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Posts posted by limpid

  1. 12 hours ago, Xann said:

    It was just a just a brief blip. The next post in Off Topic corrected it.

    No problems since.

    Thanks for your time ;)

    It's probably a bug, but not worth escalating it unless we can reproduce it. I'll keep an eye open.

    Please tick solved / up vote.

  2. 1 hour ago, Xann said:

    Wow - Never noticed an author being misassigned like that. Is it a split second timing thing?

    Aware that it's happened when you've done maintenance previously.

    Sorry, I'd completely misunderstood what you were saying. I thought you were commenting on the "last post" on the index not matching the most recent post in the forum.

    You didn't mention posters and the subject doesn't help :mrgreen:

    I' e been trying to reproduce it since I realised and I can't even though the match thread is so fast moving.

    Did you try clearing cookies and cache in case it's just something cached in your browser?



  3. West Ham v Villa

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  4. Welcome!

    Google translate


    Hello to all Aston Villa fans.

    I have been a supporter of Lille OSC for decades now, and it is with great pleasure that we will participate in the first European quarter-final in our history...

    For this event, there is an opponent that we did not want to meet , Aston Villa. Because you are the huge favorite in this competition.

    We would have preferred to meet you in the final.

    In short, fate wanted it to be in shift. So be it.

    We have our chances, and I believe that we will (and must) play hard in both matches. Our coach Paulo Fonseca likes European competitions, the group wants to do well...

    Our strengths are our game based on possession of the ball, a certain technical ease with good technicians (Yazici, Haraldsson, Cabella), dribbling wingers and fast (Zegrova, Ounas), our best player and scorer, Jonathan David who will surely play next year in the Premier League. Two experienced defensive midfielders (André and Bentaleb), and a fairly interesting defense with a fairly solid hinge (Alexandro, Yoro our young nugget and Diakité), and good wingers like the young Tiago Santos, Ismaily or our Swede Gudmonsson.

    Not to mention our excellent goalkeeper from our training center, Lucas Chevalier (French hopeful team, and who will one day have the position with the A)

    In any case it is with great respect and great pleasure that we will play your impressive team.

    Sports friendships and good luck in your race for the Champions League!

    PS: a kiss to our Lucas Digne!!


    • Like 3
  5. 8 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

    I think there is a question of working in an ideal world vs working with the world we live in. I am pretty confident that Republicans would find reasons to disqualify candidates from standing in states where they control the legislature if the precedent is set with Trump. As a general principle I think it is better to leave it to the people to decide their choices for representation than give the power to the legislature.

    Which was why they have the option of making a decision without setting precedent.

    If everything should be decided by the people, why have separation of powers?

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    It would be interesting to know the stats for Royal Mail losing post and delivering it inexplicably late, versus the number of fake voters that were turning up at polling stations.

    No idea for the first number (how would anyone know :mrgreen:), but the second is very small. Sm small that the motivation for voter ID was not related to fraud.

    5 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    The mail around here is in a state of collapse, we’ll get nothing for 4 or 5 days and then we’ll get a bunch of mail delivered and a few of them won’t even be for this address.

    I must admit, I usually hand mine in at my polling station as I'km usually local. It's not like they send them out at the last minute though.

  7. 17 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    One of the weird things is the proximity data stuff - so they track your phone against the phones that your phone is regularly near, which means that they know when it's your partners birthday and can tailor adverts to you for the stuff she's been looking at. 

    Who is "they" in this sentence? Phone networks can only trace you if you are both on the same network.. Apple claim that they are privacy first. Do you mean apps? If so, there's a simple solution....

    You can turn all proximity stuff on Android, and I assume on iOS. On Android, apps have to specifically ask for permission to interact with local devices.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Genie said:

    Firstly, it is urging me to vote from home in the next election and to scan the QR code to apply for a postal vote. Are they preparing for The Tories setting the GE at an inconvenient time? 

    It could be because it's proven difficult to get the word out about voter ID. You don't need voter ID for postal votes. Also postal votes tend to be good for people with busy lives .

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, LondonLax said:

    We have no way of knowing whether they made the right decision or not but I find some logic in their reasoning, being that if they allowed states to decide their own candidates the ultimate solution would be that ‘red’ states only allow ‘red’ candidates and ‘blue’ states would only allow ‘blue’ candidates. That would make the system unworkable, even if that’s what the constitution actually says should happen. 

    That would be fair, but only if the candidates are disqualified according to the constitution. Many people already are. I am disqualified and cannot be on a US presidential ballot.

    If people are hoping that everything will be fine this time, even with the evidence of the last election's aftermath, then I don't know what to say. In my opinion, if you allow the insurrectionist to get to a vote, he'll be much more of a problem, win or lose, than not letting him get to the vote at all.

    They could have chosen to adjudicate on this case without setting precedent and highlighted that this part of constitution needs clarifying by the lawmakers.

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, blandy said:

    With the election being on a Thursday, if it’s in term time, then many students will be unable to get to their home town to vote, so are better off voting where they go to uni, surely. At least they get to vote that way. Yes I know postal votes and proxy votes, but still. Obviously if the election is in half term, then the opposite applies, but they spend more time at the uni town than home town, don’t they? 

    I think most students still think of home as where they are from, not where they study. I don't have a strong feeling about which they choose to register in.

    I've had a postal vote since I was a student. I don;'t understand why most people don't have one. An increasing circle of my friends have them now. It means you can fill them in at your leisure rather than doing something on a certain day.

  11. 19 minutes ago, LondonLax said:

    Their interpretation of the issue was politically expedient. They could have chosen to interpret states to have the rights to establish their own electoral systems if they wished, there was plenty of legal opinion supporting their right to do this prior to the case being decided. 

    The states do run their own "election systems". They always have. Citizens vote within their state and then members of the state electoral college votes for the president. They are supposed to vote according to the wishes of their electorate, but this is not required in law and different states do this part differently (some states have all electors vote for the winning candidate in their state, some vote reflecting the split of their electorate).

    This is the very core of at least one of the criminal cases he's fighting where he tried to install fake electors.

    The SCOTUS has decided that for article 14.3, the states do not run their own election. I can assume that a deal was done.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Anthony said:

    On android you can see what permissions an app asks for in theory. I read a thread a while ago on reddit about Tiktok and its devious arseholery. I'll see if I can dig it up. 

    Are they much different to the Facebook app permissions? The app went from my phone as soon as it asked for microphone access at any time. and that was years ago. I returned a Sony phone because Facebook was preinstalled and couldn't be removed.

    It's the same argument as "Huawai 5G is bad" because the USA needs you to use Qualcomm so that it can access the traffic.

    It wouldn't be so bad, but if Trump wins I think I'd rather be spied on by China.

  13. UECL16: Villa v Ajax

    Please do not mention streams or streaming in this thread. Please note that there is no distinction between legal or illegal, video or audio. If you aren't sure, it doesn't go in this thread. You will receive warning points if you ignore this.

  14. 9 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    The ticket is already stored on my phone in my email account. I make contactless payments with my card and I don't have to charge it every night. 

    Anyways, hopefully everyone gets into the ground in an orderly fashion and we don't end up with queues - get there early is probably good advice.

    It's a lot more secure to use your phone for payments than to use a card. You have to hope your email client still has that email cached if you haven't got connectivity at the turnstile. If everyone that can use contactless, did use contactless, the queues wouldn't be as long.

    But the choice is yours and this is veering off topic.

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