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Posts posted by markavfc40

  1. Martin O'Neills job is to do what is best for Aston Villa football club not to worry about hurting the feelings of a player that no longer wants to be part of the club.

    Reading between the lines it appears Milner intimated in a meeting with the club before the world cup that he wanted out. The club around this time had a bid from Man City which does not meet our valuation. It appears that since then we have been back in touch with Milner, either directly or via his agent to again see if James would like to discuss a new contract seeing as Man City have still not met our valuation. James as refused to discuss a new deal and again stated a desire to leave. Therefore Mon has gone public in the hope that it will help push through a deal and to make it known that the player is adament he wants out despite the club wanting to offer him a new contract.

    The club could not allow this to drag on especially as the player is due back for pre season training on Monday and Mancinni is doing interviews stating he is interested in Milner. This is our way I'd guess of saying to Man City publically you know the valuation now lets get the deal done and to James you've made your bed and we're letting everyone know so as not to show the club in a bad light.

  2. What's Milner got to be 'angry' about? He clearly wants to leave, and MON has basically given him his wish providing a fee is agreed?

    If this story in the Guardian is true then I'd suggest that James is unhappy that it has become public knowledge that he never had any intention of signing a new deal with the club despite saying, before the world cup, that he would meet with club officials and discuss his future after the world cup.

  3. Welcome back General, hope you have had and continue to have a nice summer and are in good health.

    1. Regarding James Milner: No matter what happens re. Milner...and NOTHING has been decided...I promise!! James has conducted himself as a true professional. He has kept his head down and is watching what happens with interest. He has worked his socks off for us and I have a lot of respect for the man.

    General, I am not so sure that James has conducted himself that well if what Mon said regarding him stating, via his agent, that he is not interested in discussing a new contract, is true. I'd suggest that is basically saying to the club sell me this summer or my value will decline rapidly as my contract runs down. We have given this lad a platform to perform and in my opinion the manager has helped to turn him from a decent player to a very good player in two years. Hardly seems a way to thank the club by not being interested in showing some loyalty.

    Out of interest General as a fan how do you feel about other clubs cherry picking our best players?

    Also would you agree that it may be in our interests to tie down both Ashley and Gabby to longer contracts, than the two years they have remaining, before the vultures come a calling.

    Good to have you back General.


  4. [

    I know what I said and I didn't say we would be **** over.

    OK Trent I apologise you said they had us over a barrel. That to me suggested we will be **** over. Which I hope you'd agree, given the owners and managers actions and reputation gained whilst at Aston Villa, is not going to be the case.

  5. I'd say its far better that other clubs think we only have the James Milner money rather than believing we have the Milner money on top of a nice little transfer kitty we already had set aside.

    City don't increase the original offer they don't get James Milner. There is not a cat in hells chance Martin O'Neill and Randy Lerner will be **** over a barrell by these ****. I'd have hoped you'd have had more respect for Mr Lerner and Mon given everything that has happened over the last 4 years.

    My views on what O'Neill says to the press have zero to do with my views on Randy they don't even relate to my views on O'Neill as a manager.

    I just don't think that saying the player wants to go and we haven't any other money to spend is a very smart move in the circumstances.

    I may be proven wrong we will have to see but please don't put words in my mouth that it means I have no respect for O'Neill or for Randy.

    You said

    I fail to see it I really do. I can though imagine there is little chance of City increasing their offer, they have us over a barrel. We have told the world he wants to go and we need to sell to buy. That is a terrible position to be in.

    You believe City have us over a barrel which equates to having our manager and owner over a barrel. Nothing Randy Lerner or Martin O'Neill have done over the last 4 years suggests to me they are going to be **** over a barrel by anyone let alone Man City. Like I said if you believe that the chairman and manager will be **** over by these clowns then in my opinion that shows a lack of respect given what as happened over the last 4 years.

    We won't be had over by Man City and will get the money we want for Milner. If not he stays. Of that I am 100% certain. You take the opposite view, I honestly haven't a clue why given our transfer dealings under Randy, but that is your preogative.

  6. [

    He knows that with most likely having 20mill in the bank from the sale of Milner there is great potential for other clubs to try to charge us inflated fees. If by being cute he can stop that happening then good on him.

