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Posts posted by makouns_grin

  1. Thinking of getting the iPad 2, I've got an iPhone and laptop so know I don't need one but I do really want one.

    I know you can download music for free and put it on an iPod or iPhone but can you use torrents to download books and graphic novels for free and put them on an iPad?

    Also I'm clueless when it comes to this whole data on 3G thing, how many hours of surfing the net and using things like YouTube get you with 1 or 2 gb a month? I have no idea if that's enough or if I need more.

    Books etc you'll have to get then add via iTunes and sync to your iPad, there are shed loads of converters for all types of media, you just need a little tinkering here and there, you can even play mkv's if you so desire.

    Apple will try and enforce buying everything through iTunes, but there is always a way ;)

  2. Randy Lerner has to be the blindest prick on the planet if he can't see that Houllier and McAllister are a pair of clueless useless **** rocket polishers and we will get nowhere with them in charge. They must be the most hated management team to have ever been appointed at VP.

    Why is Randy a prick?

    A little disrespectful and childish imo.

  3. What are peoples thoughts on the iPad 2. I think my gf is thikning of getting me one as a present but im not sure about them. I have an iphone and a laptop - do I really need one?

    Probably not, a nice luxury and great to use but you dont really need one with what you currently have.

    But then again we dont really need flat screen tvs when black and white ones were fine, or cordless phones when we had wind up ones.

  4. No that's called an opinion, quoting all my posts in here and in off topic trying to bait me with one liners is not an opinion.

    Ah I get it, you've never written a post that long without copying it from Wikipedia. Makes sense.

    Sorry i wasn't meaning to be rude or anything or bait you but i can see how it could have been taken, i apologise.

    I just thought it was a quote or something because its not written in how you usually word things so assumed it was a quote.

    My apologies :)

  5. Thor, I mean c'mon.

    Have you seen Thor?

    No, but I know I won't like it.

    As I said, it is scraping the bottom of the comic book barrel.

    That doesn't make any sense to me.

    Thor has plenty of people saying its pretty decent, but you wont watch it because you know you wont like it even though you've never seen it?

    Without meaning to be rude thats very snobby.

    I thought Thor looked like Flash Gordon and completely naff from the trailers, but as i say has had some good write ups so might be worth a watch.

    Its like walking out on films dont get that either, might be awesome on from when you left for example.

    Its not like a rom-com with i dunno Hugh Grant in it where you know what your going to get.

    Thor is an independent film on its own merit, your hanging it because its based on a comic.

  6. Oh I know they've made stellar growth, I mean truly phenomenal growth in the past 10 years. But it's been fuelled by an innovation model, every few years they come along with a new thing that becomes a selling phenomenon.

    It all started with the iPod, that's when their growth excelerated with the help of the iMac flat screen pc unit. Then the iPhone, then iPad. But their share price is based on their profits and their profits are based on being ahead of the curve as once the market gets competitive they get into trouble but there's always been a new product at the time to be the new focus of the company, they rely on a few key products for all their profits which is a risky model.

    For example, apple source all their components from vendors and they're constructed in Taiwan. Samsung say want / are muscling in on the smartphone market they can deliberately run a low or zero margin on that division to establish market share because they develope tech, then build a factories to produce it and then sell it. They have no supply issues and no reliance on suppliers of the level apple are.

    Samsung make money from everything from airconditioners to tvs to phones so they do not have a product concentration so they can run these margins putting pressure on apple.

    The same thing happened to apple in the 90's with Windows and IBM compatible pc's. They couldn't compete with specialists who focussed different pieces of hardware and once all the pieces come together you have an intel cpu, nVidia graphics card, ibm hard drive, crucial memory, Asus motherboard all running Windows software.

    Now Apple will always be a very profitable company but I think a point will come when they run out of ideas and it is no longer a growth stock and so falls in price to a level, what level I don't know. But it's very interesting more because I work in finance and love technology.

    Have you just copied that from Wikipedia or something?

    Apples strength is their design imo.

  7. Would Messi still be as good when not as quick though?

    Zidane when he could hardly run in his last Word Cup was amazing.

    Messi will have the close control but as effective as he gets older and slower?

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