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Posts posted by carew_villa

  1. I'm pretty sure that Lerner is appointing the manager, not Faulkner.

    However, Houllier overseeing transfers and K MacDonald overseeing tactics would worry me. Given Houllier's transfer record at Liverpool and how tactically naive MacDonald was. He'd keep playing a centre mid partnership of Petrov and Ireland. And he'll keep playing Young behind the striker. He's good there, but Ireland is better off there and Young is better off on the wing.

  2. Do we really need to improve our youth system?

    Yes IMO.

    Not a lot of players coming through the academy have made it as players for Villa. I'm not saying it's bad but there's always room for improvement. We should strive to make our academy as good as, if not better, than Barcelona's and Ajax's.

    I know it's not likely but we should try our best to improve.

  3. In the Mirror article about Klinsmann, it mentions that he significantly improved Munich's youth system. Do you think he was a key figure in Mullers progress as a first team player or not?

    If he came to Villa, improved the style of play and improved the youth system and has more emphasis on young players, then I think he'd be a great appointment.

    He'd have money to spend and would easily attract top quality players, not to mention young Germans :)

    I would be happy with Klinsmann.

  4. hey,

    I don't want to annoy you or anything as I'm sure many of you are gutted about this. I just want to point out that again your team and your coaching staff apparently didn't take us seriously; especially in the first leg but also in the second leg. Honestly I didn't believe we had a chance (yes, in football you always have a chance, but realistically...), and I still think we shouldn't have.

    Something I just can't wrap my mind around is, I love the European Cup, I love watching my team play against clubs we don't usually play against every year, having foreign fans in the stadium and travelling to a "new" stadium myself if I have the time and money, but I just never felt like Aston Villa respected that. Not last year, not this year. Of course your players are vastly superior in almost every way to ours, but I guess that lack of enthusiasm is something that's difficult to overcome. Or we were just lucky, who knows.

    Good luck in the Premier League. Until next year. (god, I hope not) ;)

    Well Rapid definitely wanted it more. But the bottom line is that all English teams follow the money and it's just not worth playing in the Europa League as teams don't make too much money. We'd be better off performing well in the other competitions.

    Well done Rapid, if we defend like that, then we don't deserve to be in the Europa League anyway.

  5. Isn't Hitzfield a very boring defensive manager? Or was that just the Swiss team because they're not very good. Don't know much about him, it's probably rubbish though.

    You cant call a manager who has won 18 major titles including 7 German League Titles and two Champions League boring. I dont care what football we play as long as it works.

    Me neither, but I know a lot of fans criticised MON for playing boring football. I'd be happy with nearly any manager, I'm keeping an open mind 8)

  6. Ref was absolutely disgraceful (if you've seen the goal, you will know).

    I saw that challenge and it was no worse than the tackles Fellaini constantly commits. It that's a foul then Fellaini should get a red every game.

  7. We need a striker and DM IMO.

    Apart from that we have a very good squad.

    We just need to sell a few players, like Heskey, Sidwell, Davies and maybe Beye.

    i agree with heskey,sidwell and beye but not davies.i will throw coker in aswell just isnt good enuff

    I just think that Dunne, Cuellar, Collins and Clark is good enough cover for centre backs and would save a lot of money in wages as well and also progress Clark as a player, and he has more potential than Davies.

    Coker is important IMO. Good squad player who is good for cup games and should be playing more often. Playing Coker would stop the embarassing results like the result today.

  8. Hogg really isn't up to it IMO

    I don't think he looked that good in the reserves, never mind first team football. I'd rather keep Salifou, he is actually a decent player IMO and would be on low wages.

  9. Newcastle's team will probably look a little bit like this...

    The only Newcastle players who I can see scoring past us is Nolan or Barton. I don't really think Carroll is any good at all but we have looked quite dodgy at set pieces since MON left, but that could be a blip.

    2-0 Villa

    Downing and Carew with the goals.

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