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Posts posted by Keyblade

  1. Would Lambert leave Norwich for us? And if he does, who's to say he won't do the same to us leaving us with Bruce or some shit? We had a chance with Martinez. Has a track record of at least trying to build something at the clubs he manages, and plays football the right way. We know the players have the ability to play, but AM's excessive cautiousness doesn't allow them to express themselves. Martinez' Wigan never change their playing style despite losing 4 games on the bounce etc. so he's clearly someone who sticks to his guns.

    He would never have been my first choice, but considering the options (and the hand we were dealt), maybe the board shouldn't have played Mr. Nice Guy in the summer.

  2. Randy has completely **** things up.

    If we keep mcleish we risk going down and i dread to think what next season will bring.

    On the flipside though i doubt we'd get the manager we need long term at this point in the season.

    Lerner has made us an extremely unattractive option to managers. Did Doug ever do that?

    We're really in the shit. Even if AM goes, things would most likely get worse not better. Should have just got Hughes (even though he's as average as they come) for this season. But then again he'd want plenty of money which wouldn't be available to him. I guess Martinez was our best option then :(.

  3. Sack him and we'll be in the same position for the 3rd time in 2 years. We'll be perpetually 'in transition'.

    Plus we shouldn't be sacking him until Steve Bruce has found himself another job. Just the thought makes me shudder!

    If there was ever a reason to keep McLeish it would be so we don't end up with Steve **** Bruce. He'd be first in line too what with his premiership experience and all *shudder*.

  4. To change from the effective and pleasing on the eye football in the first half, to the backs against the wall punt-on-sight of the second half is baffling. Why AM would do that is beyond me and by the time he tried to revert to how we were playing, we were already a goal down. Be consistent ffs! How much was down to his direct instructions though is confusing. For if it were, I'm not sure Keane would be yelling at Petrov and co. to play the ball to his feet, and try to get them to stop hoofing.

  5. What the **** was that second half about? We looked dangerous after their second goal, we should have came out of the tunnel playing like that. Also AM got the subs horribly wrong. He's got to do everything in his power to keep Keane. Also, Bannan needs to stop trying the hollywood ball every **** time he gets the ball.

    First half was excellent though, and why we didn't continue in that vein is beyond me (maybe Ireland coming off had something to do with it?). Shoots down the theory that we only play good football when we're behind. Gardner for Clark from now on please!

  6. Swansea are above us

    Norwich are above us

    Sunderland defeated Stoke away (it was a cup final for the pro defensive people when we drew 0-0)

    Wolves defeated QPR away (it was a cup final for the pro defensive people when we drew 2-2 at HOME)

    8 points away from relegation (McLeish is shit in the league at the last third of the season)

    We've yet to play top 7 teams in the second half of the season

    The people who make excuses for him and actually think he's doing a good job:



    If we beat Newcastle tomorrow we go above Swansea and are a point behind Norwich. It's really pointless comparing league positions right now. Might as well save it for May.

    Yawn, yep, we are really punching above our weight.

    The worrying thing is that people are now thinking that this is where we belong! The club needs a massive overhaul in the summer, from CEO down and unless that happens we have nothing but mediocrity to look forward to, aspiring to be like Stoke or Fulham.

    VillaAlex, I agree with your post. Swansea have taken time to get to where they are, but we need to look at adopting a similar approach as we cannot compete financially. That is why categorically McLeish is not the man for the job, no pedigree of undertaking this type of project.

    The problem is any such manager (or regime) would get sacked if the results were poor. Bringing a top-down ethos to the club may take time and this might not exactly be peachy from the start. Really difficult for a Premiership team to get something like that going what with how demanding and impatient fans are nowadays.

  7. I was suggesting that it was unfair for people to call him a poor player etc despite him barely playing whether that be through injury or being out of favour.

    He has played roughly the same amount of games as Makoun did and I also think its unfair for people to judge him so soon.


  8. In the past few games he played he hasn't really brought anything to the team...and I think it's been down to his fitness. It would be a shame to bench Zog after his performance last time out.

  9. Need a bit of help guys. Been looking all overthe net for the home shirt from 2 seasons back. Even though I normally don't do eBay, I searched there out of desperation bug could only find a long sleeved one. Anyone know any good sites? Btw, I've tried classicfootballshirts as well :(.

  10. I'd hate to think what the pro defensive of McLeish would be like if he did as good as Pardew. They would die of excitement, literally. It's embarassing people make excuses of a manager who pick up 1 win every 4 league games per average and always set us up not to lose.

    When people defend AM from unwarranted abuse they are branded as having some sort of great affinity for him, and even as put by one poster perceiving him as a messiah. The immaturity is astounding.

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