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Posts posted by Pilchard

  1. 9 minutes ago, Richard said:

    I do not have the cajones to come out and name a player and then say it will be announced shortly ;-) but I am firmly believing that strong details of another potential signing Will be coming out later today

    Jose Cajones. Mexico international winger.


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  2. 7 minutes ago, RaptureJames said:

    Pretty much what i was about to post - also to add these strikers we are looking to buy arent fringe players at their club they are the main men for their team, kind of like when Benteke linked away on deadline day wwe wouldnt have expected it to be on the cheap.

    On top of that - Assombalonga - Forest having sold Burke simply wouldnt be able to entertain selling him too. The problem with things happening at the end of the window is that the price gets moved up a couple of million.

  3. Amazing that you'd get this close to a deal and not have an idea about the personal terms being asked for. I should imagine after his good form in the Premier League he may have bumped up his demands somewhat. 

    It's a shame as it'd have been a cracking signing.

  4. Regarding the price for Kodija - we've been stuck in a corner really. We've tried all summer to get a striker and now have two days to get one. So prices go up. People know we've bid £20m for Hernandez, so they know we have money. We have come out and talked about buying a striker and Tony wants to deliver and not give false promises so we have to do something.

    I'd never heard of him before we were linked to him. But he scored a fair few last season. As long as he's going to score goals and move us away from the relegation battle area further up the table then lets do it.


  5. Not too fussed about not having Adomah as I don't think he'd have fit into the team but am disappointed as obviously RDM thought he'd drag us away from relegation battle area where we are now.

    It feels like the next two days could be extremely busy, or extremely disappointing. Even if it's the latter, Tony will have provided big sums - much bigger than I expected to push this team forward and certainly enough to be midtable this year after the shitstorm we had last year. Gollini appears to be a hiccup but other than that they all appear to be solid signings and if they can keep Tishibola fit (which may be a big 'If' looking at his record last year....) then all areas of the team have been improved upon from last year.


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  6. 1 hour ago, Mantis said:

    No, that's not enough said at all. You're judging players based purely on who scouted them rather than their ability on the pitch.

    If all but one of the players he brought in are shite and don't have the right attitude, then it's more than likely so is the other one. 

    I hope he's not. But before his injury Amavi gave goals away and has been out performed by Cissokko so far this season.

    He'll be gone in January.

  7. 43 minutes ago, KHV said:

    Yes Ayew doesn't want to be here for a start and has been mostly crap since he arrived apart from the odd good goal. Amavi was dodgy before he got injured and he is still dodgy now

    Both brought in by Riley.....enough said

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