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Posts posted by tricella

  1. bit like this thread then !!!

    :clap::clap::clap: but we still reached over 500 pages!!!suggestions from lahm to bramble.i have a feeling we'll be seeing our first signing next week!!

    I really hope that...but if its going to be Bramble I dont want a signing this summer at all.

    On another note...A top European football club and the winners of Premier League has said that they most probably have done their signings for this summer. Well...it is only Man U...we dont need to follow their lead because a club like Man U dont know much. :winkold:

    I do see a trend here where many teams get their players much earlier after season is over. The transfer market isnt even started but some clubs has already made their signings, or at least the bigger part of it.

    I hope Villa catch up with signings because it is quite vital that the players can start pre season together and be prepared when Premier League season starts. It is much better to have time before the season start to melt players together in tactics and understanding...rather than having 10-15 games in the early season working with this and lose games because players dont know each others game.

  2. Is there any link where it suggests we are in talk with Titus Bramble? If we sign him I be very very disappointed...he is nowhere near Premier standard and if this is to be the truth then I will question MONs ability. It is such a shocking news...I cant believe it and hopefully there is no truth to it.

    I´ve seen Brambles horrorshows on youtube and the man hasnt got a clue at times...like we need THAT!?!?!

    MON is a very good manager but he isnt some kind of God. He showed that when we had a horrible time in the middle of the season. To turn Bramble around is a job too much to bring on any human being...

  3. I would rather see the first team we have now being squad players tbh. That is what kind of wish I have for Villa...

    NOT buying players that are worse than our first eleven...it would be waste of money and time to get that kind of people on board.

    On the realistic note their is of course impossible for us to buy a new first team this summer, but I hope it is this way MON works...and not putting in more deadwood just because Villa need a few new faces. I also hope that MON goes abroad and find good players there and not only buy expensive in England or buy bargains in Scotland. That is not good enough...simple as that.

    Titus Bramble would be shocking signing...and it would NOT impress me!

  4. I dont understand why people not worry.

    Teams that were placed around us in the table and above are investing in good players and every player I´ve seen so far will improve their teams. If we invest the same then it will be all on luck if we´re going to fight for Europe next season.

    Our team is a team for place 11...maybe top ten...but to go into Europe there has to be a huge investment now because other teams that are ahead of us or has had a disappointing season will get better.

    Newcastle will get much better with Allardyce...

    Manchester City will get better when the new ownership is done and Ranieri steps in...

    Everton, Tottenham, Portsmouth and West Ham will be up there...

    Blackburn feels a little bit difficult to decide on how they will go...

    Reading and Bolton will take a dip...

    It will take more than the type of players like Taylor and Naismith to make us serious contenders for Europe next season and that is exactly why I worry. Do we have the chance on getting players we need to close in the gap? Do we have the finance to make such a huge jump on the ladder?

    Everyone seems to think that we will be the winners when the transfer market closes...there are a whole world out there looking for players...and there are not endless amount of players that would suit us or MON.

    MON might have something up his sleeve, but what happens if he misses out on his main targets and players like Parker has already slipped us by?

    There is no safety belt for this ride and we might end up as the transfer markets losers even though we have MON and Lerner. I dont doubt that they have the skill to do things right for the club...not at all...but it is not an easy job to make Villa run riot in the league again...especially not having Europe as a bait to lure high profile players for next season.

    I´m not complaining about MON or Lerner but as a supporter to the club I cant be blind and not count in the reality that comes with this world of football.

    People say that we got Young and Carew in the end of january and we had been moaning through the middle of january that we havent signed anyone yet...well...Young was MON´s doing...but was Carew really MON´s deal or was it Houllier´s? :winkold:

    I am quite sure that Houllier wanted Baros and he used Carew as bait...it was a great deal for us and I am happy for it...but can we be certain that this was a deal that we can give 100% credit to MON?

    I want to discuss things like this so please try to keep a respectful discussion level.

