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Posts posted by villaguy

  1. This chimaera always put a smile on my face the engine started. Shame the business was ruined by poor foresight and planning. Everyone of their cars stood out from the crowd with their beautiful design



  2. Sorry to hear, hope he defies those dates. My father has Alpha 1 deficiency which has reduced his life expectancy by 20ish years by giving him quickly deteriorating lung capacity, if he smoked he would have gone a while ago now.

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    Had this for the last 18 months, fairly inexpensive to run and drives nicely, just doesn't do fast

    I thought you were probably a good bloke, but you appear to have a caravan...


    That's my dad's, he's sold it now or given it to another family member. My car wouldn't pull that anyway!




    i know the queen doesnt have an english back ground, but then again, i think the whole royal family are a waste of fresh air and tax payers money, im not a royalist :) although the fact that the next king of england is a villa fan amuses me with the thought that itll p*ss alot of football fans off


    im not saying surnames should be the only deciding factor, but its common sense that if someone is born in another country with a name native to that country, maybe even of a religion native to that country, with a cultural upbringing on that country, then they clearly arent english so just because england may be a better national side than their original country (hard to believe) it still shouldnt entitle them to play for england, but then again, this country bends over backwards for foreigners and its forbidden to defend otherwise :)

    I hope you are joking. If anything, the English empire has forced people all over the world to bend over, so to take some low paid taxi drivers, nurses back with them to service England is the least one could expect. But hell no if one of their kids grows up to become a pro footballer and wants to represent England?? Now Januzaj is a special case, and I feel it would be strange for a player like him to chose to play for England. The Brazilians everybody is referring to, are not good enough to play for Brazil, let alone England, so in their case it is just a chance to play at the World Cup.


    The 'British' empire is history and things have been different to those days for a long, long time. The country bends over backwards for foreigners in the modern Britain, unfortunately certain groups are keen to use that to their less than all inclusive ambitions. The idea of being secular is lovely, but really it's hippy speak and we unfortunately don't live in that fantasy peaceful world which would be the only place for secularity to work.




    I don't understand why you quote 'British' empire, like it never existed. So you mean that this empire is history, but forget to tell us how recent this history is. It was in 1997 that the official end of empire occured with Hong Kong going back to China, but unofficially... But of course, lets not forget all the Indian taxi drivers that drive you drunk home, all the Angolan nurses that take care of you at the hospital, all the other foreigners that came from all over the British empire. They came from countries that were looted by the British, and to be honest, you should ask yourself this question: Why the f*** would these people and their kids with non-British names, whose ancestors the British-named soldiers tortured, jailed and killed, want to represent any of the British provinces in football or any other kind of sport? I mean, first you take their wealth, now you take their most talented players, that would improve your national team, and still...you complain??


    Btw, thanks for showing your true colors with that article. VillaTalk is not the place to hate Muslims. Go to EDL.


    Where is the hate? I was illustrating that as Andy said we're very soft to a fault these days, and as he also wrote you cannot say anything about it these days without being labelled. I think point proven here.


    You seem to think of the colonial rule of the Empire in extremely bad terms, Britain brought civilisation to areas where there wasn't any and moved them forwards, much of that legacy those countries are proud of and hold onto to this day. It wasn't all bad at all. Look at post colonial Africa and how many decades they've regressed without a structured governance system. Anyway this has gone a bit off point and you haven't exactly disagreed by saying that Britain doesn't bend over backwards for foreigners have you, if anything you have backed the point up.




    i know the queen doesnt have an english back ground, but then again, i think the whole royal family are a waste of fresh air and tax payers money, im not a royalist :) although the fact that the next king of england is a villa fan amuses me with the thought that itll p*ss alot of football fans off


    im not saying surnames should be the only deciding factor, but its common sense that if someone is born in another country with a name native to that country, maybe even of a religion native to that country, with a cultural upbringing on that country, then they clearly arent english so just because england may be a better national side than their original country (hard to believe) it still shouldnt entitle them to play for england, but then again, this country bends over backwards for foreigners and its forbidden to defend otherwise :)

