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Posts posted by Villaninireland

  1. I find the regardless of the consequences bit very disturbing. So if god told Michael to sleep with young girls then this would be ok would it ?

    You ask this from the context of your own humanity. That is somewhat like a child trying to carry his father's toolbox when the father is a steam fitter or truck mechanic. It's literally impossible.

    God only asks that we let Him be God. Since "God is love", all He does is in and for love's sake. Human minds cannot comprehend this love because all it knows is the self-centered, sentimental variety that only uses another individual for satisfying its own needs.

    God's instructions are always purposed to benefit all. Although one may not understand why they are being instructed to do a certain thing, performing that instruction will yield it's own understanding, as well as reward, after it is completed. NOT doing the instruction may very well leave the individual not only disappointed but broken and insane.

    What is "ok" about God's instructions is trusting that He knows what He is doing. Michael has not committed any crime of morality or legality. Most of the accusations against him are the conjured up perverted imaginations of those who indulge themselves to the hurt of others.

    The "regardless of the consequences" part is the test of a man's integrity and faith. Will he follow his instructions, even unto death, (maybe literally, always figuratively) and be faithful or will he compromise in someway so that he can preserve his life?

    The true test of a man is made manifest in his decision to "go all the way" with God or remain frigidly apart from the Lover of his soul.

    Could you please translate this into English and not bible speak thanks and answer the question that I asked in the first place.. What benefit did the people of Jones Town and Waco get from gods love or weren't these 2 real messiahs because their followers certainly believed they were . So what makes Michael so different from the nutters Koresh and Jones because to me they are the same.

  2. If this michael really is the Messiah,what is he doing living in this camp in america..why cant he walk over the atlantic and help the starving kids in africa ?

    There are 10.000 children dieing evry day..why can't anyone help them ?

    He's not that sort of Messiah. He's not here to sort out world economics/politics or to combat evil or eradicate diseases. He's here to live like on a what looks like a trailer park on a remote piece of desert and hook up with a few chicks while the rest of us spiral down into oblivion.

    You know not of what you speak.

    The work of a true believer, be he Messiah or street sweeper or anything in between, is to hear the Voice of God and follow His instructions to them, regardless of the consequences.

    Do you?

    I find the regardless of the consequences bit very disturbing. So if god told Michael to sleep with young girls then this would be ok would it ?

  3. Terry. is your input as a new member on this site anything to do with your interest in Aston Villa or is it ,considering your groups recent exposure on television, just an attempt to try and recruit new members?

  4. porno dwarf said this to the Daily Mail

    " Sullivan admitted that City sounded out Jol over the weekend. 'Martin thanked us for our interest but said it was too early for him to consider coming back into football such a short time after leaving Spurs,' he said.

    Yeah right . He was most likely horrified at the thought.

  5. I have found the quality of the hummel stuff to be pants. I brought a tracksuit top and the zip broke, got a bench coat and again the zip broke but this time it was the main zip and the pockets. I am soo glad that they have gone TBH.

  6. General, I too would like a scarf if possible . I live in Ireland and unfortunately won't be able to get over for the match. Would love to sit at home and watch the match wearing a lovely new scarf ! If not is there any chance any left over could be left in the club shop so I could pick one up when I am over the week after ?

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