  5. Some people on here is allergic to making valid questions on the transfer policy just because we have MON and Lerner

    Or maybe rational thinking people are prepared to give it more than just a couple of weeks since the season finished before we start questioning the transfer policy.

    It's ridiculous to question randy at this stage in the year just like it was on the 3rd of january when similar things were being posted.

    This makes me go crazy! WHO QUESTIONS LERNER OR MON? I dont...but I still worry about the club. Is that such a shocking thing to do?

    you said yourself your questioning the clubs transfer policy, we surely thats questioning randy and mon as they are the 2 main people involved in our transfer policy.

    And like i said why ask questions about our transfer policy this early? why not give the club time to show us what they have planned.

    I dont question their plans for transfers, it would be utterly stupid to do that when I havent got a clue on what it is...so that is not what I meant at all.

    The only thing I meant was that I do worry, for the sake of AVFC...and with that it comes questions about what players MON are after. In the long run I am sure that MON and Lerner is the absolute best team to bring success to AVFC. I dont have any doubts about that...but for the summer it can be quite hard for us to clinch good deals because we dont play in Europe and there are sooo many clubs around that wants a bite of the cake too.

    If you not grab and go you might end up losing the battle...that is what my concern is about.

    As they´ve said themselves..."IF we not get any big signings it wont be because lack of trying". I would really hate to see that sentence used...BUT they have said it themselves so they are not sure what they can bring to Villa Park. Of course this get people (me) concerned when you see good targets and good players go to teams in the same category as us. I´m just saying that it is natural to worry about your favourite club no matter what...and I get annoyed at people telling me what to say, think or do...like if I was stupid or something.

    Lets just make it hypothetical now...would you be happy getting this players and we went into 1 September:









    What would your reaction be on these players adding to our squad? It is just an example and a hypothetical question because no one on this site knows anything about who we realistically can get into the squad. This is also MON´s first summer transfermarket and we really dont know how good he is on getting people to AVFC. Just be honest and stop writing "Aaaaarghhhhh" and other things that is quite disrespectful.

  6. but what quality is coming our way...that is a very important question to make.

    Why is it?

    You won't get an answer untill the end of the transfer window, so why start moaning and being negative 3 months before that time comes?

    Who is moaning and being negative? I can say one thing and that is that I´m not naive...

    I worry about Aston Villa FC until I see proof we wont be runned over in the transfer market. Expectations is high and I just hope that the club forfill the promise they´ve made to the fans or it will be a sad summer. Some people on here is allergic to making valid questions on the transfer policy just because we have MON and Lerner. Have any of them promised you success so that you already have all the true facts available for you?

    Stop telling me what to say and what to do in a thread that is clearly made for this kind of discussions. If you dont like to read this you can visit another thread that wont bother you about people being worried.

    We are fans of Aston Villa FC and it is natural that we care and that we feel tense about this...

    Even Rafa Benitez is showing concerns about what players he can attract to Liverpool...and HE HAS ALL THE FACTS!

    We dont know anything and the press is going crazy on linking us with all kind of players...some good...and some would not improve us at all.

    Let me worry about my favourite club Aston Villa FC.

    The thread is rumours, speculation, suggestions by the way.

    Meaning what? Dont you read my post? That is exactly what I meant...this is a thread where it is allowed to open up your mind and thoughts about transfers, rumours and suggestions around Aston Villa FC. Why does everyone need to say "blue" and when you say "red" people jump at you because you either said "blue" wrong or you are an idiot not thinking the same as some untouchable on here.

  7. Some people on here is allergic to making valid questions on the transfer policy just because we have MON and Lerner

    Or maybe rational thinking people are prepared to give it more than just a couple of weeks since the season finished before we start questioning the transfer policy.

    It's ridiculous to question randy at this stage in the year just like it was on the 3rd of january when similar things were being posted.

    This makes me go crazy! WHO QUESTIONS LERNER OR MON? I dont...but I still worry about the club. Is that such a shocking thing to do?

