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Posts posted by villaguy

  1. Before the masters finals I met some cousins who I have never met before. Basically my grandmothers sisters kids. This family had money and I felt like I had to bow down to them. They were so pretty and well off from Barnet. Is it wrong to liken them?

  2. Maybe some people have adverse reactions to their younger days but when I was in my infancy to puberty I would have girls blatantly ask to blow me off. I miss these days. I remember one girl in particular, I'd just arrived in Mablethorpe to watch a mate race and this gorgeous girl made an attempt for me. I miss this kind of encounter, maybe age has caught up with me

  3. I always have a scientific nagging brain inside my head, I'm always wondering what is time, why does gravity exist and so on. These questions frustrate me, yet a lot of people say why are you bothered? I think it must be a dull life to just accept things without trying to understand why



    I'm sure everyone understands the porn thing, what percentage of internet traffic is porn? I remember reading in some newspaper about this city worker who spent 11 hours everyday on porn streams! whilst supposedly at work!


    A guy who used to work at the same company as me was sacked for watching porn whilst at work. He was on a work Visa as well :thumb:


    Is this one of those "a guy I know" stories?  :D


    Clearly this could escalate like those kind of stories but it's a clinical recognition now, people do get hooked to porn

    When I unplug the iron I say "beaver 456789"

    I needed to think of something completely random to say out loud when I unplug it so I would know for certain that I had done it, if I don't say it I end up having to go all the way back home to check it (I've done that 3 or 4 times in the last 6 months)

    you have OCD

  5. I'm sure everyone understands the porn thing, what percentage of internet traffic is porn? I remember reading in some newspaper about this city worker who spent 11 hours everyday on porn streams! whilst supposedly at work!

  6. I check them after a few months, or when I read somewhere the jackpot has been won. I just like imagining it's me. Yeah I'm the same as you on that one, I have a collection of natural history books and it pains me seeing any damage done to them.




    We have some exciting players thats for sure! We won't do much but its great to be at a world cup in Brazil!!

    Agreed. I think some fans like to just look forward to watching their team in the World Cup. Why has it got to be "Oh well we won't win it". So? Who cares, we're not expected to win it, we don't expect to win it.
    It's great to watch them compete undoubtedly, but it's great thinking that they have an outside chance of winning too. I'm not even getting a hint of that niggle of a feeling this time. England as the Birthplace of the game and having a massive football industry should be able to achieve those expectations that in my opinion. Or am I being too harsh?
    Villa created league football do you expect us to win the league?


    That's different, we're no longer the biggest team. England however has a huge amount of cashflow, there's more inflow of mney coming into our country because of football than any other country has. Obviously that money doesn't go to nurturing our footballers though


    We have some exciting players thats for sure! We won't do much but its great to be at a world cup in Brazil!!

    Agreed. I think some fans like to just look forward to watching their team in the World Cup. Why has it got to be "Oh well we won't win it". So? Who cares, we're not expected to win it, we don't expect to win it. 


    It's great to watch them compete undoubtedly, but it's great thinking that they have an outside chance of winning too. I'm not even getting a hint of that niggle of a feeling this time. England as the Birthplace of the game and having a massive football industry should be able to achieve those expectations that in my opinion. Or am I being too harsh?  

  9. Pretty sure Iran aren't hosts and even our Aussie residents admit this is a relatively poor Australia at the moment. England are far from the worst team going to Brazil. You won't win it despite what your media will shove down our throats over the next 8 months but you'll be fine. Expect another quarter final elimination.





    We must surely be the worst team going to Brazil



    Stop the needless negativity. Although they definitely won't win it, Australia,Iran, Mexico, Switzerland and some of the playoff winners who we don't know yet are much worse


    I wouldn't say we are better than Mexico for definite, Switzerland aren't a bad team next to ours either. I'm not sure on Australia's form. This is the first world cup that I've ever thought we have absolutely no chance at all




    Australia struggled to qualify, and have lost their last 2 games 6-0. They are also now managerless. It's safe to say England are a better team then Australia. Also Switzerland had the easiest group ever, not may of their players would get in the England team. Mexico are really poor at the moment, 4th in the CONCACAF section.


    From what I've seen Switzerland play a good game, it's not always about the individuals


    We must surely be the worst team going to Brazil



    Stop the needless negativity. Although they definitely won't win it, Australia,Iran, Mexico, Switzerland and some of the playoff winners who we don't know yet are much worse


    I wouldn't say we are better than Mexico for definite, Switzerland aren't a bad team next to ours either. I'm not sure on Australia's form. This is the first world cup that I've ever thought we have absolutely no chance at all

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