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Posts posted by makouns_grin

  1. Read the interview in tomorrow's Times because I'm a subscriber. Randy says he is fully committed and would never sell, unless it was something to do with his kids. Not sure you can copy and paste Times articles to other websites, mods, can you?

    Good news.

    Midtable is where everyone wants to be anyway.

    maybe he should give us a free scarf again this winter, that should please everyone.

    Perhaps instead of bleating like a stuck record on this thread about everything that is wrong you would outline your vision for what the club should do going forward.

    Just a thought.........

    He has numerous times like many others:

    - Decent board with an experienced CEO (£100m t/o niche consumer/sports business) and someone with football knowledge

    - Decent managerial appointment i.e. someone who will give the fans some hope

    - A cohesive PR strategy

    - No sudden U-turn on policies that leaves us short of players

    Okay for you?

    The perfect owner then?

  2. Matt Dickinson has tweeted: "Rare interview with Randy Lerner in Times tmrw on his commitment to Villa, O'Neill, McLeish etc #avfc"

    Which must be the media event that MM alluded to recently. Look forward to it.

    I'd be surprised if it revealed anything we don't know.

    Fully expect it to focus on competing within our means and focusing more on youth development.

    Yup i suppose he could say how he is going to invest a hundred billion on players and watch as everyone puts their prices up.

    Villa fans would be happy though!

    Could go back to moaning about **** all.

  3. Immediately after he left there was hardly any. A month or so later is when the abuse started coming (and rightly so).

    Still wrong.

    You never seem to be.

    Its a bit off going around telling everyone their opinion is wrong in numerous threads i've noticed.

    I'm sure you smart enough to know not everyone even yourself is always right.

    Anyway back on topic, Villa fans want to hear from Randy there is even this stupid thread about it.

    They hear from him in the paper tomorrow and it will be all the stuff they dont want to hear :lol:

    We want to hear from Randy, heard from Randy err shit its not what we wanted.


  4. Indeed. We can't afford to compete with the very best financial, therefore Randy's a bad owner and he should sell to somebody even richer.

    What a shock that you've got no clue.

    There are seriously people who would rather see us in 10th place with average premiership players in the squad than see us challenging for the title, champs league with world class players wearing the shirt?


    Last time I looked man city fans seem to be having the time of their lives. I'd love to be in there shoes.

  5. Seems to me that Villa fans and spoilt little kids, shocker (when there not being know it all's about how to run a football club)

    Want premier league or the apocalypse everything is shit.

    All the rest of the hundreds of clubs fans must be really depressed and pissed off when they turn up each week and dont celebrate a goal or a win.

    If your more bothered about money than supporting your team than your not wanted and are a terrible fan imo, whats point as soon as no money your pissing and moaning again.

    I would rather have highs and lows and have a history and appreciate the big wins when the come whenever they may be, rather than become numb to it, oh we just signed another 100million pound player; its hilarious watching pathetic Man Utd supporting fans not knowing how to react when their team concedes 6, they are not real football fans imo.

    Its not just the money thats ruining the game, its the fans being brain washed by it.

  6. Perhaps Randy is turning up to tell us fans absolutely everything, spend shit loads and run the club perfectly.

    Then he would be a good owner overnight.

    Or perhaps he might have to spell it out for some folk who want it drawn in crayon and just use it as an excuse to abuse every 5 minutes.

  7. If you smoke do you expect help from the NHS if in years to come god forbid something bad happens because of your smoking? I suppose its the same if your overweight now will you expect hand outs in years to come because of it...?

  8. Todays back page London Metro headline had Terry down as Capt ?

    And yes, he is guilty IMO

    Are you mental?

    Lampard is captain, no if no buts he IS captain.

    Why are you bothered about what an out of date paper is saying.

    Terry been found guilty as well?

  9. Very sad that this tool will again lead the nation out tomorrow

    That's the only excuse I need to not watch


    He is on the bench and not captain.

    Fat frank is.

    Has he been found guilty?

  10. brokenarrow.jpg

    This and Face Off Travolta's two best movies he just oozes charisma and is a complete and utter bad ass. The only bad point of the film is that it stars Christian Slater the little punk cannot stand him

    Would you mind not shooting at the thermonuclear weapons!!!

    They just do not make movies like this anymore

    I particularly like when the two leads beat each other with crowbars with no effect on either of them.

    The first superhero film.

  11. I stupidly upgraded from a 4 to a 4S. It's not that much better apart from the gimmicky Siri thing whose novelty lasts for a day and the slightly better camera.

    Battery life is significantly worse. Since a full charge at 9am I now have 68% battery life left. This is after one brief phone call and checking my emails twice.

    Oh and will someone please explain the purpose of an iCloud email address? I now have 3 email addresses and I have no use for the iCloud one.

    Dont use it then, i dont.

    The battery life will be fixed with an upcoming update, Apple know about it and will release iOS 5.1 soon.

  12. 1. His love of Heskey and the fact he thinks he's a playmaker

    2. His lack of faith in Albrighton - we have nobody who can cross a ball in our starting eleven and he would address this.

    Where has McLeish said that he thinks Heskey is a playmaker?

    When Albrighton has come on this season he has been shit, so why should he be given anymore opportunity than anyone else?

    If he had shown any instances of being decent then i'm sure he would be used more.

    Heskey has been playing in the exact same position as Van der Vaart, Silva and Suarez...in the other words "in the hole"....it is a position made for creative skillfull players with an eye for a pass.....

    Heskey isnt this .....so what the **** is he doing there? IMO if he isnt the main target man he has no use in this team....

    NZogbia has been given plenty of chance to shine and again IMO is a shit crosser of the ball.....

    Albrighton has been given very little opportunities and would improve our crossing in my eyes

    So just because Heskey is playing in a similar position, means his job is the same?

    Err ok.

    I assume Heskey marks the same people from set pieces as Van der Vaart, Silva and Suarez do as well?

  13. Am absolutely, utterly, totally and completely engrossed by the first series of (the danish) "The Killing". Its compelling to a whole new level.

    About half way through, and I still have no idea whodunnit, how they did it and why they did it.

    But, I have a feeling the young ginger brother is involved. Never trust gingers.

    Why are you watching a danish show?

    Because the original Danish version of the killing is **** brilliant!

    Its up their with The Wire but wont last as long.

    Its why AMC decided to re-make it...badly.

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