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Posts posted by makouns_grin

  1. Randy looked at how much he could lose if we were to get relegated. That's over 40 million.

    It looked like we were going down. Our strikers couldn't score more than 4 goals between them. We needed goals so we went with the obvious choice and it paid off.

    It wasn't ambition. It was a panic buy. I doubt Randy would ever allow a manager to break the transfer window at 24m in a pre-season. And you seem to be forgetting he pocked the Milner money, didn't even spend in 2010, so it's not like he actually had to dig deep in his pockets.

    You seem to have an answer for everything and know a hell of a lot about what is going on, who is doing what; do you work for Villa?

    Apart from half is nonsense and the other half doesn't even make any sense.

  2. The way people talk we should just get a new board every year rather than a new manager.

    It really is just that easy and that black and white.

    Its extremely disturbing how some fans use the smallest of things to have a go at the board, your like spoilt kids!

    Our owners are not spending as much as City, how dare they aim for the best without spending as much, i'm going to stamp my feet until i get a new owner.


  3. I'm sick of this board. I actually despise them. They're still pussyfooting around Houllier while the players must be thinking what's the point of sticking around when they're still unsure if they're going or not. Paul Faulkner is useless. It does look like in the interview he was powerless to talk Downing's agent round. What on earth was Randy thinking of hiring a friend over an reliable experienced CEO. I'm sure Paul is only in his early 30s as well. It's comical.

    You obviously trolling imo.

    Because what your posting is absolute garbage half of it doesn't make sense and the other half you've made up because there is no way you could know it.

  4. Time for the club to show some ambition

    Sack the current fool in charge bring in a top manager who will renergize the squad and convince these players that Aston Villa are actually going places.

    We need to sign players as well to show these players that we still have the ambition to compete at the upper echelons of the premier league.

    Sounds easy.

  5. Gutted, absolutely gutted, feel like my worlds falling apart around me.

    A few weeks back I genuinally believed he wanted to stay, his press statement then contrasts from black to white...wanting to repay the faith villa shown in him and all...to now.

    I havnt felt this gutted since Milner, we really cannot afford to lose Downing hes intergral...and now hes just opened the flood gates with that "come and get me" plead.

    Gutted, simply gutted.

    I'm confused why you seem to be shocked.

    Footballers would sell their own mothers to get an extra buck, not one of them is different.

    Also they will say one thing and then the next change their mind if something better comes along.

    The sooner folk realise not to believe everything and anything that comes out of a footballers mouth the better.

    Its a job for them, if you were offered another job better pay, better colleagues etc you would refuse it? I doubt it very much unless it was your own company and have something personally invested in it, footballers dont.

  6. Maradona, one thing I learned over the past season and a half is that players care about themselves, money, fame and the team....usually in that order.

    It's sad, but as I hear about some of the things said and done by OUR players...., my innocent and naive thoughts about sport begin to change. It's a business and the players are huge earners who get advice from people who all have their own personal angle...etc. Comments to the press about great club, history, the fans...etc. are usually pr.

    You seemed surprised by this.

    Players have always and will always be like that.

  7. Around March I heard that even though Gabby signed a new deal...it's just to get value if he's sold as well. 99.9999% Young is gone, 75%+ Downing gone this summer (next if we don't get CL like Ashley now).

    What a load of nonsense.

    Perhaps we only spent 24mill on Bent to sell him for 25mill next summer?

    Perhaps Randy is just letting players go because he gets a personal sell on fee?

    It really is not the apocalypse some are trying to paint it as.

    Gabby signed a deal so we could get more money for him? Daft, if Downing signings this summer is it so we can sell him for more next?

    World has gone mad.

  8. Matthew Vaughn wont **** it up imo, it will be solid.

    Fox are trying the upmost to **** up the marketing though, by seemingly putting a 12 year old in charge of the posters.

    Vaughn has already had a stern word to Fox about them.

    I hope he doesn't mess it up. I enjoyed 'Kick-Ass' and 'Layer Cake' but I thought 'Stardust' was poor. I just hope he can bring his best to it. Apparently it will have a 'Bond' film feel, which may work. I'm just concerned about the whole tie-in to the Cuban Missiles Crisis and how that will play out. Plus I'm not convinced by some of the character choices, or the time period, being that it is supposed to be a prequel to the original X-Men films. The ages would make no sense...

    As i suspected, its not half bad... ;)

    And again... ;)

  9. Well it seems GH is poised to return. Only a detoriation in his medical decision will stop this.

    It seems to me the board have no involvement - if GH says hes fit to return - return he will.

    This is one of the most stupid decisions I have witnessed in 40 years of supporting Aston Villa.

    Might as well get on with it then and support all involved in Villa though, yes?

  10. It seems some people are becoming medical experts to prove their opinion on whether Houllier should stay or not.

    Its worrying i agree, but surely Randy and co are not stupid enough to employ an obviously un-healthy man?

    What in the past has shown that Randy is that stupid? He has done some stupid things in his time here (giving MON too much power) but nothing that blatantly obviously stupid and jeopardise the football club and i dont think he will do here.

    Its daft to just decide Houllier is crap, not fit and will never do anything good; its very narrowed minded, especially as its been said that if we kept him he would relegate us, well that didn't happen.

    You could argue before the season, a new manager coming in getting used to the place and the players and achieving a not far off position than the previous manager would be a good show?

    Also its been said you can not argue look at points total, look at our position 10 games ago etc etc, well look at our position now 9th not bad really? Oh but we're only 2 points of 14th we only scraped it, we were lucky, Liverpool were not fussed etc etc etc. You cannot have it both ways!

  11. Matthew Vaughn wont **** it up imo, it will be solid.

    Fox are trying the upmost to **** up the marketing though, by seemingly putting a 12 year old in charge of the posters.

    Vaughn has already had a stern word to Fox about them.

    I hope he doesn't mess it up. I enjoyed 'Kick-Ass' and 'Layer Cake' but I thought 'Stardust' was poor. I just hope he can bring his best to it. Apparently it will have a 'Bond' film feel, which may work. I'm just concerned about the whole tie-in to the Cuban Missiles Crisis and how that will play out. Plus I'm not convinced by some of the character choices, or the time period, being that it is supposed to be a prequel to the original X-Men films. The ages would make no sense...

    As i suspected, its not half bad... ;)

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