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Posts posted by Delphouneso

  1. On my second play through on Survivor+ difficulty, which is described as being more difficult than normal Survivor difficulty, but I don't know whether that extra difficulty is enough to compensate for having already unlocked most of the talent trees? You'd assume so, but thus far it's not been as difficult as I was expecting, though I'm not too far in, and I think the fact I tend to avoid using guns where possible means I'm not really noticing the lack of ammo all that much.

    I'm really enjoying how detailed this game is as well. I thought I'd been quite thorough the first time through but I'm noticing even more second time around. There's some interesting references in letters/dialogue to events later in the game, or characters who've yet to appear that I wouldn't have clocked first time through, stuff that carries some extra weight knowing what's to come, but also little (or big) environmental details that I either hadn't noticed or hadn't clicked that actually add a lot more depth to either the story or the characters involved.

    Slight gameplay spoiler:


    Discovered you can 'crack' safes by listening pretty closely, the correct numbers make a sort of 'clack' sound. It's not really a big thing it's not difficult to find the codes anyway and is actually quite a fun process ('call Staci for a good time') but a fun little quirk anyhow. Note using this method doesn't give you the correct sequence for the numbers, just lets you know which three you need.

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  2. I've not tried it myself and I'm not sure I'd use it on my first play-through but I read you can turn on 'enhanced listen mode' in the accessibility options to 'scan' an area for items. Might be a useful half-way house between googling and maintaining immersion.

    • Like 1
  3. Finished it yesterday, thought it was brilliant.

    Don't need to go into how good the game looks, but it does. Enjoyed the updated combat mechanics, melee kills feel really satisfying and well earned, the enemies feel less scripted, stealth seemed a bit more difficult to accomplish at points during the game but the addition of full prone and larger more detailed environments again makes the process more engaging and more rewarding, stealth killing an entire area without being spotted is immensely satisfying. Hate the dogs.

    I had the same problem as I had in the first (and in many other games actually) which is largely my own fault for being a compulsive completionist in that I can't leave anything un-explored, and so rather than enjoying the splendid environment I ended up spending large portions of the game with the camera pointed at the floor/walls looking for items. I only include it as a slight criticism because I wouldn't do it if the game didn't reward me for doing it, however I will say (as far as I'm aware) they didn't hide items during key plot points. And actually whilst rooting around for collectables can sometimes be a distraction collecting and reading all the letters really added to my enjoyment of the game.

    As for the story:


    I honestly don't get the hate the game is getting. Although it seems most of it is directed at Abby being ugly and Joel dying. I can't help but feel most of the people criticising the story would've preferred 20 hours of prancing round Jackson re-hashing old times with Joel.

    I think it does a brilliant job of making you feel uncomfortable, it makes you question the violence you commit, it makes you question your loyalty to certain characters and the decisions they make. I've seen a lot of criticisms about Abby being unlikeable and that the game tries to force you to like her, but I don't think it's that at all. I don't think you're supposed to like her, but that doesn't mean you can't empathise with her. That walk back into the aquarium knowing what was in there and that I/Ellie was responsible was brutal. And I think that's the whole point the game is trying to make, these aren't black and white good/bad one dimensional characters, and the decisions you make aren't clear cut right or wrong.

    Parts of the story feel a bit forced, and yes they beat you over the head with certain themes, but overall I found it thoroughly enjoyable. I probably could've done without California, and I'm not convinced playing as Abby in the theatre was a great call, but I get why they made those decisions.

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  4. Just got back from the supermarket. I saw a man who I'd put in his 80s coming out with nothing but a bag of potatoes, another older gentleman with nothing but milk and bread, and a woman of a similar age loudly declare she'd 'had enough of this distancing rubbish'. There were also loads of couples going in together despite being told that if two of them were going in they'd have to wait for two people to come out thus further holding up the rest of the queue.

    The builders on the site opposite our house also seem to have gone back to work as normal, and the amount of traffic on the roads didn't seem out of the ordinary for any other Wednesday.

    Whitty was right when he said people would get bored of the restrictions if they imposed them too early, but I'm not even sure he imagined it would happen this quickly.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Awol said:

    So the question is are we likely to be in lockdown until the virus is finally stamped out across all of GB,  (potentially a few months away) or does economic reality mean trying to open up the country one region at a time while imposing strict internal restrictions on travel? Could that even work? 


    Might be some staffing issues if they decide to restart the economy in London whilst still restricting travel out of Devon.

  6. 1 hour ago, tonyh29 said:

    Interesting that now I’m not working and life in general is slow and relaxed as you can’t go anywhere other than the supermarket  , I see the Lycra brigade out on their bikes taking up 3/4s of the road and think , fair play getting some exercise .... rather than get out the effing way you Lycra wearing clearing in the woods 



    I know you're not being overly serious, and if the cyclists are indeed taking up 3/4 of the road some of them are driving into oncoming traffic, but it's actually safer for cyclists to ride side by side than in single file, and safer for you to overtake them. See crude illustration below:



    That being said if they're not all from the same household they shouldn't be out on group rides giving the rest of us a bad name.

  7. 8 hours ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

    Lets not forget we got to the semi finals because Brighton, Wolves and Liverpool all fielded their kids. Has to be the easiest route to a semi final in history maybe bar England at the World Cup :)

    We've had a fairly favourable run but we're not the only ones. Man City have played Preston, Southampton, and Oxford. Leicester have played Luton, Burton, and scraped past a struggling Everton. And Manure's only difficult game was Chelsea's second string, their other games were Rochdale and Colchester. And it's not like we've been playing our first XI.

  8. 2 minutes ago, villalad21 said:

    Problem with VAR is it's not consistent.

    I've seen penalties before this season with keepers stepping out of their line before the kick and it hasn't been re taken.

    That's a refereeing issue not a VAR issue.


    1 minute ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

    They allow for re-takes for encroachment when the pen is missed but im fairly certain they never have to be re-taken when theyre scored. 

    I'd assume that's cause the encroaching players become 'active' if there's a rebound.

  9. Many Rivers to Cross by Jimmy Cliff, Angel by Aretha Franklin, and I've always had this fantasy that some beautiful, tearful woman would insist on You're the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me by Gladys Knight. But who would that woman be?




    Sorry, couldn't help myself.

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  10. 2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    Well, we'll see. 

    Why though? I realise my post may have come across as dismissive rather than curious, I should rephrase: what makes you think the women's record is going to go <2:00 within the next ten years?

    As I said the likes of Dibaba and Cheruiyot - both superior athletes to Paula on the track - can't get within 2 minutes of the current WR, where do you think they're going to find those 17 minutes from? I appreciate we can never really predict when the next big breathrough is gonna come, and I guess we haven't really had one since altitude, but to assume one is round the corner is speculative at best, and without looking at the data I doubt any great breakthroughs - barring the early revelations that training helps you run faster and drinking water isn't just for pussies - have managed to bridge a gap anything like 10%. Given similar artificial conditions to today's effort it's not unreasonable to think someone like Mary Keitany could go <2:15, but that's still a lot of ground to make up.

    Again I don't mean to come across as dismissive, it's a subject I find fascinating and I'm genuinely curious to know your reasoning.

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