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Posts posted by Condimentalist

  1. May I ask which newspaper/s is/are reliable? I've got a general feeling that every rumour in the papers are never reliable. :? At least when it comes to british newspapers according to you englishmen.

    Yeah, thats about right.

    It might hold more credibility if its reported by a broadsheet (or what used to be a broadsheet) i.e. The Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph but they don't usually report rumours and The Times is becoming unreliable as well.

    If a rumour is reported in several papers then it probably holds some truth.

  2. I don't think Darren Bent can keep Charlton up.

    The only realistic chance of survival they have is cashing in on their only valuable asset and use the money to get a few cheaper players that might keep them up.

    I'm not saying Villa should get Darren Bent (they might not even want him) but in my opinion, Charlton seriously need to consider selling him.


    In January they could hope for £12million or so for him. That could be spent on 4 or 5 new additions (and they need new players all over the park) to keep them up.

    What happens if they don't sell him and he suffers a loss of form or is injured?

    I'll tell you what, they're completely **** and they wish they'd sold him in January.

  3. Its a fair article Malc.

    What I'd say is that expectation levels are very very high amongst some supporters and the reality is that it's hard in January to get real quality in, regardless of what Ratboy and Curbishley have to say. They don't want people building up their hopes to be disappointed.

    For me, it's the old adage of under promise and over deliver.

  4. What is all this 'scaring the shit out of the opposition' bollocks?

    They're pro-footballers, not 8 year old girls.

    If you want to scare them, why don't we put some tarantula's in the away dressing room? or get the team to play in Frankenstein masks?

    What we actually want is a good song that is memorable, personal, unique and easy to sing along to.

    You mean like Spizz, PC?

    Yes, LIKE Spizz, but just not that song. Unless it changes quite a lot.

    At the moment it only fills the categories of personal and unique. Doesn't get ticks alongside good, memorable or easy to sing along to.

  5. What is all this 'scaring the shit out of the opposition' bollocks?

    They're pro-footballers, not 8 year old girls.

    If you want to scare them, why don't we put some tarantula's in the away dressing room? or get the team to play in Frankenstein masks?

    What we actually want is a good song that is memorable, personal, unique and easy to sing along to.

  6. Reo-Coker is a over-rated. Thats all there is to it. He did well for much of last season (as did most of their players) and this year is playing shite.

    I would argue that after being fecked over by his club he's a little unmotivated this year. A bit like our squad and management last year. Its amazing what a little motivation can do for a players attitude.

    Reo-Coker is EXACTLY the kind of player MON would target I reckon, young, English, huge potential and pissed off with his current club.

    ........... I would speculate we've already signed him!

    I would speculate that we havn't.

    I would also argue that his potential is not huge and that he's not going to get that much better than he already is.

    Decent player, thats all, wouldn't improve us much.

    Both Man Utd and Arsenal approached West Ham to sign him in the Summer. This is why he's pissed off at the moment. If we beat the "big boys" and signed a player that they were after I'd be thrilled......... wouldn't you?

    Not if he wouldn't improve us that much, no, and I don't believe he would.

    I very much doubt that United are still interested in him. Arsenal might be but it really doesn't make any difference who's after him, doesn't make them any better i.e. Jeffers and our very own Djemba-Djemba.

  7. Reo-Coker is a over-rated. Thats all there is to it. He did well for much of last season (as did most of their players) and this year is playing shite.

    I would argue that after being fecked over by his club he's a little unmotivated this year. A bit like our squad and management last year. Its amazing what a little motivation can do for a players attitude.

    Reo-Coker is EXACTLY the kind of player MON would target I reckon, young, English, huge potential and pissed off with his current club.

    ........... I would speculate we've already signed him!

    I would speculate that we havn't.

    I would also argue that his potential is not huge and that he's not going to get that much better than he already is.

    Decent player, thats all, wouldn't improve us much.

  8. It will be very interesting to see what Curbs wants with Tevez and Mascherano.

    I actually feel sorry for the players; they have ruined their careers a fair bit by

    joining that shitty club.

    I've been waiting for Mascherano's name to come up. Granted he hasn't had a great time at Wet Sham but he is a top quality defensive midfielder and also has something to prove now in the Prem - namely, that he's not cack. Under MON's wing he could be a revelation at VP between Barry and Petrov and I'd love us to have a punt for him.

    Puts tin hat on and awaits incoming....

    I agree with you, but it would depend on the fee. Anything above £4million would be too much of a gamble.

  9. Reo-Coker is a over-rated. Thats all there is to it. He did well for much of last season (as did most of their players) and this year is playing shite.

    What about him is so good?

    FWIW I wouldn't be suprised to see West Ham go in for Bent ans sell 2 of their other strikers, Cant Control would probably be one and Tevez/Zamora/Harewood the other.

    Doesn't mean they'd get him though.

  10. Good point Blandy, needs to be taken in to consideration.

    Out of interest, do you not want a discount because you weren't on the front line so to speak?

    It's going OT, but no, not that beasley.

    I was in the royal air force - clearly the most intelligent of the services - in the Army, the Men go to war and the officers stay behind. In the Navy they all go to war in a boat, but in the RAF the officers go to war and the Men stay back at base :)*

    Anyway, it's because, er, I guess there has to be a line somewhere, and I just see pensioner ex-servicemen and women and people who are currently serving on the other side of that line to people like myself, who are neither of those. Where do you draw the line - firemen, policemen nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, councillors, politicians (Gah!) etc. - I know they're not military, but they still serve us lot one way or another.

    * I know it's not strictly true, but for comedic effect...

    I thought that was what you were getting at Blandy, and I think you're right.

  11. General Krulak here:

    1. Nialler has a good suggestion here. I will send it to our marketing folks...we may well be able to set up some sort of "package"...and everyone come out a winner. Thanks.

    2. I checked the coordinates given...you just destroyed the loo in Randy's new home!!!! To whom do I send the bill??

    Semper Fidelis, General Krulak


    Very good.

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