    If we sell Milner for £20m everyone will know we have £20m. His comments today aren't going to change that or some how confuse people into thinking we have less. So I repeat, what is the benefit of his comments today? How are they going to be beneficial in dealing with Man City or Sullivan which was the other example raised.

    I fail to see it I really do. I can though imagine there is little chance of City increasing their offer, they have us over a barrel. We have told the world he wants to go and we need to sell to buy. That is a terrible position to be in.

    I'd say its far better that other clubs think we only have the James Milner money rather than believing we have the Milner money on top of a nice little transfer kitty we already had set aside.

    City don't increase the original offer they don't get James Milner. There is not a cat in hells chance Martin O'Neill and Randy Lerner will be **** over a barrell by these ****. I'd have hoped you'd have had more respect for Mr Lerner and Mon given everything that has happened over the last 4 years.

  7. Agree to disagree mate. The less he says straight about money the better. I do not believe for one single second that he doesn't know EXACTLY what the financial position is.

    He needs to off load players from the wage bill because the squad will be too big (25 limit). It is sell to buy if you can only register 25 players why have a squad of 30? No necessarily sell to buy because we are skint - I don't buy that at all.

    I'm with Denis on this.

    This is nothing new from Mon. He as always been very vauge when it comes to issues surrounding what money we have to spend and more often than not talks in riddles.

    He knows that with most likely having 20mill+ in the bank from the sale of Milner there is great potential for other clubs to try to charge us inflated fees. If by being cute he can stop that happening then good on him.

    This will all play out in the wash anyway and come August 31st we'll all know what the situation really is/was. I'm optimistic things will work out fine. Nothing over the last 4 years can lead me to believe otherwise.

  8. Just a thought, and this really is clutching as straws but...

    Oneill sounds like he's not spoken to Milner since the world cup. Maybe Milner may have had time to soften his stance a little?

    Mon said that our cheif executive is in contact with Milners agent so I dare say that the feedback they are getting is that he still wants out.

    I have a feeling this will be resolved before Milner is due back for pre season training on Monday. If not he will be very uncomfortable returning to training with it out in the open that he know longer wants be to here.

  9. I can't say I'm too bothered so long as we get good money for him.

    He hasn't been with the club long enough for me to get any emotional attachment to him and as the **** wants out then I'm not going to lose any sleep over him going.

    As for how this will reflect on us as a club I don't think it will have a detrimental effect and suddenly make us a feeder club. Its recently happened to the likes of Arsenal with Adebayor and Toure and now possibly Fabregas and its even happened to Man Utd with Ronaldo wanting out.

    We'll get an exceptional amount of money, far more than what James is actually worth in my opnion. I have a belief that Mon will spend it well and hopefully we'll again improve next season.

    Bottom line is that the only consistant about any club is the supporters as players, managers and owners will always come and go. Keep the faith.

  10. So the plan is to sack someone doing a worthwhile job in the public sector then get someone or a number of people to that job for **** all. Maybe the guy they've just put on the dole would be up for it. Hey theres an idea maybe we should all work for **** all.

  11. I actually didn't say anything about Milner. As someone else pointed out he's still on leave.

    Was merely saying the fact that Heskey is still be using in promotion pics for new kits on official site suggests that Heskey might not be about to leave (Celtic) anytime soon.

    I know you didn't mention Milner but the point I was making was that Milner two years ago was used in promo pics by Newcastle but left before the end of August. Heskey, as you pointed out, has been used in promo pics by us but, as in Milners case at Newcastle, could still leave by the end of August.

    The promo pics mean **** all.

  12. Heskey was used in the promotion pics for new kit on the official site tho.

    Which would suggest he isn't leaving yet.

    I wouldn't read too much into these things either way as it means **** all.

    Two years ago Milner was promoting the Newcastle Kit. By the end of August he was an Aston Villa player.

  13. Think if that's the level it's resorted to Mark then I'm done with the thread

    It's clear the opposition have got nothing to say

    I think your spot on Tony and it has unfortunately resorted to the level of our country being **** over in everyway possible and led by incompetent lieing bastards.