    I hope you are joking. If anything, the English empire has forced people all over the world to bend over, so to take some low paid taxi drivers, nurses back with them to service England is the least one could expect. But hell no if one of their kids grows up to become a pro footballer and wants to represent England?? Now Januzaj is a special case, and I feel it would be strange for a player like him to chose to play for England. The Brazilians everybody is referring to, are not good enough to play for Brazil, let alone England, so in their case it is just a chance to play at the World Cup.


    The 'British' empire is history and things have been different to those days for a long, long time. The country bends over backwards for foreigners in the modern Britain, unfortunately certain groups are keen to use that to their less than all inclusive ambitions. The idea of being secular is lovely, but really it's hippy speak and we unfortunately don't live in that fantasy peaceful world which would be the only place for secularity to work.





    Doubt you'll get very far quoting The Daily Mail to back up your argument


    Ignore the daily mail then, argument doesn't need support


    i know the queen doesnt have an english back ground, but then again, i think the whole royal family are a waste of fresh air and tax payers money, im not a royalist :) although the fact that the next king of england is a villa fan amuses me with the thought that itll p*ss alot of football fans off


    im not saying surnames should be the only deciding factor, but its common sense that if someone is born in another country with a name native to that country, maybe even of a religion native to that country, with a cultural upbringing on that country, then they clearly arent english so just because england may be a better national side than their original country (hard to believe) it still shouldnt entitle them to play for england, but then again, this country bends over backwards for foreigners and its forbidden to defend otherwise :)

    I hope you are joking. If anything, the English empire has forced people all over the world to bend over, so to take some low paid taxi drivers, nurses back with them to service England is the least one could expect. But hell no if one of their kids grows up to become a pro footballer and wants to represent England?? Now Januzaj is a special case, and I feel it would be strange for a player like him to chose to play for England. The Brazilians everybody is referring to, are not good enough to play for Brazil, let alone England, so in their case it is just a chance to play at the World Cup.


    The 'British' empire is history and things have been different to those days for a long, long time. The country bends over backwards for foreigners in the modern Britain, unfortunately certain groups are keen to use that to their less than all inclusive ambitions. The idea of being secular is lovely, but really it's hippy speak and we unfortunately don't live in that fantasy peaceful world which would be the only place for secularity to work.




    England aren't a lot better than Montenegro, nice to get a win but if we lost I wouldn't be the slightest bit bothered. Townsend definitely the pick of the team tonight



    Really? I think we have thoroughly outplayed them tonight and the scoreline was probably an accurate representation of the balance of play. 


    We were better yes, in every department too (except for Goalkeepers!) but it wasn't like we were in a class above and made them look like a bad team. We're a mile away from the elite nationalities in my opinion and closer in quality to Montenegro than to the Germany's etc. of this world.


    Edit: For the size of Montenegro's pop. they have a decent side, that region of the world (Balkan peninsular) produce a disproportionate amount of top sportsmen 






    Roxanne Pallett


    I assume Lake Placid 3 is your number 1 film then?


    Not seen it, has she got nude action scenes in it? She caught my eye when I saw her in Emmerdale, almost made it worth watching



    Yes full frontal, first scene of the film.  Naturally that is all I've seen of it.



    punched "Roxanne pallet lake placid" in to google images and surprisingly it was the 1st pic


    not convinced


     yeah her rack is weird and she looks chubby but shes not .......................................


    Not seen her without her bra on, not the best tits but I like her face. Still she drops out of my top 3! Think it would have to be Anna Kournikova and both the Ecclestone daughters, get a larger chunk of inheritance to that combo too :P

  9. I used to be a beater for a syndicate shoot based out of my Dad's pub as a kid. Local farm workers, car salesman, solicitors, paper shop owner etc. the usual cross section you'd expect in a village pub 25 years ago. Toffs they were not.


