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Posts posted by Keyblade

  1. big eck is saying same as most of the people say on here who slate hime for not having a clue about football

    But not the same as those telling us how the 1st half wasn't dire - my missus doesn't know anything about football but could identify the same as above :)

    Meh, still not dire. Pedestrian yes, unpenetrating sure. But we still managed to create a goal. Dire would be the performance against Swansea for example. Besides I thought Eck was a liar :winkold:

  2. Even in the first half we had 58% possession 8 shots (6 on target) and a goal. Hardly shit like some are making out. All of a sudden QPR are shit, but before the game Hughes and his side were being tipped on this site to win and comfortably at that because of their new (superior) manager and players (who are now the excuse as to why QPR were shit). Yet it was Hughes who was sitting back on a fluky 2-0 lead for over an hour and got completely destroyed by his counterpart in the process.

  3. I remember him being pretty decent going forward (still a shitty defender) for Spurs last year. But this year, good grief. I find myself yelling at the screen every time he gets possession to just give up the ball...give it to Collins if you have to. Don't even get me started on his defending.

  4. So we have got to one place.....with varying degrees obviously from people who don't want him but we are stuck with him so give him a chance to people who don't want him and want him out now? So nobody still actually wants him here......says everything!

    That's the gist of it. But apparently there are some who revere 'GC' as some sort of messiah for simply expressing the former opinion.

    nope those people are the ones who defend the manager under any circumstance even when its clear that he has made mistakes.

    who make excuses for his poor managerial decisions and lack of tactical awareness.

    everyone makes mistakes, when people dont admit those mistakes but try and lie or cover them up or make weak excsuses for them it makes them less credible in my eyes.

    some crackers such as

    hutton only gets stick becuase GC signed him

    GC only gets stick because he is ex blues

    he has a weak squad to work with so its not his fault

    he didnt get a full preseason

    he hasnt been able to sign the players he wants

    he is not defensive minded, it was the teams he inheritted and he had to utilise those teams how he saw fit

    and other such nonesense which gets repeated all the time

    and it is always the same posters

    for them there is no errors, no mistakes, he can do no wrong in their eyes

    a saviour of the club who cant be critisized

    even when MON was riding high, if he did something stupid, i would post that it was stupid, and i was sold on MON being at our club for the next 10 years and building something great, but when he messed up i would not pretend it hadnt happened or try and blame someone else just because he was doing well in most of the things he did.

    just llike fans of man utd dont always say everything SAF does is correct.

    slightly different to what you claim which was

    "apparently there are some who revere 'GC' as some sort of messiah for simply expressing the former opinion"

    i also notice as per the norm on here that the vocal supporters still have not said what would make them change their mind of the manager

    lots of dodging the question or answering other things other than the simple question

    it must be very confusing for them

    Firstly barely anybody actually 'supports' him.

    Also, those who you claim "for them there is no errors, no mistakes, he can do no wrong in their eyes a saviour of the club who cant be critisized" are completely in your head. It is simply your (rather childish) perception of those who don't agree with you.

  5. So we have got to one place.....with varying degrees obviously from people who don't want him but we are stuck with him so give him a chance to people who don't want him and want him out now? So nobody still actually wants him here......says everything!

    That's the gist of it. But apparently there are some who revere 'GC' as some sort of messiah for simply expressing the former opinion.

  6. typically i was at work till 5pm so had to make do with the bbc internet updates, half time 2-0, i looked at the stats and they had something like 68% possession and 6 shots on target to 2 for us.

    but we were 2 -0 up

    i spoke to a work mate who asked why i was looking shocked, i told him the score, i then said goodbye and also said to hi that we will lose 4-2, he asked why, i tild him that the manager will have a half time team talk which will **** everything up.

    he thought i was joking.

    i get home, find a stream just as they take their 1st pen, i then watch as my rather predictable prediction started to come true.

    it isnt as if this is the first time i have said it, he play how he wants and for small amounts of the game the players forget what they are told and look half good, then GC gets his hands on the team again and it goes tits up.

    didnt see first half but second half, playing 5 yards from the keepers area is not the best way to defend, i also didnt see any meaty challenges which normally slows someone like walcott down and makes him think twice, well i did see a meaty challenge, it was the replay of dunne chopping over the arsenal player for the pen.

    no suprises and by the sounds of it, 2 break away goals, doesnt hide yet another poor result, especially after the 2 break away goals gave us a 2-0 margin away from home against a team and manager under loads of pressure.

    qpr next is it?

    can i make the excuses GC's fans will come up with?

    the mark hughes factor? they are in london? blah blah blah tough game they are on the up blah blah blah new players blah blah

    that should cover it, they always make shit excuses as to why it wont be a stroll in the park and to make a lame excuse before hand if we lose.

    What happens if we win comfortably? What are your excuses going to be?

    lets cross that bridge if we come to it shall we?

    all the GC supporters refuse point blank to answer what would make them change their views of their god, their messiah, their ginger master

    even when put in real simple terms such as would relegation change your mind?

    but no they cant even answer that


    god? messiah? ginger master? no wonder nobody would respond to you.

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