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Posts posted by UpTheVilla26

  1. 5 hours ago, ozvillafan said:

    Makes it too easy for journalists, to be honest

    • Slot machine
    • Time slot
    • Coin slot
    • Expansion slot
    • Mail slot
    • Wrong slot (that's for you @rjw63)
    • Slot racing

    Then there is the "clever" use of slot instead of snot

    • Slot rocket
    • Slick as slot
    • Slot nosed
    • Beat the ever living slot out of them

    Dirty Slot

    • Haha 1
  2. Just got back. 

    Great result. 

    I thought we played well on the whole, there was a 10min spell after the pen where we looked ropey but 2nd half was class. 

    Ollie came out like a bloke possessed, he was unplayable 2nd half. 

    I also thought Youri had a very good game. 

    Cash was all over the place the whole game, we have to improve at RB. Diaby was also crap until his goal, it seemed to settle him down a bit. 

    3 more points for our CL quest, it's been a brilliant week for us. 

  3. Managed to get some tickets for this, 4 of us going. 

    Last game I went to was Legia and my Dad printed off the tickets. 

    Dumb question - if I was to WhatsApp the pdf to each person going, can they be scanned via a phone on entrance or do I need to print them still? 

    • Like 1
  4. Last night was the most ever Villa way to win a tie. 

    IMO we were poor but probably created the best chances - Cash, Dougie, Duran all score on another night. Other than their 2 goals, they didn't really create a lot. 

    You just knew if it went to pens we'd win though. My lad is 17 and he wanted it to go to pens, even at the start of ET, cos, as he said, we have Emi and we will win. He was spot on. 

    It was all a bit mental and I've woke up this morning with a thick head, a sore throat - my neighbours must of thought I was laying the smackdown on my family with the amount of shouting cos of the ref - and a need to rewatch the game, or at least that shootout a few hundred times. 

    Bring on the Greeks 🦁

    • Like 1
  5. Interesting reading other forums and their views of him. 

    In the main, they think he's a dick but also a few who say they like him and he's a character. 

    What he is, once you strip back all the theatrics, is a winner. He does all the shit housing but he more than backs it up with his actions. 

    Last night, he got in the Lille players heads. Same he did in the Copa v Colombia and the WC Final v France. Did the same to ratboy at Old Trafford. 

    He's just a different level and all them opposition fans who despise him would have him in their goal, at their club in a heartbeat. 

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