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Posts posted by limpid

  1. 14 hours ago, tinker said:

    At times we look unplayable other times disorganised.

    The officials were bad, the offside line was drawn from Bailey, who never had any involvement and a blatant penalty was ignored "because var wanted to support a novice ref who had missed it" 

    Who is this quoting?

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, Ouchmefoot said:

    15 others agree with you on the vote atm.

    I gave 'very poor' for the officiating in general. VAR shafted us twice and free kicks were given for nothing. Thankfully, it didn't cost us this time (unlike man u and newcastle)

    The vote is for "refereeing", not "referee". It's all the match officials.

    • Like 1
  3. Fulham v Villa

    Please do not mention streams or streaming in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.

  4. 42 minutes ago, ThunderPower_14 said:

    I'm generally against the wild overreach of heritage protection, it's a problem all over the world. There has to be a balance but there are groups of people for whom cities must exclusively be monuments to the past and any push towards progress so that they can be enjoyed by people is resisted.

    I can't speak for Oz, but cities in the UK have changed massively in the last ten years, primarily around reducing the number of cars and freeing up the space wasted on roads. There's plenty that can be done in cities without impacting historical or green spaces.

    • Like 1
  5. 35 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

    I presume there will be a lengthy appeal process 

    In order to appeal, he has to post a bond to cover the entire amount (plus accruing interest). His credit rating won't be good due to him being a fraud with a history of not paying debts. There will be a date by which he must make good which means that if he doesn't have cash on hand he'll probably have to hold a fire sale.

    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Kingman said:

    They also do this at Brighton, Your match ticket also includes free local public transport 

    Simply just show your match ticket to the bus driver or at the barrier of the train station and they let you on for free. 

    It'll be interesting to see how they do that in the world of contactless tickets. I guess they'll have to integrate with whatever contactless system public transport is using.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Talldarkandransome said:

    It won't just be the property or the park, there could be trees on the site that are protected. Just as much red tape as the property to touch those.

    It's likely that there is a conservation order covering the entirety of the park as well as listings on buildings and individual TPOs.

    • Like 2
  8. 40 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

    I used to sel a certain fanzine outside the ground, Mikey would appear and spend twenty minutes talking my ear off.

    Is that the programme mate?

    • Haha 3
  9. 59 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I’m exactly the same re phone size and why I stuck with apple for so long. 6.1/6.2” is plenty big enough imo. So many phones now are standard at 6.7”. I’d have been tempted to go for the Pixel 8 pro if it didn’t come with a bigger screen.

    Looking forward to getting my hands on it tomorrow, although I know it’ll be a long process to setup as apple passwords and stuff won’t come across. Things like banking apps which seamlessly opened with a face id check will be a pain to get going I’m sure.

    I’m looking forward to not having to deal with iTunes.

    Pixel (Google) doesn't sell enough devices to do more than the the three current variants. Samsung would sell a small form factor flagship if they thought there was sufficient demand and they'd know. Perhaps the Flip would be a better form factor?

  10. 10 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I have been with Apple for ages and looking for a change. The pixel 8 looks amazing. I’d go Pro if it didn’t come with a bigger handset, 6.2” is perfect for me.

    I think I know the answer and was just looking for some reassurance. As I mentioned before I do quite a bit of video recording and editing for my sons football team and from what I can tell the Pixel is miles ahead of what ios can do (things like editing out wind noise).

    And I can't help with that as I don't do anything with video :mrgreen:

    • Haha 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Pretty poor or pretty good?

    I can’t verify it myself having never used them but I have read about people moving from 3 to ID assuming it would be the same but cheaper and noticed a degradation in signal strength and data speed.

    Poor. It worked where I need it, but was patchy everywhere else (including VP). I bet they changed device at the same time. or this was just a cognitive bias. Data speed drops are completely possible, and as a consumer you can't measure signal strength (the bars shown are pretty much a fiction).

  12. 10 hours ago, Genie said:

    Does anyone have the Pixel 8? I’m seriously thinking about taking a break from iPhone and giving Android another whirl.

    I have a 7 pro, but couldn't see the value in upgrading. Is there anything specific you want to know?

  13. 11 hours ago, Genie said:

    Other consideration is that ID are comfortably cheapest because they have comfortably the weakest signal. 

    Whilst they use the 3 network many people report that for some reason the signal is even weaker on ID than on 3.

    I do not believe this effect is real. I'm sure people say it, but it won't actually be happening. I moved from 3 mainly because of their customer services, but the coverage was pretty poor.

  14. 3 hours ago, villa89 said:

    That doesn't sound realistic to me. Can't imagine launching a nuclear warhead on a rocket made of combustible fuel is hugely safe. And how do you decommission the satellite at its end of life? Can't just crash a nuke into the sea. 


    My guess is election interference or Russian funding Trump/MAGA indirectly. 

    It's extraordinarily difficult to set off a nuclear weapon. Putting one on a rocket is not particularly risky. It's how missiles work.

  15. 3 hours ago, Genie said:

    If you google youtube ripper there’s loads of places to choose from. Just paste the url of the video and hit download. 

    Make sure there are no copyright restrictions of course before you do it…

    And that the software doesn't add you to a botnet or steal all your stuff.

    • Like 1
  16. 43 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

    Is there a way to do this? There's a few people I enjoy listening to who have done 'remakes' of songs, not released or anything - just for fun. I wanna add them to my iphone playlists. Is there a way to rip the audio from youtube and turn it into an MP3 so I can upload to my iTunes?

    If you subscribe to YouTube, you can play videos in the background without converting.

  17. Villa v Man United

    Please do not mention streams or streaming in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.

  18. 27 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    Amazon seems to have various sellers offering cheap Microsoft Office downloads. How is that then? 

    The seller makes their money from selling your data or adding your device to their botnet.

    • Shocked 1
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