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Posts posted by villan-scott

  1. Welcome Matt! A good young full back, hopefully can make the step up to the prem! I think it's safe to say we have no idea the targets Lambert has lined up. Exciting times again! UTV!

  2. We know what we're getting with Guzan, a good solid backup keeper, who when called upon can do a job. Don't think he's good enough to dislodge Given but you never know.

  3. NCFC and those running the club have been nothing short of a disgrace over this since the middle of May, believe me.

    Those who will know my posts on this site for the last two years will be aware that I am not one who is in the business of heaping praise on our owner and would be more than willing to see fault in his behaviour. However, over this he has acted incredibly well. There is no fault on his part. He is now trying to correct a situations we have at our club and trying to employ the right people and give them the right backing. Hats off to him.

    The fault / blame / bad behaviour is entirely with NCFC, I can say no more than that

    This. It's well documented from several clubs that Villa are impeccable to deal with and Randy does the best he knows how. Barring the poaching of McLeish!

  4. Was bought the home shirt for my birthday yesterday off the in-laws after not seeing it in the flesh before, and I have to say I really like it! Very keen on the design and feel of the shirt and no qualms with quality whatsoever.

  5. So is it Karim Benzema or Karim El Ahmadi we're close to signing?! Pipe down about Benzema he has no relevance to Villa whatsoever. I am all for this signing looks like he'll be a great asset.

  6. I don't think they would be as Makoun isn't somebody with timing to nick the ball in the manner Ahmadi seems to, they could play in the same midfield IMO with Ireland just in front of them, would be pretty formidable if you ask me.

  7. Excited by this! Hopefully get it done and dusted ASAP, good to see PL has targets lined up already and work is well under way for reshaping the squad. Absolutely love transfer season, especially knowing we're going to be very active.

  8. Quite excited by this due to him being pretty much unknown to me. He could be our very own Cheik Tiote, if he's anywhere near his level we're on to a winner. For the price we can't go wrong, goin to be an interesting summer ahead.

  9. Just watched both videos on the kit mini site and I like them both. Both decent looking football kits, the home one has a traditional feel about it with the collar and design. I like it, and definitely think they'll grow on us.

  10. Liking the look of the glimpes of the new shirt, and think that Swerbs is pretty much spot on judging by the snippets we have seen. Amazing how positive the feeling around the club is now in comparison to 2/3 months ago, PF and RL really need to ride this wave now and continue to turn us round and get us heading in the right direction again.

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