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Posts posted by carew_villa

  1. *Post edited - this isn't the place to debate or respond to other posters questions. Trent

    Off topic I know but General, I second the views of AVFC-PrideofBrum regarding season ticket prices for under 21's. I feel the gap from under 16's to under 21's is very big considering a lot of u21's go to college or uni and in most cases can not get jobs to raise money for tickets to games or season tickets.

    I completely understand if you can't alter prices considering Villa really is a business but I think Villa could maybe have U18's tickets or even have discounts on ticket prices if you are a student at college or sixth form and make up a system where you could prove that you are in education and have discounts.

    Again, I completely understand if you can't do anything about it but I think you could maybe give it some consideration in the future.

  2. He's played 2 league games which he got a card on each occasion and he played against Cardiff in the Carling cup and got a yellow as well

    I think the only game he hasn't got a yellow so far has been the sunderland game and he only played for 30 minutes

  3. Me and a couple of mates were thinking of going to Suderland now that the coach travel is free but we've got a problem

    None of us have cars so usually we go home after Villa games by train but I don't know what time we'll be getting back for or whether there's any way to go home at what I suspect will be about 3 or 4 in the morning.

    I was wondering if anybody knows of any other way to travel afterwards or if car is the only method and what time we'll be getting back to VP

    I might have to not go or have to get someone to pick me up :|

    Sorry if this has already been done or if it needs to be moved.

  4. To be honest General, personally I find your comments re. Barry a bit disrespectful. He was a fantastic player for us for over 10 years, long before you were associated with Aston Villa. Did you watch a lot of Aston Villa, and Gareth Barry from 1997-2006? Genuine question.

    I appreciate you're only giving your honest opinion, but to say: "Let's face it...he could take a penalty kick and could do a good job of distributing the ball but he was not a in the category of a superstar and certainly not a Laursen." is a bit out of order, and not something someone in your position should be saying. Laursen played almost 100 games for us, Gareth played almost 450.

    He could do a lot more than just take a penalty and distribute the ball, and he was one of our most consistent players for over 10 years, albeit not a superstar.

    I agree that he's not irreplaceable though, and I also agree that replacing Laursen will be a lot harder than replacing Barry. I also agree that if a player doesn't want to be here, then sell, I've got no problems with that.

    But I don't think we should be "Forgetting Barry", no matter who we sign. He deserves a bit more respect than that, in my opinion. Some Villa fans seem a bit bitter that he left, and I hope you're not just saying what you think they want to hear by playing down Barry's ability and contribution to Villa?

    Apart from that, keep up the good work.

    It's just the Generals opinion and he was basically saying that Barry can be replaced and was nothing special like Laursen was.

    What is the point in making out that barry can't be replaced and was some sort of world beater?

    Barry's best years at Villa were when the General was involved with Villa and Barry was consideribly worse before so your comment about the General not watching Villa before is totally incorrect.

    I never rated barry that much and I think in the 100 games laursen played for Villa, he made for of an impact than in the 450+ games Barry played for us

  5. NRC should be captain since he is a natural leader and drives the whole team forward IMO

    He captained in the Peace Cup and he really impressed so I'd keep the same captain

    By the way mikeyp102, I think Cattermole is now the youngest captain because he captained Boro against Villa when he was 17 or 18

    He cried after we thrashed them

  6. i think carew has been pretty poor in pre season so i'd drop him to the bench (it hurts me to say)

    Gabby and Heskey up front if we're playing 442, but how about a 451?

    (presuming lyoung injured and also petrov not fully fit)












    Ive been really impressed with Heskey in pre season and I think he'd do a great job as a lone striker bringing others into the game and also maybe chip in with a few at the near post ;)

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