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Posts posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. I don't think it will hurt that much if we go down, because on the evidence of this season we deserve to go down. If we were actually having a go and being unlucky then it would but we contribute so much to our own downfall with comical defending and a complete lack of anything.

    We have no style of play at all.

    I hated Mcleish with a passion but I will give him one thing - It was NEVER this bad under him and for that reason alone Lambert should be sacked.

  2. This is exactly it, what evidence have you got that he doesn't have a clue?

    Do you really need it pointing out??

    I'm lead to believe he's advising Lerner and if that is the case then the appointment and abject failure of Mcleish should be enough from him to leave his post. The clearest possible proof that 2 of the people making key decisions at this club have no Football knowledge and they are out of touch with the supporters.

  3. Well, if we overcome Bradford, he has a 50/50 chance of his prediction coming true.

    What he failed to add to his statement was we'd be in The Championship while trying to achieve this goal.

    He doesn't have a clue, nor does Lerner or anyone else running this club. That's the bottom line.

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  4. If Rickie Lambert shakes our defenders up early doors, we are in big trouble later.

    We need to go out from the off and have a right go. First 20 minutes are vital, if we can score early then it may see us through. Sod this sideways passing rubbish and keeping possession at the back, get that ball forward - to feet - quickly and put them on the back foot. Let them worry about us, not the other way around.

    This has draw written all over it though, as both teams can't afford to lose and if either get a 1-0 lead, I can see them trying to defend it. Unfortunately for us, we can't defend.

    As for the team, I'd like to see...


    GK: Guzan

    DR: Lowton

    DL: Warnock

    DC: Vlaar

    DC: Baker

    CM: Clark

    CM: Westwood

    AML: Carruthers

    AMR: Weimann

    AMC: N'Zogbia

    FC: Benteke

    Won't happen though as Bannan, Delph and Bennett will all get the nod and contrive to **** up another game

  5. We don't need Stephens. We don't need players that are not proven at this level. We need someone who can come in and make a difference.

    If Stephens is that good, then why did Oldham ship him out on loan twice?

    Lambert's transfer policy is nothing short of desperate.

  6. I see Lambert has learned his lesson....

    Oh wait, you say Dale Stephens? My confidence has just literally dropped through the floor, more money being frittered on lower league players.

    I don't care what anyone says, he's building a Championship side.

  7. How can Lerner have no cash? He sold that shit NFL team and I thought someone said he'd just come 'into' another $100 million or so. Couple that with what he's pocketed from the recent sales and you're are telling me we can't 'afford' a £5 million player?

    Well, carry right on Lerner you tit because we are on the verge of becoming Leeds United part 2, minus the Champions League exploits. We got the right manager, as Lambert is slowly morphing into O'Dreary, rattling on about his 'young team' week-in-week-out.

    If Lambert's hands are tied regarding transfers, then I have no sympathy for him as he should have known that when he accepted the job. He has also wasted money on buying these children for his long-term project. I fully expect him to come out of the tunnel one of these days wearing a pleated dress, twirling an umbrella while the players skip along behind playing flutes.

    I care about here and now. What happens 3-4 years down the line is elementary because with the way Platini is going, so much would have changed anyway. This is the poorest Premiership for years, so many turgid teams floating around but it's better than being in The Championship, which is where we are hurtling towards unless Lambert sorts 'his' team out.

  8. IMO he is one of the top 10 managers operating in the premiership. Given time he will prove that.

    I don't beleive he is either a top 4 manager or the best young manager of our generation - if he were he wouldnt be at Villa.

    I think he is a top 10 manager. Thats my opinion

    So you're in charge of Villa - you sack Lambert, who will you appoint? Steve Bruce? Curbishley?

    Jose Mourinho could'nt have turned round the disaster PL inherited in one window

    So you THINK he's a top 10 manager. Trouble is, you have no concrete evidence to back up your opinion.

    Whereas I think he's shyte - and believe me, the evidence is stacking up left, right and centre to prove me correct.

    I am in charge of Villa? That'd be interesting, as for a start the last 3 appointments would not have taken place. I actually know a little bit about Football and understand 2 things certain people who run this football club have glaringly missed in the last 2 years...

    1. Appointing a manager, from your closest rivals, who has relegated them playing dire football and thinking it's a good move is nothing short of thickness.

    2. If you are going to 'attempt' to re-build a team, you don't just get shot of any experience you may have and rely on a bunch of inept youth graduates and kids from League 1 & 2.

    As for who'd replace him - Alan Curbishley. Ex-Villa, knows the club and will get it across to these players what it 'should' mean to pull that shirt on.

    His win percentages...

    Charlton - 36.89% & 38.52

    West Ham - 40.85%

    The last & our current Villa managers win percentages...

    Alex Mcleish - 21.43%

    Paul Lambert - 33.33%

    But of course, Curbs has been out the game too long which MUST mean he wouldn't have a scooby.

  9. One other thing to add. His brand of Football.

    Gregory was attacking. Houllier played possession football. Mcleish was defensive.

    What exactly is Lambert's? It's not defensive as our goals against shows. It's not attacking as our goals for shows. It's not possession, as I don't class possession football as making 12-15 passes in and around your own half before ultimately either hoofing it hopefully forward or giving it away.

