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Posts posted by legov

  1. Not sure where the Leeds/Bamford hate is coming from, Leeds effectively apologized for the whole fracas by letting us score (and costing themselves automatic promotion in the process).

    The referee, on the other hand...

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  2. 2 hours ago, LakotaDakota said:

    Emiliano Salas dad Horacio has died this morning from a heart attack aged 58

    Wouldn't be surprised if it had something to do with his son's death. Reports are that he could never get over it. That can really do harm to your health and sap your will to live.

  3. 1 hour ago, tonyh29 said:

    I can understand that conclusion from the POV of smashing a book down on a killer spiders head rather than twatting it with your kindle but how else do they mean physical books are superior ?  

    I just remember having come across research before which suggests that having something more tactile to hold on to aids reading comprehension.

    Don't recall what the exact article was - actually I think it might have been a university professor who told me that. Don't need to take it as gospel or anything just take it what you will.

  4. 36 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    If they're available on free streaming (probably not), or paid streaming (maybe, but I ain't paying). SO much easier to just take the disc. And I like the booklets, etc. 

    Streaming music and Kindle books have their place as a secondary medium, but they will never replace CDs and physical books in my world.  The ephemeral is just less satisfying. 


    Spotify is free though. That said if you wanted to listen to Spotify on a phone you would only be able to do so on shuffle (unless you upgraded to the paid version)

    Agree that physical books are far superior to their digital equivalents. Indeed there's quite a bit of research that supports this view, scientifically speaking.

  5. 2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Directors and their stupid vague requests. This is the conversation by email I'm currently having (yes I've tried to call him to nip it in the bud but no answer, he's probably travelling)


    "Can you send me the savings report?"

    "Sure, happy to. We have various Savings reports though, is it this one you're after? *attaches report*"

    "I need the detailed file"

    "Right, again we have lost of detailed files, is there a specific one you're thinking of?"

    "The detailed file showing all the projects"

    "Ok, well I've attached our full savings tracker which has all that detail in. But it's a huge file so I've attached a summary as well which might be more helpful?"

    "I can't save the file. It's too big. Please set out the saving detail into another file and send me that"



    word removed

    There are good directore and then there are bad ones.

  6. VTers who have a SO who does not speak English as a first language, what are your experiences regarding maintaining a relationship where both people don't share a first language in common? How does humour etc get across?

    My experiences growing up with two parents who didn't share a first (or even second) language were not great, but I'm trying to be open-minded.

  7. 1 minute ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Maybe Ideological is the wrong word, but even though she states over and over again about Brexit being Brexit etc, if she wasn't a Remainer at heart, we'd be hurtling out of the EU with no deal right now.

    Oh no I agree with you about May, it's Corbyn I'm not so well-informed about so I don't really understand what you mean when you call him an ideological Leaver.

  8. 1 minute ago, Chindie said:

    Because Brexit is so incredibly harmful, that cancelling it is a big enough deal that many would cross party lines to support a party that would cancel it.

    Not sure there would ever be a world in which the Tories would vote for Remain while Labour vote to leave.

    Sorry if any of these questions sound silly, I speak merely as a clueless outsider.

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  9. 14 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    You're not wrong. I said to the missus (who thinks all footballers are neanderthals, anyway) that Dier came across OK, but Pickford (first time I've heard him speak) is clearly thick as pigshit. It's not just the accent, he's totally inarticulate. 

    You sure it isn't the accent? (for both Dier and Pickford)

  10. 3 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Panama are embarrassing. Only time some of these players will be in the World Cup in their lives and rather than play football and give it their all, they are just interested in cheating, feigning injury and acting like words removed. 

    Hope we smash them 10-0

    They are just really really really bad. Good grief.

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