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Posts posted by Zhan_Zhuang

  1. Anyone got a suggestion that isn't Caucasian?

    Arthur Lee

    George Clinton

    Muddy Waters

    In no particular order –

    Robert Plant

    Iggy Pop

    Arthur Lee

    Mike Patton

    G.G. Allin

    Eddie Vedder

    Ronnie Hawkins

    Mike Love :!:

    I don't like Queen that much but yes Mercury was a great 'front man'.

  2. Munich is a lovely city...


    Deutsches Museum



    And on the outskirts if you have time visit Neuschwanstein Castle (if it is open that time of year?).

  3. I agree that Hutton's a donkey!

    The argument was always stipulated that he was better going forward, but as far as I can tell he is equally as bad; he cannot beat a player, his crossing is woeful and an average touch.

    Such a waste of money it seems.

  4. He does not deserve to go, give his place to someone else.

    Oh and I agree that we need to drop some of the older players from the midfield and inject some exuberance in there. Parker and Wilshere or maybe even Milner (if only he was playing regularly for his club side).

  5. I wouldn't...he's one of ours and therefore always gives the team his full effort.

    He's had the odd injury over the last few years but if he plays for most of our games this season I expect him to get double figures. To me that's worth more than £20million.

  6. Watched Drive last night. Good film, great soundtrack

    Not the Mark Dacascos film I take it?!!!

    Watched 'The Ghost' last night which was rather good. Good cast, script and direction (of course).

  7. Both seasons are staged and scripted, that much is obvious...I do however watch to see the various locations which are of interest.

    Merchant and Gervais are both very dislikeable characters (imo).

  8. In fact, I could see him in WWE if he leaves UFC, Vince & Co. would love him to ride in on a wave of controversy, and they adore their legit wrestlers too

    'Legit' and 'WWE' in the same sentance?!

  9. It was cringeworthy, but no doubt all involved will be laughing to the bank.

    I hope Silva destroys him as I find Sonnen's fight-tactics far from entertaining.

    But yep as said, Edgar was immense...movement (footwork) was great throughout and his fitness is top-notch!

  10. It's almost impossible to say who was better out of Ian Rush and Gary Lineker. Lineker was prolific at every club he played for and at international level, though the Liverpool side Ian Rush was a key part of was better than any team Lineker turned out for. It really is the toss of a coin, but if I had to pick it would be Lineker, probably because he was England's star player when I was a kid. I wish we had bought Linker from Barcelona in 1989 instead of Spurs. By all accounts Ellis was willing to pay him £10k a week, but Graham Taylor vetoed it because he thought having one player earning so much more than everybody else in the dressing room would break the team spirit. We might have won the title instead of finishing second that year though.

    Yea, I agree. For some reason I loved both as a kid growing up and I do have a soft spot for Barca as a result.

    I really never knew about Lineker being lined up for a switch to Villa, that would have really made us unbeatable!

  11. I had the radio on in the car last night and they had Peter Reid in as a guest, and it got me thinking about how there is now an entire generation of people who have no idea just how great a player he was back in the day. It is hardly a coincidence that Everton had a period of dominance in the English game in the mid 1980s when he was at his absolute peak (he finished 4th in the Ballon d'Or in 85) and I do wonder how much he would be worth if he were around today. How many other pundits/managers were genuinely world class players too? Gary Lineker is probably the obvious example, I think he had a genuine claim at being the best out and out striker in the world at one point and a 25 year old Graeme Souness would probably walk into any side in the Premier League too. Any others?

    Good points.

    Lineker was absolutely class and he proved that further at Barcelona; I personally think Rush was better though however I guess his spell at Juventus was difficult.

  12. I notice that it did have the inevitable fight scene where the hero is surrounded by the bad guys and they come at him one at a time so he can drop them. Yawn.

    Yawn? Cliché or not sir, that scene is excellent!

    Sorry, but I have an antipathy to martial arts generally. Kung-fu, ninjas, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Crouching Tiger, you name it. Can't stand that stuff.

    Martial arts? I must have watched that scene over 20 times, there aint much martial arts involved. Street fighting scenes of that quality are rare as rocking horse shit. It's an astonishing piece of cinema as is the film generally and you, my friend, are wrong :winkold:

    It's not a classical martial arts scene but it does have martial arts techniques. Two front kicks and one side-kick, 'he' uses good economy of movement, switches stances regularly, utilises cadence correctly, his rear heel is poised which are factors all discussed at length by Bruce Lee in his philosophy of Jeet Kune Do.

  13. [1] EDIT: And no doubt, a whole bunch of far eastern directors I know nothing of. I notice that it did have the inevitable fight scene where the hero is surrounded by the bad guys and they come at him one at a time so he can drop them. Yawn.

    Not one-by-one at all, hence the protagonist would not have ended up with a knife in his back! Technically it's decent fight scene and quite realistic as the corridor was narrow and also filmed in one continuous take.

    As a martial artist myself it was fairly well-executed.

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