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Posts posted by tricella

  1. De La Cruz is a great player from Reading, he clattered through about 7 challenges to score today. Only cost bout 2m.


    I´m excited about the new week coming...what will it bring to Villa? If Young signs today or tomorrow it can start a whole lot of changes in the team with players come and go. I would welcome these changes because what we saw yesterday against Watford has to improve...

  2. West Ham are playing death or glory, if they do go down they are really really going to be in big trouble. As far as I know, this money is being borrowed on the value of the club, not donated by the biscuit farmer. Expect some "unusual" results involving West Ham towards the end of the season.

    Slightly more on topic, West Ham have some good players ( good enough for the FA cup final last year ) who are being displaced by all these signings they're trying to make. Surely there are one or two players here we can get ?

    Why is every other club stupid and Villa is not? I would really like to know this...

    Neill has a clause saying that he is released if they go down. Whats in this release clause we dont know...maybe he is released if a club give £?m for him...and maybe West Ham has a clause saying that if they go down he only get half salary if no one wants to buy him. Dont take for granted that all other clubs, their managers and their board are stupid idiots that pay over the hill for players and throw money around.

    Get real and please show respect for other clubs that are trying to change their fortune by showing ambition and willingness to spend.

  3. But he's better than what West Ham already have, therefore they have strengthened their squad, thus they may enhance their league position.

    Maybe bardsley will turn out to be better than hughes and then we've done exactly the same.

    I still can't believe people are unhappy because lucas neil hasn't come to us, it's lucas neil for gods sake.

    You have so many wrongs when you write LukeMoore...

    First...we have only loaned Bardsley so our position is not the same as West Ham with Neill. And to be honest...Bardsley might turn out good but as I see it you rate Bardsley higher than Neill...on what facts?

    I havent seen many...if any...saying that we want Lucas Neill...I for one has said that West Ham show ambition and sign players. There is a world difference there my friend.

  4. Oh I give up...such a bunch of bollox-people on here

    You are hardly here to make friends...... How come you are always right and everybody else wrong?

    I have never ever said that so that is taken out of the blue by you. All I mean is that we see it from a different point of view and that we should all accept that. Some people on here gather together with others to make fun about someones opinion. I dont think it is done with respect. As I said, I dont have all the rights...but I do have all the right to write here what I feel about Aston Villa FC and this transfer window.

  5. Let me get this straight Tricella, Lucas Neill is world class and Fernando Torres is average.

    I know they play in different positions but I find that hilarious.

    It was a joke.... :lol:

    At least I thought it might be a good time to tell a joke and I dont think LukeMoore will be angry with that. I understand that we dont have the same thoughts about players...fair enough...

    Torres is one of the worlds best attackers...but he is a little bit slow...still...a very very skilled footballer that would improve most teams.

    Neill is a whole different world...but I still rate him as a world class player for his position..on his best day. There are a few players that I would choose before him in that position if I were to pick anyone from the world...but he is far better than what we got in our team really. He has played WC for his national team and did very very good indeed...that means class to me...and to many others.

    BOF: I am a man...but if you were joking...fair enough. :lol: Tricella is an old italian football player that I admired when I was young. Roberto Tricella of Juventus:


  6. Bardsley added: "People ask if it is depressing being number two to someone like Gary but I say 'Not at all'.

    "You want the best for the team and if Gary Neville is the best right-back at United, then so be it.

    "He is a fantastic player, fantastic captain and I've no problem with that. He is also one of the players you can learn off. He has been around the game so long.

    "He has won trophies left, right and centre so if I can achieve half of what he has achieved, I won't go far wrong.

    I judge this as if it isnt his ideal situation at Man U, he still feel it is ok playing second fiddle to a big player to Neville and that he will get his chance sooner or later...

    At least this is how I read what he has said...on here:

    Bardsley aims to learn from Neville

  7. Agreed. If he plays well, Man U will want him back... if he plays rubbish, we won't want him. either way, he'll be back at man u in the summer

    So if he plays well he will happily go back and sit on the bench for the next few seasons.

    He went on loan to rangers and now us because he wants to play first team football, if he has the chance to do that with us next season i think he'll take it.

    He just stated that he has no problem playing second fiddle behind Neville. I think that he has gone out for a learning period and he is fully commited to Man U in the long run.

    Anyhoo back on topic ehhh yeah Torres to Villa would be nice - but he'd go to a HUGE team instead.

    I dont want Torres..he is slow and average and he would take huge wages....OPS! I just thought I was LukeMoore..sorry...I would love Torres at Villa...but he wont come to this weak team. He plays in a much better side already...and it would be a mile downstep to sign for Villa..even for £300.000 per week.

