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Posts posted by legov

  1. Confirmation bias - in the not too distant past the average not-paying-too-much-attention voter would have picked up on the 'tax hike' bit rather than the 'lying' part. As the dominant narrative was that Labour was tax-and-spend.

    Today the dominant narrative is that Tories are inept and can't be trusted. So people are paying more attention to the fact that Sunak is lying.

    That's my take anyhow.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    How does "Sports Washing" actually work?  Nobody is looking at City and Newcastle and thinking " wow, these countries are great now because a team I don't support won the Champions League".

    Win Champions League --> Sell more t-shirts --> Win more titles --> Suddenly everyone's wearing Man City shirts --> Casual sports fan associates Man City (and by extension whatever regime funds them) with prestige

  3. 2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    Deffo. Big game. 

    I think I'll be staying up late with the popcorn for this one. 


    49 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Booked the 5th off work. Go to work, go to vote, go to bed. Get up at eleven, open bottle of wine. 
    Then Party like Thatchers died again on the Friday

    You lot are jinxing this

    • Haha 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Can one our american friends tell me about vivek ramaswarmy?

    Out of all the people going for the leadership vote against biden he seems the better one out of a shit bunch


    • Confused 2
  5. 9 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    Atheists ... who believe in ghosts.

    And deity-believers ... who don't believe in them.

    In my mind, I'm like, "Pick one, you. You can have one or the other, not both."

    It's puzzling to me, and then it's not, too. Maybe it's merely a sign of how a person's convictions and their delusions sometimes intermingle and aren't always so easily disentangled in some minds? I encounter the phenomenon from time to time with the college-age students I teach. I feel like it's something that's been more common since the mid-2010s or so?

    Ooh cool where do you teach out of interest?

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, maqroll said:

    Not so fast, there are some very well informed non-American posters in this topic! 

    Yeah sorry tbf last few ones have been pretty great.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, The Fun Factory said:

    Of course. Putin is hoping the West will lose interest and move on to the next crisis.  The current elected leaders will eventually be replaced, with different agendas and domestic issues to address.  And if Trump ever got re-elected that would be very bad news.

    I've been quite surprised by how united Europe has been behind supporting Ukraine though, regardless of political ideology. Even the far-right that's in power in Italy right now have been solidly pro-Ukraine.

    The US is the one I'm worried about, as you said if Trump gets reelected that's not good news for Ukraine.

    • Like 1
  8. 8 hours ago, maqroll said:

    Obama-apppointed judge. A scathing indictment. A D.C. jury should be good for a conviction. 

    A bit refreshing to see someone who knows more than a modicum about US politics here.

    • Confused 1
  9. Refreshing to see so many great new movies being released, nice to see Hollywood coming up with new IPs again instead of churning out derivative superhero/Star Wars stuff.

  10. 1 minute ago, mjmooney said:

    If I find I've played an album more than 4 or 5 times on Spotify, I buy the CD. 

    BTW, where have you suddenly popped up from, after so long away?  :)


    Huh? I tend to pop up from time to time, no?

    I don't come on too often as I've been losing interest in football but I come on every now and then mainly for the bollitics :P

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    I’ve kind of deliberately regressed in to the whole slow pace and aesthetic of vinyl.

    I’m sat here now, head phones on listening to an album that requires actual listening to and requires me to get off my lardy arse a minimum of once every 20 minutes and do something. The sort of whole engagement with it is quite nice, plus the thought that the artist possibly gets more than 0.00001 of a cent.

    After that, download codes and Bandcamp stuff get put on a c and the c gets plugged in to the car.

    I appreciate this isn’t ultra modern, and one of my kids did an uncontrollable laugh the other day when I offered to copy a stick of music for them ‘cos they’d liked something. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

    I was in a record shop earlier today, chatting shit about local gigs and album release dates and all that. It feels nice, supporting a job in a shop and getting to talk to someone. It’s just where I’m lucky enough to be at present, a little bit of money in my pocket, the ability to conjur up a little time for myself, and access to a nice town centre. All that, and the philosophy of use it or lose it.


    🤫 haven't seen any of those in a long time

    I think a lot of it is down to preferences too, I tend to like listening to tracks to fit a particular mood as opposed to listening by artist.

  12. 3 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    I had an account waaaay back but I let the kids have it when new accounts were hard to get and now I guess I’ve lost it.

    it was the only place you could get some really weird Alabama 3 shit that they didn’t even sell on their own website.

    Yeah well you can still give it a go now, like I said the free option's still there, and the subscription's pretty cheap anyway esp considering the amount of content you're getting.

    A lot better than buying an entire CD just for a few tracks that's for sure.

  13. On 15/07/2023 at 02:50, Mark Albrighton said:

    From the TTPYOTS thread - and I’m sure it must have been discussed in depth before, but it’s needle in a haystack conversation, what do people consider to be best the music stream service?

    I have a suspicion that this can be interpreted a few ways. 

    Purely on a music streaming basis, which by the sounds of it is Spotify (it’s the only one that has its own thread on VT - I think).

    Or on a broader level - what’s a better package. So, let’s say Amazon isn’t a better music streamer but you get other things for your subscription - tv, free delivery of tat that I’ve ordered, etc.

    Is there a consensus on either front?

    Ideally if one was better towards the people making the music - rather than a podcaster that I have no interest in - that would be a consideration. Although in all likelihood there’s a good chance I would buy a physical copy of something I particularly liked anyway.

    Spotify is the greatest invention in the history of humankind as far as I'm concerned.

    Consistently surprised by how much non-English music I can find on it too which is good for my listening tastes.

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 20/07/2023 at 10:59, TheAuthority said:

    There's a large portion of the male gay community who are also anti-trans. It's as if the gay rights movement has said, "hey we had to fight for our right through the 70's 80's and 90's, you can't just come along and expect them - go and fight for your own." The sad thing being that when the gay community was fighting for civil rights, the trans community was right there alongside them, and in many cases were very active leaders. For them now to be ostracized and in many cases vilified is a tragedy.

    I have no skin in the trans game. I'm not trans and I only have two trans friends (one trans woman and one trans man.) However I cannot help but notice that the community seemingly gets attacked from every angle currently. Thats my objective view of a subject that I don't have any stake in. 99% of the time it's straight white people arguing about the "trans issue" with zero representation from the trans community. It's so one sided it's absolutely laughable. I'm not sure what it's like in the UK but over here is hilarious and also tragic that the conversation is controlled completely by people who are not part the community.

    It's a story as old as time, sadly.

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