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Posts posted by markavfc40

  1. I see we have been linked to Eidur Gudjohnsen on a season long loan. Oh dear is this where we are at now?

    Depends if you choose to believe the link I guess.

    I see us as being at this place - a club that as just finished 6th in the top flight for the third season in a row, something we haven't achieved in near enough a lifetime, also having just contested a final and semi final of two domestic cup competitions.

    A club that have a player in our team being courted by other clubs for excess of 20 milion pound and being in a positon to refuse that offer. A club that also have one the most highly respected and sought after managers in the British game, arguably the most respected chairman in the British game who as again stated his desire to see the club progress further, a core group of players that can hold there own with most teams in one of the toughest leagues in the world and one of the best youth set ups in the English game. All in all I'd say we are at a pretty good place.

    I'm certainly not going to pay a blind bit of notice to a link to Eidur Gudjohnson as to where we are at.

  2. I know this isn't the thread to be throwing names around but get cheeky bids on players like Ivica Olic, Edin Dzeko, Vagner Love, David Silva, Roberto Soldado etc.

    Simply wouldn't happen under O'Neill.

    or Randy it seems as most would cost in excess of the amount he says he would spend on one player

    There are only three clubs in English football who at this moment in time could spend £30 mill on one player. In fact I doubt there is no more than a handful of clubs who could afford to spend in excess of 20 mill on one player.

  3. resulting in over priced players

    Oh dear all these over priced players.

    Friedel - 2 mill

    Collins 4 mill

    Dunne 5 mill

    Milner 12 mill

    Young 9 mill

    Cuellar 8 mill

    Petrov 6 mill

    Downing 12 mill

    Warnock 8 mill

    Carew 5 mill ( swap with Baros who was worth no more than 5 mill )

    Total 71 million

    All Mon signings and made up our regular match day 11 last season aside from Gabby who cost sweet FA obviously.

    I also don't think 7 mill for Reo Coker, 4 mill for Luke Young, 3 mill for Heskey, 2 mill for Beye, 650k for Guzan, 6 mill for Delph ( time will tell ) was exactly over priced. The only ones I'd say were over priced would be Harewood and possibly Shorey and Davies.

  4. Players come and go thats football. The only thing consistant about any club is the supporters.

    Bit before my time but when Andy Gray left people thought it was the end of the world. A couple of years later we won the League and European Cup.

    During my time I remember Platty being sold. Two years later we finished runners up and really should have won the league.

    Dwight Yorke left in 98. Six months later we were top of the league at xmas having used the Yorke money to buy Dublin and Merse.

    Only last season Gareth Barry left. For me we looked a better side without him.

    I don't want Jimmy to go but if he does so be it. We'll go on and might even be stronger without him so long as the money is spent wisely.

  5. Apparently, if they froze all benefits & public sector salaries for 5 years it would save £8bill in the first year...

    and £120bill over the 5 years (8+16+24+32+40).

    i think the debt is at a stage where something like this needs to be done.

    Thats great unless of course you work in the Public Sector. In theory your asking people to take a hefty pay cut as everything else rises over 5 years there salary will stay the same.

    Wouldn't it be fairer to raise taxes across the board so not just those that work in the public sector have to get us out of the shit.

  6. So my question to lib voters who don't like this situation is this; what did you expect them to do?

    They should have respected their own core principles and beliefs and have said to the Tories we are miles apart in terms of common policies and where we stand politically so we can't go against that and form a coalition.

    The Tories could have gone into Government with a minority and the Libs could have supported them on what they thought was right and voted against them on what they didn't.

    There is making compromises and selling out and they have sold out.

  7. Not sure what the feeling of Lib Dem supporters on here is but colleagues at work I've spoken to today are less than happy about the fact that they have gone against many of the things that they believed in.

    The complete about turn in making £6 billion in cuts immediately given both Clegg and Cable were stating how much they were opposed to this and how it would jeopardise the recovery is the one I find most astonishing.

    The Lib Dems might as well cease to exist as they will no longer be seen as a credible party in this country.

  8. they certainly did a good speech there. was fully impressed lets hope they deliver

    In all fairness I could give a cracking speech it doesn't mean I'm capable of running the country. I have a feeling the same will be said about these pair of clowns - all fart and no **** shit.

  9. I thought SamCam looked lovely last night

    My wife thinks Mrs Cameron looks like a horse and I have to say I reckon there must be a few mares somewhere down the family tree.

    Having said that having just seen a couple of pics of Theresa May in this thread in comparison she is gorgeous.

  10. It'll be David Milliband especially now Alan Johnson has ruled himself out and publicly backed him.

    Great opportunity for the next leader as this coalition of Cons/Libs will last no longer than 12-18 months before turning very sour and I can see another General election by October 2011. Medium - Long term the Con/Lib coalition will be very good for Labour as the Libs will now be tarred with the same brush as the Tories and many Lib supporters will never forgive them.