    Oh well I am still hopeful that the Liberals will see sense ( those that haven't been given a cabinet sweetner to keep stum ) and rebel against these Tory fuckwits **** over our health system, childrens education, our safety, putting millions out of work and hitting us in the pocket for the privelege. If not we'll have to ride out the storm and having again seen them for what they are I'm very confident that we won't see a Tory government for a long, long, long time. Heavy price to pay though for such a hard lesson.

    Like I said I agree with you shame its resorted to such a level but its those fools who voted Tory who are to blame.

  14. In the short time they have been in power they have attempted to change the way that the country is run to suppress dissenting voices in Parliament, it seems that their supporters on this message board want to follow the same rules.

    A gvmt which basically has little mandate for the appalling measures they are inflicting on this country - no mandate because they were never voted in as a joint party nor are they following any of their manifesto pledges, is worthy of comment. The media are doing it every day so why can't we?

    I genuinely think Ian that the problem is that some are now brain dead from wanking themselves stupid when these pratts formed a government that they can no longer see what is right in front of them and that this country is now being **** over in everyway possible by these incompetent, unelected, lieing bastards.

  15. So what you are saying is that NO set of figures should be accepted? The liars in Gvmt seem to believe them so maybe they are not true?

    Your pissing in the wind Ian as the Tory boys and girls on here will never accept anything that Labour did over the last 13 years was of any use.

    The total denial of facts make some look very very stupid and a little sad.

  16. What, as in starting 11?

    yes, they've been patient enough and it's clear they are ready bar maybe Gardner

    Not a chance that Albrighton should be starting ahead of Downing or Ash, Delfouneso ahead of Gabby or Carew, Delph ahead of Jimmy or Stan and Clark ahead of Collins, Dunne, Cuellar or Davies.

    These lads have a lot of potetntial but they are not yet ready to be starting ahead of established, Premiership and in many cases International players who are for the most part performing to a high standard.

  17. the ConDem's have sent out emails to their MP's "warning" them not to come out with anything embarrassing about schools in their own constituencies. Another appalling act from an already disgraceful Gvmt

    So if a MP doesn't agree with what is now happening its a case of keep your mouth shut and tow the party line. Absolutely **** disgraceful.

  18. Im not at all suprised the tories have gone in quick as they can blame the previous government and pretty much get away with it.

    They will get away with it with some. Those of us with a brain will see them for what they are and always have been.

  19. How long are we going to have to put up with the conservative fuckwits saying all the cuts they are making is because of labour. To be quite frank its already wearing a little thin.

    The deficit doesn't have to be wiped out with in 5 years. That is Osbourne/Camerons choice. The fact it will cost millions of jobs, means our childrens eductaion will suffer, that there will be fewer Police on the beat etc will be down to Tory choices and **** all to do with anyone else.

  20. I'd love Mr Osbourne to share his plan with the rest of us as personally I think this clueless , arrogant prick is leading us up shit creek without a paddle.

    From what I can see the strategy appears to be slash and burn and hope that some green shoots of recovery eventually emerge. In the meantime hundreds of thousands of people will be losing jobs, hundreds of thousands of children will suffer due to the cut in education spending and millions of us will be far worse off due to the increase in VAT.

    All partys were in agreement that the size of the state had become too big and cuts needed to be made. Cuts reportedly of up to 40%, not hard to believe given we have a Tory led government, will have a massive knock on effect with in the private sector as public sector demand will come to a complete stop. The cuts made should be much less and done in such a way that allows private sector demand to pick up and therefore jobs created and the public sector demand slows.

    Cuts of the size being made mean we heading back into recession only this time for far longer.

    The shocking thing is that the Libs are standing side by side with the Tories for no other reason than it has allowed them a small taste of power whilst the rest of us get **** over. Our only hope is that this coalition will soon implode and I have a feeling that in the coming months it will as I can see many Libs no longer able to stomach what is being served up.

  21. Incompetent prick not only **** up childrens futures but **** up whilst doing so.


    Gove apologises over school building list errors

    Education Secretary Michael Gove made an apology to the Commons

    Education Secretary Michael Gove has repeatedly apologised for errors in a list about schools building programmes in England which are being scrapped.

    In stormy schemes in the Commons, Mr Gove was attacked by Labour MPs who said the 25 errors in the list were "intolerable" and "astonishing".

    Mr Gove said he understood MPs' "passion" about the issue as Speaker John Bercow tried to calm MPs.

