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Posts posted by VILLAFC2000

  1. General what do you think the club can do support the UEFA fair play rule...?

    The UEFA fair play rule will only be as good as the way it is enforced by Platini and co.

    As fans, Stakeholders and ambassadors of this fine historic football club we should be doing everything in our powers to make sure that this rule is not made a mockery of.

    There are 20 teams in The PL, and Probably 75% of those teams would fight tooth and nail for a more even playing field and for the Rulings to be enforced.If all these clubs come together as one and sing from the same Hymn sheet, then this could make a diffidence.

    However if clubs sit back and do little then the injustice is likely to go unnoticed.

    All these clubs, fans and stakeholders needs to be pro active and put weight on UEFA to make sure the rule is acted out as it should be.

    After all the PL is becoming the BORING. The same teams constantly winning everything.

  2. Gareth Barrth Was 17 when he played for Villa

    Gareth Barrth? I'd never heard of him! We let someone with that kind of promise go? **** O'Neill!


    Did O neil want to sell him did he....?

    Was he pleased that Barry went...?

  3. we will be lucky to finish 9 th...!

    This club has not got a clue about how to win things, Our best hopes in years were with MON, who we decided we would not back constantly....!

    Have you got any links to the Jose claim...?

  4. quote from the general

    Top 4 is absolutely our goal...and I honestly think that we will do it. We will strengthen the squad again, everyone will be settled in and comfortable...we will be huge"!


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