    There is not one positive aspect to the way we play. We don't score and we concede 2 or 3 more often than not. For that alone, he is clueless and needs to leave.

  10. VillaCas - Are you Paul Lambert??

    Seriously, your support for him is admirable but we don't have 18-24 months to sort this. In 24 months, at the current rate, we'll be in a relegation fight - in the Championship.

    He did inherit a poor squad but not a squad that gets stuffed 8-0, 4-0, 3-0 in consecutive games. I can except the Chelsea result can happen to any team and possibly the Spurs result but to get hammered at home by Wigan is totally unacceptable.

    Also, how can you come on here and say he's a top 10 manager?? Where is there any proof of that? One season he's had in the Premiership and he finished 12th. Yes, that's an achievement for Norwich but the Premier League has been poor for 2-3 years now so not like it was that hard last season.

    So, no proof what-so-ever that he is a 'top 10 manager'. He is a manager who guided a club back into the big time. A club that had been in the Prem before and in Europe before. Why did he not stay at Norwich if he has that much belief in his own ability and kick them on? He jumped at the first oppurtunity and it's biting him on the ass big time.

    If we lose to Southampton, which considering what I've witnessed since mid-December is more likely to happen than not, I expect him to quit. If you give him 'time' he will just pack the squad full of players like Bennett, Westwood, Bowery and take us down. And if anyone is under the illusion that if we go out the Prem we'll be staright back, then they need to take a reality check.

  11. Can you blame Bent for being pissed off??

    He scores at the weekend then gets dropped. Wonderful.

    I'd be pissed off too, but to say he's missing open goals on purpose is the most deluded statement I've seen since someone said Paul Lambert was a good manager.

  12. For those of you who are saying 'we can't keep changing managers halfway through the season', can you please highlight when this has happened??

    The last 5 managers have all taken control in the summer - O'Leary, O'Neill, Houllier, Mcleish, Lambert. Of them 5, only Houllier didn't have much of a transfer window to get a few players in.

    The last change of manager mid-way through a season was when Taylor took over from Gregory. Yes, that was a disaster, but that was Ellis gradually losing the plot. Before that though, Gregory took over from Little in February 1998 and got the team firing for the second half of the season.

    So, this myth of it would do more harm than good is bollocks. Most the damage that has been inflicted on this club by the last few dougnuts who have resided over the team has been done during the summer.

    There is a lot wrong with this club other than Lambert. Lerner takes a lot of the blame. Yes, he backed managers with money but a better chairman with just a tad of knowledge about Football would have not allowed players such as Hutton, Beye, Heskey etc... to be brought in on such stupidly high wages. He also wrote off last season with his appointment of Mcleish, which was NEVER EVER going to turn out to be anything more than what it was - a shambles. Again, a clear lack of experience and knowledge of the games shines through with that decision.

    So, we have a chairman, surrounded by ex-vietnam goons and a chief executive who does not have a clue.

    As for Lambert, he'll end up on the scrapheap eventually. He lacks emotion, this dead-pan expression come what may is pissing me off and he's sounding like a broken record. Yes, we have a young side but that's cos' HE sold or alienated the few experienced players we had. So that excuse holds no weight with me.

    His signings have been hit and miss. Westwood looks OK but what does he actually do? Pass the ball from side to side. Benteke looks awesome one minute and sunday league the next. As for the others, I can't even be bothered as they are that poor.

    I would not trust him with another penny to spend as this long term 'project' that we are apparantly on, seems to be a one way ticket to Championship football. His decision making is very poor - Bent scores on Saturday, so he then drops him??!! - and tactically he can't influence a game.

    A lot of these players are not good enough but they are being hung out to dry as Lambert's shit formations and tactics are exposing every weakness we have. Under Mcleish the defence was shit but Lambert has managed to make it worse. I actually think Baker will turn out to be a very good defender but he needs someone to learn from.

    The bottom line is, if we had played/lost the like we have the throughout the season under Mcleish, there would have been a riot. 8-0 away at Chelsea under Mcleish?? I'd fear for his safety.

    We are a complete laughing stock and as much as I couldn't give a shit what other fans think, to feel humilated as a fan of this club is not a nice feeling. The rot needs stopping now. The ideal solution is the whole of the board and ex-Norwich posse sling their hooks. Failing that, I'd settle for a new manager who actually has a clue.

  13. Said it before, I'll say it again.


    What we got to lose now?

    Without 2 or 3 'lucky' wins, we'd be bottom by a long shot. And over the course of this season, it wouldn't be undeserved.

    You can see the panic set in as soon as we concede and I only see one player actually giving a shit - Weimann.

    Don't worry though, as I am sure Lambert is on the phone securing the services of Dale Stephens as we speak.

  14. I'm at the point now that I'd rather have Mcleish.

    At least we weren't getting smashed every game.

    Lambert is a flash in the pan. Just like the team - we need experience, someone who has been there and done it to drag us out this mess we are in.

    We also need someone before Lambert signs anymore inept shit players and makes us even worse still.

    Gutted ain't the word at the moment.

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