  11. If the Times is to be believed the national insurance rise for employees will go ahead. I lost count of how many times Cameron and Osbourne kept screaming how this was Labours tax on jobs during the run up to the election.

    As for continuing with plans for £6bn spending reductions this year will put a halt on the recovery and could well put us back into recession. Very bad times ahead I fear.

  12. in the long term it's for the best though, more small buisnesses and more organic growth through the private sector would make for a more versatile and stable economy.

    depending so much on the public sector and its endless bureauracy to provide jobs isn't healthy and will only end in tears.

    Remember you are talking about people's livelihoods here. How are you going to pick up the pieces of (extra) millions unemployed?

    I worry about the human race. How have we become so divisive?

    Spot on. The way some people talk they'll almost be happy to see people in the Public Sector lose there jobs. These people have families etc and will only add to the couple of million already unemployed.

    If that is the way forward it will end in disaster and mass strikes as no doubt the Unions will rightly kick up a fuss and try to protect its members and rightly so.

  13. I've gone for Alan Johnson. Unfortunately a major obstacle for him will be his age.

    Huge opportunity though for the next leader. With in the next 18 months I can see the con/lib coaliton turning very sour and going totally tits up due to there core beliefs being so far apart. Another election will be called and if Labour are cute they will have a great opportunity to regain power.

    Long term Labour will be the big winners of a Con/Lib coalition as there are going to be some massively unpopular decisions made in the coming months and the Libs will be tarred with the same brush as the Tories.

  14. Lets hope they bring in a 95% tax rate for Simon Cowell.

    He can either pay it or clear off and take BGT and X-Factor with him.

    I despise what the tories stand for but if they could get rid of Cowell I'd certainly slightly warm to them :lol:

  15. The biggest problem is how to cut the over inflated public sector and invest in more small buisnesses to create jobs without pissing everyone off and causing some form of angsty revolt.

    Thats pretty much as I see it too.

    Wonder how co-operative the unions will be to change

    As it'll more than likely mean thousands of people losing there jobs I dare say the Unions won't be overly pleased.

    Expect numerous strikes, massive disruption and mass protests.

  16. It is looking more and more likely that it will be a Con/Lib coaliton. As much as I deplore what the Tories stand for I think this is the best decision as currently its the only chance of a stable government even if I suspect it won't last more than 12 -18 months. It is totally unrealistic that a Lab/Lib/various others coalition could be considered a viable alternative and would have a detrimental medium term effect on Labour.

    If/when it does all go tits up at least the electorate will be in a better position to make an informed judgement on who should run the country as the Tories will have shown their hand/what they are all about.

  17. The best thing that can now happen is for the Tories to be allowed to govern without a majority. There is no point the Lib Dems getting into bed with either the Conservatives, due to core policies being too far apart, or with Labour/numerous other parties as this would not be anywhere near stable enough. In both cases the coalitions would last no longer than 12 months.

    Letting the Tories govern without a majority should hopefully ensure they won't be allowed to do anything too reckless and be allowed to look after a select few whilst the rest of us pay for it. For however long they can survive governing with a minority it will at least give an insight into what the Tories are all about and the electorate can again see them for what they are before another election is called.

  18. Walsh has shown total contempt for the Unions, its membership and therefore BAs workforce. If he'd have been in the slightest way reasonable this dispute would have been sorted months ago. The man is an arrogant fool and if he carries on the way he has been he is putting the future of the company in jeopardy.

  19. The Libs have just screwed themselves and the Tories will get a majority.

    The tories should have pissed the last elction but didn't. They won't see an overall majority for at least another 15 years especially if ,as I hope, they do get in for just long enough now to remind people exactly what they are about.

  20. Clegg can't carry his party and props up Brown in Downing Street, much to the predictable outrage of well over half the nation.

    Swap Brown for Cameron and you have the same result given that well over half the country don't want him either.

    As said before I'd happily see a Con/Lib Dem coalition as it'll last no more than 12 - 18 months, by which time the tories will have shown themselves to be the incompetent look after the few while **** over many party they are, and we can have another election safe in the knowledge the conservatives won't get anywhere near governing this country once again for many, many years.

  21. so just to verify you would rather the country was made worse so labour could come back in?

    if people had faith in labour they would have won this election. i think its silly for anyone to want another party to fail so another one comes in. for me i want WHOEVER is in power to sort this mess out

    Exactly Demitri ....Welcome to the world of the left .... blinkers compulsory ..

    Its inevitable things will get far worse for most under the conservatives. The good thing about this hung parliament is that it will fall down with in 12 - 18 months and another election will be called. This at least ensures that the Tories won't get anywhere near a full term but just long enough for people to again see them for the useless spineless look after the few **** over the many party they are and they will once again not be elected for many, many years.

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