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Everything posted by Django_Zooms

  1. Hate to be the one to highlight that your love for your kitchen is ruining you as a World Cup spectator.
  2. It does go well with dozing in the shade on a boiling afternoon.
  3. Peter, the creator of the Clangers, has died. No, not Enckelman. RIP.
  4. Should England get to the semi-final, not much to fear here. Croatia will probably beat them in the QF, anyway.
  5. Ignashevich sounds like the Russian for razor burn and indeed his hairstyle will save work for the barber at the Siberian gulag where Putin will now be sending him.
  6. Coaches: “Defenders, at set plays ensure that you rugby tackle attackers, to concede either a penalty or an own goal.”
  7. Oh look Suarez took another hit to the head. Not.
  8. Uruguay do look tired after their massive effort and the talisman is off with a calf strain. Undeserved hope for Portugal?
  9. Only set piece goals and superb defending will win England this tournament. Oh well, 1 out of 2 ain’t bad...
  10. And 10 of in 2 matches is stunning, compared with the years of playing cautiously and for penalties.
  11. Rashford and Sterling: watch how Cavani actually hits the target.
  12. Just like Micah Richards. Ah, no, I thought you wrote excrement.
  13. Huh. Shame on me, I didn’t even notice. Uruguay coach has them all up for this.
  14. Second time that talented footballer but dreadful cheat Suarez has backed into a defender and gone down holding his head, when nothing touched his head.
  15. Caceres is playing like someone who really wants to win, at right WB. Plays CB for Lazio.
  16. Just as well that England will not be facing France before the Final...
  17. Let’s pray that none of the first 11 + Lofty get injured.
  18. Bring Wellbeck on to make sure we don’t score! ?
  19. Naive Belgium, as I said... And who still rates Danny Rose?
  20. Yes, England are so naive while Belgium are already planning for Colombia then Switzerland then Spain, laughing at England facing Japan then Brazil then Argentina or Uruguay.
  21. If England beat Belgium & then Japan or Senegal or Colombia, the quarter final will be versus Brazil or Mexico, at 7pm on Friday 6th. If England lose to Belgium, then beat Japan or Senegal or Colombia, the QF will be versus Switzerland or Sweden, at 3pm on Saturday 7th..... C’mon Belgium! ?
  22. In 1978 Argentine had to win their last group match 4-0 to progress and ‘somehow’ they managed 6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2098970/Argentina-cheated-World-Cup-1978-says-Peru-senator.html
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