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Posts posted by makouns_grin

  1. 1. His love of Heskey and the fact he thinks he's a playmaker

    2. His lack of faith in Albrighton - we have nobody who can cross a ball in our starting eleven and he would address this.

    Where has McLeish said that he thinks Heskey is a playmaker?

    When Albrighton has come on this season he has been shit, so why should he be given anymore opportunity than anyone else?

    If he had shown any instances of being decent then i'm sure he would be used more.

  2. Well they are doing the upmost to make The Walking Dead as shit as possible. Soooooo boring and so badly written.

    Do we know absolutely anything about the characters? Nope.

    Do we have impressive FX and Zombies to take our mind of the terrible writing? Yup.

    Bring back the sacked writers who actually know what there on about.

    How can such a dark and brilliant graphic novel be made into this wank?

  3. People seem to forget that if he was a manager that wasn't hated so much and pre-empted as being so shit that he would be given time.

    But because of his past record he is not allowed any time, same with players really.

    Plenty of other managers have been poor in the past but come good with some support and time, Partridge Pardew at the Barcodes springs to mind.

  4. The property company set up by Randy, Reform Acquisitions Realty Limited, is late filing its accounts.

    Does he know he'll get a £100 fine

    It's not the money, it's the fact that they're late. Usually a sign of a badly run company, or one that doesn't want certain information to be made public yet.

    Perhaps the company hasn't traded yet?

  5. What I drew from those Guardian reviews is:

    "If you didn't the books you'll probably enjoy it; if you did you probably won't".

    I did.

    The problem with the Guardian is that the main reviewer will give almost all films 3 stars or below, he rarely likes anything.

    One of the articles is based on typing something into Google and writing an article about it, they are getting worse.

    Tintin is not shit, its a good family film and better than Crystal Skull by some distance.

  6. Anybody seen TinTin yet?

    I was quite looking forward to it from the trailer, but there was a (very well written) full page review in last week's Guardian that absolutely trashed it - basically to the tune of: "It totally misses the subtlety of the Herge books and reduces them to an Indiana Jones-style typical Spielberg movie - all form and no substance".

    Has somewhat put me off going (that and the fact that I don't like 3D). May wait for the DVD and rent it for TV.

    I would ignore The Guardian when it comes to TinTin.

    They seem to have a very odd vendetta against it and have published 6 articles trashing it, 6 articles!

    One of them's basis was a google search as well, says it all.

  7. if calling someone a black word removed is racist then I'm a dutchman.

    It's abusive but not racist.

    I think I know what your suggesting but I disagree.

    Do you believe its not racist because Anton Ferdinand is actually black? So by calling him 'black' you are simply pointing out the facts??

    The problem in this case is that by calling someone a 'black word removed' you use the colour of their skin to add emphasis to the abuse - i.e. it could be seen that John Terry actually thinks he is a word removed because he is black.

    For me the easiest question is.....

    If Anton Ferdinand is a word removed - what has whether he is black or white got to do with it?

    Its not racist, the same way if someone who is black called me a white word removed, or if i was fat a fat word removed etc etc.

    Neither have anything to do with anything its just abusive not racists.

  8. I hate John terry and think he's a word removed and hope he is found guilty and gets banned from everything.

    But he hasn't been found guilty and if calling someone a black word removed is racist then I'm a dutchman.

    It's abusive but not racist.

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