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Posts posted by AValon

  1. This has been going on for so long it beggars belief.....and a lot of the participants are middle-aged or older for christs sake!

    The banters brilliant, thats what its all about and you can't wait to wind everybody up when it goes our way...........but this?

  2. I'm refusing to even entertain the possibility of losing to these half-wits. The bragging rights going to the blue side of the family (in-laws, not blood relatives you understand) would severely put a dampener on my xmas.

    The blosers have no skill, no class and no chance (fingers crossed, toes crossed, picked up a lucky penny today etc etc).


  3. A draw would have been totally unflattering. If we had won old Arsene would have topped himself!

    The defence was a collective shambles and it was hard to single out anyone from that piss-poor showing. Clark impressed for sheer effort second half and Ireland actually got stuck in, but there was'nt a fat lot else worth mentioning.

    Not looking forward to sha much.

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