    Labour's Tom Watson shouted at Mr Gove that he was a "miserable pipsqueak".

    The West Bromwich East MP, whose constituency includes Sandwell - which Mr Gove admitted had been among those boroughs most affected - was ordered to withdraw the remark by the Speaker.

    'Regrettable error'

    The Commons chamber was unusually packed for an evening as Mr Gove delivered his apology - for breaching Parliamentary etiquette in the way the list was originally released, and for inaccuracies in the list.

    The coalition government's decision to axe the Building Schools for the Future programme means 715 schools will see their rebuilding projects cancelled.

    A number of schools that thought their building plans had been saved have now been told they are being axed.

    Mr Gove told the Speaker: "I'm grateful to you and to the whole House for granting me the opportunity to make this statement, and once again to unreservedly apologise."

    Amid anger from Labour MPs he repeatedly apologised and said they had sought to ensure the new list was "as complete as possible and as accurate as possible". He said he took "full responsibility for that regrettable error".

    Continue reading the main story

    The chaos and confusion around this statement was frankly astonishing

    Vernon Coaker Shadow education minister

    It came after shadow education minister Vernon Coaker said Mr Gove should apologise to MPs in person - and Speaker John Bercow agreed with him.

    Mr Coaker said 25 schools on the list had errors, nine of which had been listed as going ahead with rebuilding projects which had been cancelled and a further seven which had been listed as "unaffected" had since been told their plans were "under discussion".

    "The chaos and confusion around this statement was frankly astonishing," he said.

    'Not appropriate'

    He suggested Mr Gove had been "dragged kicking and screaming to this House to apologise" and said he should apologise "to the country for shattering the dreams and hopes of so many pupils and schools".

    Mr Gove flagged up the borough of Sandwell as among those areas most affected by errors and said he wanted to "underline how sorry I feel towards them and to the parents and teachers involved".

    But the area's MP, Tom Watson, stood up, pointed at Mr Gove and shouted across the chamber that he was a "miserable pipsqueak" who had "cynically raised the hopes" of people in his area. The Speaker ordered him to withdraw the remark, adding it was "not appropriate".

    Continue reading the main story

    The situation is bizarre and disgraceful and it is something we will have to challenge because the impact of not going ahead on our educational facilities will be dire

    Steve Eling Deputy leader of Sandwell council

    Mr Gove said he understood the "passion" Mr Watson brought to the issue and said he was happy to visit West Bromwich to apologise to those affected.

    But in rowdy scenes, Conservative MP Tony Baldry accused Labour MPs of "synthetic anger" on the issue, saying his constituents understood that Labour had "left the cupboard absolutely bare".

    And Nick Boles got a big cheer from his Tory colleagues when he accused Labour of running around promising schools rebuilding programmes they knew they could not fund.

    But another Conservative MP, Ian Liddell Grainger, told Channel 4 News the government must "reconsider" its plans: "If necessary we'll come to Number 10 with all the heads and the children. This is the future for our children."


    And shadow education secretary Ed Balls questioned whether a "proper process" had been followed and said the government could face legal challenges from firms expecting to build new schools.

    Mr Gove has said due to the financial situation - the government is trying to reduce the £155bn budget deficit - it has to prioritise funding.

    The government says it will focus on creating new places for the growing numbers of primary school pupils and expand the Teach First scheme. Mr Gove had accused the school renewal scheme of being inefficiently administered.

    The errors in the list affected schools in areas including Sandwell, Derby, Northamptonshire, Peterborough, Doncaster, Greenwich, Staffordshire and Bexley.

    The mistakes have infuriated Sandwell council, where schools thought they had received good news.

    Steve Eling, its deputy leader, said the situation was "bizarre and disgraceful" and hopes for new schools had been "stolen from under our noses".

    A corrected version of the list of cancelled projects has been given to the House of Commons library.

    This revised list is also available on the Department for Education website.

    Mr Gove, along with coalition partner Sarah Teather, had announced the scrapping of more than 700 projects to improve or rebuild schools.

    NASUWT teachers' union leader, Chris Keates, said: "The fatal inaccuracies on the government's list of schools affected by the decisions on future BSF projects will take a wrecking ball to the hopes of school staff and pupils whose futures depended on having their school buildings transformed."

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