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Posts posted by Kwan

  1. The point is that passing accuracy by itself is a meaningless stat. It's a descriptive stat, as useful as saying that someone scored a goal or an assist. There's no context or analysis of it so when Bannan has an 85% passing accuracy compared to Cabaye's 64% passing accuracy, it's absolutely stupid to say, "Well, Bannan is the better passer."

  2. Bannan had better passing accuracy.


    Cabaye had the better shot on goal.


    You're being dense if you think that's all that means. Do you know a site that displays the passing charts?

  3. I think he's obviously limited and very frustrating in terms of consistency, but he has a role to play.


    He's one of the few players that can hold up the ball well, get at the opponent with some pace, and track back as well. He's not a good footballer by any means, but it sure beats trotting out two wing backs.

  4. Half of our problems would be solved if we stopped playing this shit 5-x-x formation.


    It sucks. Its awful. It leaves our midfield bare and provides no cover on the flanks. It literally has no uses.

  5. It's not that Bannan doesn't hide from the ball, it's just that he doesn't work hard to get into space for it. Rarely do you see him making a run forward or dart around to lay it off to a defender. He sits in front of the back four and why would KEA want to pass it there?


    I'd get KEA back in the side just for a change of pace.

  6. I think there's a player in there somewhere. He started off strong and confident, but got a little tentative in the games he played.


    A combination of








    That would be workable.

  7. Just as some people use cardigans to claim Bannan is shit, Con uses statistics to hide the fact that Bannan is shit.

    He's not the worst player on the team but this is his ceiling and that's what everyone knows. He's not going to get better. He is what he is, a tiny midfielder unable to tackle that can keep the game moving from side to side and that's it.

    Yippee dee doo Bannan.

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