  8. Tricella, if Neill is world class, as you keep suggesting then he would be worth at least 50k.

    I don't think he is anything close to that and worth far less than 50k per week.

    Well...you judge him after he played a few games for West Ham. I am not saying that he is the worlds best in his position...the only thing I am saying is that he is a World Class player. I have seen him many times and I think he is a skilled defender. He leads his national team Aussie...like Mellberg is for Sweden.

  9. My thoughts:

    Neill is a good player although he can be a total knob.

    Neill is NOT world class.

    Neill is not worth paying 50k p/w or anything like it.

    Bardsley will be a better player (just a hunch). And he will be a Villa player.

    Exactly my thoughts too.

    Bardsley is on loan and will be only on loan...forget that we can buy him in the summer...he´s heading back to Man U.

  10. TBH I think we´re in big trouble in the transfer market really...if we dont get any players in we´re heading for relegation zone and I have a feeling we might end up as a shock departure...

    It is crucial that we get players now...I am seriously afraid of what is going to happen if we not sign any player and believe we can handle the situation with what we´ve got. Villa isnt good enough and it shows.

    We will lose market value when summer comes and when we are supposed to make our biggest changes...who will come to a team almost relegated last season? If worse...who will come to a team relegated?

    News now: West Ham has signed Calum Davenport from Spurs...OPS! Someone do business.

  11. No I dont want Villa to pay £50.000 a week for Neill

    if you had just said that from the start then i would have agreed with you.

    Neil is an average player and i don't want aston villa to start paying ridiculous wages to average players just for the sake of it.

    Neill is NOT an average player...and why are you constantly saying that it is ridicolous wages? What players do we have and what do they earn? McCann for example...a very average player...what is his salary? Baros looks average and Angel too...many players look very mediocre in today Villa...

    West Ham thinks he´s worth it and I do believe that he will be a hit at West Ham...if he´s worth £50.000 per week? He might be if they get clear from relegation and ends up higher in the league. What they get for the position might pay his salary...without him they might have gone down. It is not right to judge one player on speculated wages.

    Remind you that Neill only cost £3m...at least that is what is suggested...and that is a very good price for a player of his calibre 2007. To take a player from under noses of Liverpool you cant come and say that "we are a better team"...West Ham has understood what they need to do in order to sign players and to be competetive...THIS is ambition!

    Yet you must wonder..West Ham sign players...we dont...

  12. End of this discussion LukeMoore...sorry but I have much more important things to do today than to sit here and play cat and mouse with you. If you would like to get answer about your questions, please read my posts...correctly.

    And..No I dont want Villa to pay £50.000 a week for Neill. But I must say that West Ham has a interesting team and they will survive. As it look today we are only 7 points away from them and I think we are in big trouble really...

    Now we start talk about our signings...well...not quite yet..but maybe later... :lol:

  13. so please read my posts before you decide to go 100% against everything I write...all the time...

    It's nothing personal i just tend to disagree with most things you say.

    The fact you joined in this discusion about neil and kept going on about how west ham have got themselves a good player and that villa should be prepared to pay those wages to lucas neil made me think you weren't happy that we hadn't got him.

    If you don't care that we haven't signed him then we agree on something because i don't care either.

    Where did I mention that Villa should pay those wages for Neill? I just said that West Ham is showing ambition...

  14. Lucas Neill was one of the players of the World Cup.

    And milan baros won the golden boot at the euro champs

    Like TT said if teams like barcelona, juventus and liverpool really wanted him he wouldn't be joining west ham now would he.

    Or maybe those teams realise that paying an average player ridiculous wages is stupid

    Oh I get so tired...what do you know about football...really? Maybe these teams has shown an initial interest in Neill, but they have players that be in that position that they still want or have at the club. When was Barcelona, Juventus and Liverpool last interested in our wonderful players?

    You call a world class player..PROVEN!...an average player...yet you hail our own players that hardly be anywhere close to national team as if they were world class players or world class potential...unbelievable!

    All this "bla bla bla" over Neill...just accept that West Ham probably get a really good player in the squad and what do we really know about his wages? It is speculation...and now you suddenly believe all speculations...yet you be very much against other speculations...well...hrm...

  15. trust him as much as I trust our own manager Martin O´Neill.

    Not once have i seen us linked with neil or read anywhere that MON was interested in neil so if you trust the manager why moan about the fact we haven't brought a player he probably wasn't interested in.

    Soon I get really annoyed with you....I dont understand how you read my posts. I wan only putting O´Neill and Curbishley in the same fold because I admire and trust them both exactly the same. MON is a very skilled manager, as is Curbishley. MON might be a little bit overrated and Curbishley a little bit underrated tbh...

    I havent moaned about us not getting Neill...I havent seen us being interested..and that was not what I was talking about...so please read my posts before you decide to go 100% against everything I write...all the time...

