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Everything posted by diehardvillan

  1. Guys calm down i just tweeped Phil Neville he laugh his head off because one hour ago he had spoken to moyes so its liar about him. Phil Neville isn't even on twitter.
  2. haha so have I. Have i got the right one open? I have radiocity97.5 up?
  3. Twitter rumours i take it? Nothing new
  4. Neil_Moxley_DM Neil Moxley Crass mismanagement on a barely credible scale. I never thought I'd write this: Would never have happened under HD Ellis. No way.
  5. Neil_Moxley_DM Neil Moxley It's seven weeks since Houllier's heart problems. Surely you would have thought of a Plan B? Apparently not. This guy is really starting to wind me up now.
  6. Guys, where do you think they got this Corsica story from. The Villa forums. Don't suddenly believe what SSN say now. They probably have some trainee kid scrolling through VT & H&V looking for any plausible link to McLeish that they hope will stick and have some form of credibility. It's is all rubbish. DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ.
  7. I think there is alot of geniune resentment in the nationals that they get fed nothing from the club, infact the only person who ever seems to know anything is Matt Kendrick. I've asked Moxley to explain himself but as yet hasn't with those comments. They must know something though, why else make such comments? The guys make my blood boil to be honest. I am training to be a sports journalist, and I am actually having second thoughts now. I would NEVER want to go down the undignified, disrespectful,disreputable, and very discreditable route they seem to adopt whenever they don't get what they want. Matt Law makes me laugh. A guy who proclaims to be a Villa fan of 24 years; who stated that he resents the negative comments from Villa fans regarding Villa's conduct. However, when I questioned why he felt the need to have a dig; he said, why shouldn't I. All the rest of Villa fans are. However, he also says 'Ihonestly have no view on villa media relations'. Then why the dig. The guy is full of contradictions. Then when I tried to actually question him on his motives and why the sudden change of thought, he declined to comment; instead, only sending childish comments that quite frankly my three year old daughter would be proud of. Laughable.
  8. The press guys are losing control. I'm just had a massive rant at Moxley & Matt Law (a villa fan by the way) at criticising everything concerning villa. Even telling Coop_86 to piss off when he just asked a simple question. Matt Law calls himself a Villa fan, however, he is having digs at everything concerning Villa. Not only that, he is trying to induce arguments with every Villa fan messaging him. And then, he has the audacity to say 'tempers are running high tonight'.
  9. Wow! It really is getting to them isn't it.
  10. Bollocks to the press, they're just trying to smoke out the facts from Villa by making stuff up **** them Yes, fair one. I re-evaluated my post after I sent it. If the general has specified that they are ignoring the press, I can't see how they would suddenly change their stance now. But, you can't please everyone. I'm sure a lot of fans want something to cling on to at least.
  11. I don't actually believe anything that is written in the press now tbh. It is becoming very comical. Is it partly Villa's fault for not addressing the media. No, I don't think it is. They have conducted themselves very profressionally. However, I do feel that someone needs to come out and address the media now. I know RL likes to keep things under wraps, but an official club statement needs to sent out to various media circles now just to assure the fans that there is no truth in these ridiculous rumours.
  12. Good post and i tend to agree, i too don't think there is any mileage in Moyes coming to us, for a slightly different reason. I don't think Moyes has done anything special for Everton, for us to be falling over ourselves to get him.....We are similar clubs in status and on the basis of what Moyes has done we will have 9 years of much the same. I think Moyes and Villa will be a match well suited and I think Everton as a club need a Fresh Face.....someone like Owen Coyle, maybe a good move all round, or even Owen Coyle to us...... but i think we all need freshening up. I'm not being disrespectful to him or Everton, but I think 9 years doing what he has done is time up and time for a fresh challenge......He is not going to get one of the really big jobs, in the same vein as Martin O'Neill hasn't, because they havn't proved to be quite good enough. albeit, both decent managers. I don't know who we will end up with, but I'm sure it won't be anyone who will set the heart strings racing.....It will be oh well, off we go again. Wow! I think you made your point with 4 posts
  13. Who knows. I think it may well happen. HOPES!!!! But Coyle may also be worth a punt coming to us, with mcleish going to bolton
  14. It isn't an ITK, but I thought this would be an interesting twist of things Clinging onto the fact...that Moyes will come. BUT NOT CONFIDENT!!
  15. I think we need to move on now. This guy is usually spot on. Not looking good if you ask me.
  16. Where does it state he has spoken to Kenwright! We shall see
  17. MYSTERYMAN parks player Posts: 81 Re: Who Should be Aston Villa Manager ? Now with new, revised poll « Reply #5803 on: Today at 05:56:12 PM »QuoteThis to me is either Meltdown for what I always believed aka Moyes or it's meltdown of Mo Johnson proportions . Do I know NO !!!!!
  18. LAUGHABLE!!!!!! He resigned by email by the way
  19. He's a winner. He won in Scotland and came down here to a bag of shit and took them to Wembley to beat a top 4 side. We went to Wembley apparently nearer to the top 4, and got beat pretty easily. I would rather have McLeish than Moyes as, like Hughes, McLeish has big club experience at Rangers and PL experience at the shit. He would be a great appointment. And I don't care about who he managed last, I care about the future of Aston Villa. Do you know something we don't? A message backing McLeish and then moments later news breaks that he has resigned? Or just a coincidence?
  20. Exactly my thoughts. It could maybe create a domino effect. We all knew that DM wouldn't resign from Everton, so maybe with McLeish resigning; that leaves the door open for Moyes to Villa. I hope. McLeish to Everton, Moyes to Villa, O'Neill to Birmingham. Sorted.
  21. The bookmakers are hilariousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss... McLeish 4/5 favourite. Whatever next - There is more chance of Alan McInally or Andy Gray getting the job than McLeish. So comical. We have now had 5 favourites for the job with Hughes, Benitez, McClaren, Martinez, and McLeish. Moyes, Grayson, Coyle have also been 2nd favourites. The bookies and the media are FARCICAL!!!
  22. So people what has been happening. Not a lot by the sounds of the last three pages talking about conspiracy theories on whether terrorists were behind the 9/11 & 7/7. I mean come on, what a joke this board has become. Anything Villa related to report?
  23. Depending on how long it takes for Everton to have a manager in place. If it's Hughes, then they have to wait until beginning of July. Who knows. Then Moyes is ours. lol HE HOPES
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