    Where it happens then killing birds of prey is obviously well out of order, but I find it quite funny the amount of townies who seem to think country sports are the preserve of posh people.

    I'm a lad from Lincolnshire (rural) who also used to hunt (falconry), it annoys me when people think I'm a townie because I disagree with shooting. Some of the people with similar views to me also were ex shooters who when they actually understood the animal actually began to respect it rather than kill it. Look at Sir Peter Scott as a similar example



    I don't see too much of a problem with hunting Pheasants, not if they're going to be eaten further down the line anyway. They've had a better life than the chicken I ate last night, which probably also had a better life than the chicken that went into Saturday night's takeaway. The act of posing with a defenseless animal that you've just killed with a shotgun does lacks class though, plus there's the added issue of gamekeepers killing raptors etc.

    Yeah I agree with you, it's not the hunting of pheasants that upsets me, after all that's why they were introduced to this country. It's the persecution of the native raptors that goes hand in hand with it 




    I'm not a fan of shooting. Its a **** nuisance and IMO far too easy. I can't work out where the "sport" lies in gunning down hundred of pheasants....however,


    you appear to be confusing two separate issues here. "Someone involved in legal (if objectionable) activity" and "Gamekeepers doing illegal things to maximise profits"


    Well the illegal practice happens as a result of the legal one, it's not that confusing. They should be two separate issues in theory but clearly in application they aren't

  11. I don't see too much of a problem with hunting Pheasants, not if they're going to be eaten further down the line anyway. They've had a better life than the chicken I ate last night, which probably also had a better life than the chicken that went into Saturday night's takeaway. The act of posing with a defenseless animal that you've just killed with a shotgun does lacks class though, plus there's the added issue of gamekeepers killing raptors etc.

    Yeah I agree with you, it's not the hunting of pheasants that upsets me, after all that's why they were introduced to this country. It's the persecution of the native raptors that goes hand in hand with it 



  12. I can't understand why people would want to amuse themselves by ending a creatures life. It's not just the act of shooting, but gamekeepers actively undertake the illegal practice of killing raptors such as Goshawks and Hen Harriers to keep the gamebird numbers artificially high. Lost respect for her really

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  13. Djokovic played a flawless game today, brushed Nadal to the side in every department. I reckon these two will clean up next seasons slams between them. Been playing a bit myself today after having 3 months off travelling Eastern Europe, love the sport!

  14. Benteke will also miss the final 2 world cup qualifiers and Lukaku and Mirallas will replace him in the Belgian team. If those 2 happen to have a really good game, they could potentially keep their place, and so Benteke will have to do extremely well at club level to get back in the national side. As highly as we rate him, fans of other clubs still don't rate him as highly as we do, and the Belgian coach is probably not sure who is better out of Lukaku and Benteke.



    Another reason why Benteke will come back from injury better.

    From what I've read on other teams forums over the summer they generally rate Benteke higher but are unsure who will be the best in a few years time, they're split on that. Of course after the Everton-Newcastle game knee-jerk opinions may be different but these kind of sways in opinion will alter game to game. If Benteke gets a brace in his next game and Lukaku has a quiet one it'll swing again. I don't personally think Lukaku will get to be first choice if he plays a good couple of games as Benteke's contribution over the entire qualifying has been pretty big


    Loved his passion after the game towards the holte! He doesn't panic in possession and waits until a pass is on.


    He was exactly the same at the end of the Norwich game last week as well.


    He is one of our key players. The first midfielder on the team sheet.


    Amazing how far he's come on from less than 2 years ago when he was being played as a bit part full back after coming back from injuries. The frightening thing is, I don't think he's peaked yet.


    I think his progress in the last 9 months is even more remarkable, although I guess it's down to game time and having a manager with belief in him. Credit to Lambert as well for the faith he showed

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