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Posts posted by SquaddieVilla

  1. Chris Herd has been one of the worst performers for us this season, he is always walking a tight rope for a yellow card very game. Playing him at CB is a disaster.

    Come to think of it how the **** does he get in our team, ah thats right our illustrious manager didn't buy and quality or experience in the summer so we are suffering


    By the way whats the gossip with the girlfriend

  2. We have Paul Lambert in charge of our merry band of men and an owner who is backing him.... And then some.

    Jesus, i know its the festive season but you need to stay off the home brew, Lambert is gonna take us down IMO.

  3. Lambert is the worst tactician I have ever seen. You are right, this is worse, a lot worse. Chanting his name is embarrasing, his transfer policy, his selections, his man mangement and his tactics are pathetic. He is even starting to come across like a copmplete tit in his press conferences now. No wonder he cant get a perfomance from the team, he has got to be one of the most depressing and uninspiring people I have ever heard speak. He is way out of his depth and he knows it

    Agree with this completely, LAMBERT OUT

  4. We have scored the least, we have let in the most - we have played 20 games and we are officially in turmoil. We are not just losing games, which is fair for most teams except the big ones, we are getting hammered and ridiculed. Beaten up by Chelsea, rolled over by Tottenham and now a laughing stock at home to Wigan. No bite from a gang of players who should be fired up to justify their place in the team.

    Our squad is knackered, no doubt about it, and now we play:





    Four games in 11 days, including two cup games against Bradford and Ipswich.

    This why you need to make sure that you buy well in the summer,

    so that when these periods come along you have players who have experience and quality to get us through the difficult times

    Paul Lambert has not planned ahead and so has failed to follow the basics of Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

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