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Posts posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. Considering Lerner has small bollocks, I know it won't be Johnny Gregg, which is quite upsetting for me because in my eyes he's a legend!

    The only other person I'd like to see given a crack is Curbs. I honestly believe that he would do to us what Pardew has done to Newcastle. I can't imagine us getting a foreign coach in, especially a relative unknown, it just doesn't work - AVB @ Chelsea, Gross @ Spurs.

    We won't attract a top name because we don't have the finances to back them in the transfer window. Even with 2 big name signings, the team is rotten to the core and needs a steady re-build, which will only be done well, IMO, by someone who has associations with the club and understands the brand of football Villa 'should' be producing. Gregory gave us exciting, attacking football. Curbs done well at Charlton (basically where else could he have taken them?!) and then took the poison chalice that seems to be the West Ham job. This seems to have led people to believe he's a poor manager - the same brush Pardew got painted with.

  2. I've been wanting Gregory back since January, when McUseless should have been fired.

    Sure, he's not done anything since leaving us, but when he is Villa - through-and-through - it must be hard to go elsewhere and do well.

    At least he'd **** off Dunne, Warnock, Hutton etc... he'd never put up with their bollocks displays. He'd get the team galvanized and as someone else said - we won't win shit all for years to come, so why not have a character with a bit of flamboyancy so at least we'd all enjoy the roller-coaster ride that supporting this club brings.

  3. Just give it to Greggs.

    Get him in as manager, Laursen in on the coaching set-up. Johnny-boy does the job for 2/3 season, which will be enough to ship the shit out and get some passion coursing through this club again and by the time he has a wobbler and threatens to shoot Samir Carruthers (who'll ask to go and join Man Utd) and can't cope with Barry Bannans' impending depression, the Dane will have done his coaching badges and be ready to step up.

    Rock on.

  4. Johnny Gregg is a legend. I absolutely love the bloke.

    People may be right that he wouldn't be the right choice but I'd chop my nuts off for a chance to see him back managing the Villa for a season or two.

    He has so much passion for the club and in his reign that clearly passed through to the players. Yes, he's been in the wilderness for a while but I seriously believe he'd give the club such a kick up the ass that we'd be flying again.

    Shame that during his reign he never got the backing to complete the job. I know during the January, when we were top, there was a rumor he wanted to bring in Juninho or Vieri. Basically, either of these players may have been the final piece to take us over the line. In the end, he got **** over by Collymore (who to this day, when he waffles about the Villa, I can't take seriously because if he loved us that much, he'd have not spent most his time slapping Swedes and playing shyte), made an with the Ginola signing (lazy bastard) and then the whole Yorke thing was a bit unsavory for all involved.

  5. Is the sticky at the top of the matchday forum an ironic joke?

    If he still believes he can carry on after this today, then he needs taking away to a mental institute. Our season summed up in that first 25 minutes - no passion, desire, ability, motivation, tactical awareness and YOU HAVE HAD 38 **** GAMES TO SORT THE DEFENDING OUT!!!!

    I couldn't give a shit if he's a nice guy or not. I hope he gets dogs abuse and if it's personal good, cos' the prick needs to finally get the message he's not wanted.

    But it's not poor Alex's fault, it's everyone else's


    However, if he wants a job where the core objective is to make cuts, **** up and pan the blame out then he should see Cameron about being Chancellor of the Exchequer.

  6. Is the sticky at the top of the matchday forum an ironic joke?

    If he still believes he can carry on after this today, then he needs taking away to a mental institute. Our season summed up in that first 25 minutes - no passion, desire, ability, motivation, tactical awareness and YOU HAVE HAD 38 **** GAMES TO SORT THE DEFENDING OUT!!!!

    I couldn't give a shit if he's a nice guy or not. I hope he gets dogs abuse and if it's personal good, cos' the prick needs to finally get the message he's not wanted.

  7. I am ashamed to be a fan of this once great club right now.

    The rest of this country is sat back laughing at us and I know that a lot of people would be delighted to see us go down.