  8. but what quality is coming our way...that is a very important question to make.

    Why is it?

    You won't get an answer untill the end of the transfer window, so why start moaning and being negative 3 months before that time comes?

    Who is moaning and being negative? I can say one thing and that is that I´m not naive...

    I worry about Aston Villa FC until I see proof we wont be runned over in the transfer market. Expectations is high and I just hope that the club forfill the promise they´ve made to the fans or it will be a sad summer. Some people on here is allergic to making valid questions on the transfer policy just because we have MON and Lerner. Have any of them promised you success so that you already have all the true facts available for you?

    Stop telling me what to say and what to do in a thread that is clearly made for this kind of discussions. If you dont like to read this you can visit another thread that wont bother you about people being worried.

    We are fans of Aston Villa FC and it is natural that we care and that we feel tense about this...

    Even Rafa Benitez is showing concerns about what players he can attract to Liverpool...and HE HAS ALL THE FACTS!

    We dont know anything and the press is going crazy on linking us with all kind of players...some good...and some would not improve us at all.

    Let me worry about my favourite club Aston Villa FC.

  9. It is nothing wrong having concerns about our club when you see many other clubs has proof of getting players in...

    I know we will sign players to Villa...but what kind of players will it be? That is the question. Everyone knows you cant get Ronaldinho...but what quality is coming our way...that is a very important question to make.

    And to all of you that gets annoyed and irritated about things on this thread...look away for a moment...then look again...what does this thread sentence say?

    Dont moan about people moaning...try to understand that everyone is concerned about our club and what kind of quality MON will get to the club. Maybe we´ll be shocked at the quality he brings on...maybe we get disappointed because Villa has problems getting big names.

    We dont know what to expect from the new regime this summer so please have that in mind when you have a go at people that doesnt feel as sure as you about the summer activity and what it will bring to us.

    Man U made a lovely double in Nani and Anderson. What they will do on the pitch together with C. Ronaldo everyone can guess. I bet this deal hurt Moaninho, Benitez and Wenger...and of course Jol.

  10. The fact that him and his agent screwed Leeds Utd over with his transfer from Leeds to Liverpool?

    The fact that he has played a handful of games with very little impact over the past 3-4 years.

    The fact that he appears on footballers cribs - IMO any footballer with an ounce of respect would not appear on that tacky show.

    Is it a fact or just a disagreement between Kewell, his agent and Leeds?

    Has injuries stopped him playing or has he not been the favourite for that spot in Liverpool? Is it maybe a combination of both?

    Footballers cribs? That was a longshot why not liking a player, but it seems like you have made up your mind.

    BTW...Saunders and Collymore was Liverpool cast off...I liked both on the pitch when they played for Villa. Collymore had his off field issues that I didnt like...but that had nothing to do with Villa or that he was a pool cast off.

    IF Kewell and Bellamy comes to Villa they are both improving the team by far...so why should be not try and get players who has played successfully for one of Europes best clubs?

    Your arguments against seems very thin...it is more a personal thing than judging them on a footballing reason.

  11. Is anyone panicking? :?

    Yes..I have had an itch in my ass for a week now and I cant get rid off it! I try a load of medicine but it wont go away. Maybe I should try another chair to sit on when I visit Villatalk, because I tend to sit far too long on this site...but it is so addictive...

    Well...a man gotta do what a man gotta do...it sux but still...if we get a signing by tomorrow I think I can get my behind a breather. :lol:

    BTW...I think we get someone in on friday... :winkold: Signing there is.... :oops:

  12. Bellamy and Kewell - no, that would be a waste of money

    Ribery and Defoe - yes

    I think you can forget Ribery...I have a feeling he wont suit MON. Ribery has a rep about him that says he isnt a teamplayer and often crash into conflicts with manager and board. He has moved quite a lot if you´re looking at his age and his clubs.

