. 

    'Clean sheet finally' lol....it was last Saturday that we kept a clean sheet!

    p.s.   I know its hard to believe :)

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  5. Well I am more than happy with the obvious progress being made!

    3 games in a week, gaining 5 points and only conceding one goal. Havent said that for a while!

    great new spine. Chester, Elphick very solid.  Even Bacuna done ok today.  Good to see both Ayew and Grealish tracking back. Just shortt of a real attacking threat in midfield now, then its onwards and upwards IMO.  Just need Yedlin, Morrison and Bamford/Wells in and we'll be comfortably top 6.

  6. 2 minutes ago, mwj said:

    The Home Office is the Home Office is the Home Office.

    Even the £1100 "same day service" that they offer isn't a guarantee of getting your visa on the same day (speaking from experience)

    Same day service.....when you cant get it on the same day.?  I'm extremely interested to know if there are any franchise opportunities available...sounds like my kind of job!

  7. £12 mil for Austin, your having a laugh.  You will be lucky if you get 15 games out of him!  Whilst I enjoy Dr T spending his money, I dont want him to waste it on the likes of Austin. Anyone can see he will never be 100% fit again!  There are far better options out there at that  price IMO.

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