  16. If Lucas Neill is so average..why does bigger clubs...MUCH bigger clubs than Villa and West Ham want him?

    Do they? why has he not gone to these big clubs then?

    Many people here lift up our own players to something remarkable...and I cant believe it...our players are mediocre and that is the reason why no one is interested in our players. Reality check please...

    Just because we don't want to give an average player like lucas neil £50,000 a week doesn't mean we think our players are superb. I want alot of players replaced and i hope we do offer QUALITY players large wages but i don't want lucas neil on that kind of money at this club

    He choosed West Ham before Liverpool...and Benitez went crazy over the fact that Neill decided to take a bigger pay check. Maybe Benitez thinks too good about himself and his Liverpool...and that West Ham showed ambition and that they really wanted him. I am happy that players choose the less famous teams sometime.

    Lucas Neill is a very good defender and he gets credit everywhere for that...your opinion does count...but I rest my belief in the sorts of Liverpool and Juventus (that were after him a while ago). West Ham shows ambition...they want to build a strong team and they are on the way of doing just that...

    Ok..Boa Morte and Quashie might not be world class players, but I will tell you that Curbishley isnt bloody stupid...he knows what he want and I for one hails his work at Charlton...where he made a mediocre side much better with small money. So...if he pay up for players like Boa Morte, Quashie and Neill...then I bet you that he will get result. I trust him as much as I trust our own manager Martin O´Neill.

    £50.000 is gossip...all of a sudden you believe gossip? It is hilarious...

  17. 50k a week for Lucas Neill is ridiculous. I would rather invest in the youth of Bardsley, even if we don't sign him permanently than pay almost triple a players actual worth (based on market conditions).

    agree with that, there is no way i'd want us offering those sort of wages to lucas neil.

    I wouldn't imagine some of our players being very happy if someone as average as lucas neil is coming into the team and earning shit loads more than themselves.

    West ham can have him.

    What is the salary for our players? Anyone knows? If Lucas Neill is so average..why does bigger clubs...MUCH bigger clubs than Villa and West Ham want him? Does anyone, besides us...be interested in our own crap? Nope!

    Many people here lift up our own players to something remarkable...and I cant believe it...our players are mediocre and that is the reason why no one is interested in our players. Reality check please...

    I should say that half the squad must be overpaid!

    Well..today is the 18th...just about 13 days left for us...clock is ticking...

  18. 17 days into january and no signing other than Bardsley loan! It is very poor considering our position and that we need players probably more than any squad in Premier. I´m getting more and more frustrated...please give us something!

    We could´ve won games or at least get some draws during january...now we risk losing every game and that is very dangerous.

    Damn your posts are so depressing, lighten up there is still plenty of transfer window left!!

    Yes I know...but it is a fact that this window is very depressing. We can sit around and sing that we have a lovely bright future with Lerner and Mon...and we do have...but it is only results that will prove it. Results in transfer market and on the pitch.

    I am defenitely not alone here to have this feeling and I guess that some of the players feel unhappy with process too. It is not good for Villa as a club to have such a problem clinching deals...everyone sees that...and they will think 100 times before they sign us.

    Dica now seems to be heading for Fiorentina in Italy...yet another..supposed target...that vanish from our sight. I fear that we are in a situation that will get worse by the day. If we not get any signings we will have a squad without any confidence and without any morale. They are awaiting reinforcement as we are...because MON has told them that "Help is on the way"...

    Is it going to be help on the pitch as teammates or is it going to be someone that clean their shoes after they´ve played a game? :winkold:

  19. 17 days into january and no signing other than Bardsley loan! It is very poor considering our position and that we need players probably more than any squad in Premier. I´m getting more and more frustrated...please give us something!

    We could´ve won games or at least get some draws during january...now we risk losing every game and that is very dangerous. :evil:

  20. We´re not buying players...we sell...so Heinze would never join us. He has far too much quality...maybe if we talk to his uncle...he might be interested? I heard he played football in the 70´s. It would be a body inside our stripped squad...and maybe we can pursuit the man in the cafeteria at Villa Park to join for six months. Where is MON? Can someone tell him that we have plan X ready?

    I played football when I was 13-25 years old...it is 15 years ago...but I still got it...I can be signed for free. Anyone else want to fill our squad? I´m not so quick anymore but I can pass the ball...maybe I will fight for a place with McCann?

  21. Here's some sad sad maths for you:

    380 pages with 15 posts on each page, at an average post speed of 3 minutes, equals 285 hours of time spent posting in this thread alone. That's an awful lot of time people have been discussing the transfer window, and we've only managed to sign Phil Bardsley. Woopdedoo!

    If we sign players it will not be so much to write on here because then it would no longer be gossip or speculation... :winkold:

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