    Ribery is quality...but I dont think he is good for Villa and tbh I dont think Villa suite him and his ambition. We are two-three years away from attracting players like him to the club.

  13. BBC are reporting that Jagielka has rejected Villa and Newcastle to join Everton.

    £4 million as well, release fee in his contract.

    If that is true then so be it...Jagielka wouldnt have been a big signing player anyway and tbh I think we´ve had enough buys from relegated teams. However...Jagielka is a good player so he will strengthen Everton and make them even stronger.

  14. Scott Parker is worth £7m and would be a great asset for our midfield. The problem is if he is the best choice available...but I like to have him in the team...thats for sure.

    When he went to Newcastle almost everyone wanted him at Villa so he was at least very interesting to fans of Villa back then...and should´nt have lost so many supporters despite playing for Newcastle. It is not his fault that Newcastle has been one of the biggest underachieveing team this season.

  15. Oh how we'd love to have a Brazilian at the club! If he could continue the form he's shown in the dutch league he'd def be a fans favorite.

    Yeah id say 34 goals for us would make him somewhat of a success! :lol:

    I would say that his freekicks was marvellous. The other goals was sometime poor defending, but that is also to be seen in Premier. I think he could do great at Villa. Afonso Alves och John Carew would be a big striker pair too... :winkold:

  16. If we are after Thomas Gravesen... God heavens that would be a very bad move Mon!

    don't hope it's true... Amen

    100% Bollox! I wouldnt be surprised if you are Pro-McCann...

    Gravesen has played for Real Madrid. He was brilliant at Everton and he has done ok at Celtic. Gravesen is 31 years old and he still can do a bloody good work in the middle where we have been so weak and inconsistent. The youngsters will benefit hugely by his presence and this would not be a bad move or MON considering he has stated that he wants quantity and quality.

    On the Kewell note I would like to mention what his merits are and that he has been a good player for Liverpool recent seasons...although this season has been disappointing by injuries.

    Could we do better? Yes probably...but then again...they might not want to play for Villa.

    you’re having a laugh of all time aren’t you?

    I am Dane and I know about Gravesen thanks, he was good for years ago

    But today, he has a very hard time to get on the Celtic team…

    So in a way you are right, he is 100% Bollox !! but I will rest my case on him now and just pray we don’t go for him..

    If MON is about to bring him to VIlla then I trust his judgement...you will never know if a player is going to be a hit or not...but Gravesen has good experience from top level football. I´m not saying "Buy Gravesen and we are ready for new season!"...all I am saying that Gravesen is good enough to be included in what MON adressed as "quantity...as well as quality".

    Remind you that Gravesen has other qualities more than being a good footballer and professional. He isnt Mr Nice Guy and I would compare him sometime with Roy Keane and Robbie Savage in the way he behave on the pitch. He is a teaser and a bullshit talker on the pitch...he constantly irritates people in the opposite team and he is a bulldog for his own team. He has taken a lot of stars down in the past because he can sometime be quite brutal, even with his teammates. Many people on here have put a wanted sign up because we need someone to be a voice in the team...someone who gets pissed off and let all the others know it. He is a Bellamy type of player...

    They have called him Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde at times and I think that he would do great at Villa because the leadership of MON.

  17. If we are after Thomas Gravesen... God heavens that would be a very bad move Mon!

    don't hope it's true... Amen

    100% Bollox! I wouldnt be surprised if you are Pro-McCann...

    Gravesen has played for Real Madrid. He was brilliant at Everton and he has done ok at Celtic. Gravesen is 31 years old and he still can do a bloody good work in the middle where we have been so weak and inconsistent. The youngsters will benefit hugely by his presence and this would not be a bad move or MON considering he has stated that he wants quantity and quality.

    On the Kewell note I would like to mention what his merits are and that he has been a good player for Liverpool recent seasons...although this season has been disappointing by injuries.

    Could we do better? Yes probably...but then again...they might not want to play for Villa.

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