    These 3 players should all be **** off ASAP. In a season where the manager, the board and the players have put in about 30%, to go out and heap even more shame onto themselves, the fans and the club is totally unacceptable. It may be 'something of nothing' but if these 3 idiots don't realize how much scrutiny a modern day 'professional (I use the term very loosely) footballer' come under in every aspect of their life's, then they need to grow up and take accountability.

    I hope none of these 3 have kids?

    What a **** shambles.

  8. What pisses me off is that WBA have the cigars out, you could clearly see they were happy to take a point.

    Mctwat has no idea how to change a game. He should have made 'attacking' subs around the 65th minute mark. Instead, off comes Zog, a creative player, and on comes Gardner, who for all his potential, hasn't exactly ripped up any trees this season.

    Why not put Carruthers and Weimann on? Hutton & Agbonlahor were shyte today and both deserved to be subbed.

    The guy probably thinks we see today as a great result and he made an excellent team selection.

    I view it as a chance of 3 points to secure our safety gone begging and yet another game which highlights his complete tactical nous to change a game when needed.

    As for Grant and that **** notebook he has. I'd love to see what is actually written in there because I will be **** if it relates in anyway to the match they are watching.

  9. Let's throw this relegation fight a curve ball...

    I'd stick him up-front against WBA, alongside Heskey. Let's just do a Stoke and punt the ball into them two at every opportunity. They both may not be great footballers but they can both win a header and if we can create some mayhem in the WBA area, we might be able to feed off the scraps.

    WBA wouldn't be expecting and at least we'd be trying something 'different' than our usual role over and take a **** tactics.

  10. I've not changed my view pacbuddies

    As I said a week ago, this is the endgame now

    He's here for 3 more weeks max, let's just get behind the lads now and the fans stand united

    All this talk of "fan statements" is not good, he's gone anyway

    Forget him the club is all that matters now

    Trouble is, for the next 3 weeks he's still in charge of a team fighting relegation and does not have a **** scooby.

    Just listened to twatterface on Talksport. Brought out the 'he's from sha' line again. He then proves what a useless Journo he is by saying on Tuesday Heskey was wide-left and N'Zogbia was up front? Not on my TV they weren't.

    I will be honest and say the fact he came from Sha IS a lot to do with it. Not cos' of my allegiances, but because HE TOOK THEM DOWN TWICE IN THREE YEARS. How many times do the media need to read that fact before one of them rubs 2 stones together and get fire??!!!

    Just in case the media read this, I'll list a few other reasons...

    1. He's a shit manager

    2. He's a shit manager


    3. He's a shit manager

    I also heard what Mcrelegator said about being in the fight to beat the drop. He mentioned the word 'motivate'. As he did though, there was a nervous cough swiftly followed by the statement ' you'd like to think these players are highly motivated anyway'. He really is clutching at straws and sounds to me he knows he's **** come what may.

  11. I couldn't really give a shit anymore if we stay up or go down.

    The Premiership has been consumed by greedy owners, mercenary players, crap ref's and cheating on the field of play. I no longer look forward to a weekend of Football like I did 10 years ago as it's no longer a level playing field unless you have a few billion knocking around. Some of the antics the players get up to are pathetic and you may as well abolish contracts as they aren't worth the paper they are written on.

    This season, I have not attended many Villa games. Not because I'm, as some like to say - 'not a real fan' - but because I am increasingly disillusioned how far the game has moved away from the 'real' football supporter.

    Yes, it's nice being in the 'big time' but if we are in for season after season of boring, mediocre shit football, I'd take going down. We have no money anyway, apparently, so at least we could flog Bent, Given, N'Zogbia etc... which would give us a few quid. We could then hire Curbs as manager with Johnny Gregg as first team coach. These two would bring goals, excitement and new life to Villa Park.

    We'd probably win the Championship, wouldn't see many clubs coming to VP and getting anything at all. At least if we take a step back first, we can dump the deadwood - which there is enough to build a fleet of arks - and start resurrecting this once great club which a Yank & Scot have truly done a number on this season. Then, if we do come up, we'll still have a management team who have Premiership experience of not going around relegating everything they set their eyes on.

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