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Everything posted by VillaAndLoyal

  1. They're not weeks old, they're from the last few days, but he quite clearly says he's taking a year off. The journalist even says, "You're not going to be managing anywhere next season, can we write that?" and he says "yes". It's time to let it go. He's not coming, he's made it as clear as he possibly can, in a direct interview a few days ago. It was printed on Monday. It makes references to the weekend so the likely "interview" date was on the Thursday or Friday of last week. It's fairly safe to assume that Villa wouldn't have been in contact that early anyway. You're fairly adamant that he's been as clear as he can be - but that's where your argument falls down, because he hasn't. Mark Hughes ended any speculation straight away with a direct statement from his PR team. That is how you end speculation, not by reportedly giving an interview in a foriegn tabloid which was primarily about another issue anyway. The way you say "it's time to let it go" almost makes me think you have inside information, but I'm assuming you haven't. Don't believe everything you read in the media. Ancelotti has not ruled himself out at all and untill he or Villa issue a statement saying as much - or another manager is appointed - then that's how it stands.
  2. That smells a little like a light sprinkling of ITK perhaps? Afraid not mate. Just reading between the lines and ignoring all the bullshit printed in the media.
  3. Not sure if you read my post on here last night: Apologies if you have. My position hasn't changed since writing this.
  4. Never mind an education in football, you need an education in telling the truth.
  5. I'm more convinced now that we're getting Carlo Ancelotti than I was on Sunday when all the rumours started up. I'm convinced of it - and not just because I'm wishful thinking either.
  6. This thread and poll could look extremely stupid on Friday if and when Carlo Ancelotti is unveiled as the new Villa boss. I (sort of) understand your reasons for starting a new poll but to be honest, leaving off the man who 48% of people voted for makes it seem a bit daft and pointless. Also, disappointed that you closed the other, longer thread instead of just telling Redman & Co to pipe down. Just my opinion. Spolit ballot paper here.
  7. My opinion hasn't altered one jot from last night, I still expect Carlo Ancelotti to be unveiled as the new manager of Aston Villa. Admittedly, I'm aware of one other manager definitely being in the frame. That person is Rafa Benitez, but I can't say how I know.
  8. NottingVilla isn't going to say anything worthy of staying up untill 3am for and if you think differently then this whole managerial saga must be really getting to you. It'll just be another "ITK" rumour from a friend of a friend of a friend who knows a friend who knows someone who works at the Club (as a cleaner) I'm off. Viva Carlo!
  9. Explain... In the context of who is actually going to be the next Villa manager these constantly flucuating odds don't mean anything. All they prove is that everyone, bar those on the inside, haven't got a foggiest. McClaren going odds on favourite means that people are, for some strange reason, putting money on him. I say strange reason, they are putting money on him because they're believing the latest media rumour. There's not a chance in hell we'll appoint Steve McClaren and as I've said a couple of pages back from this - I'm still a firm believer that Carlo Ancelotti will be unveiled as the new Villa manager.
  10. I trust you will sell the Club well to Carlo when the Board meets with him Keep the faith and bring him to Villa Park.
  11. So has Schteve :| Ignore the papers, it won't be McClaren.
  12. Also, I might be mistaken, but didn't he receive a smaller payoff from Chelsea so that they would remove the clause that said he could not manager another team for 12 months? Why would he accept less money to remove this clause and then just decide to have 12 months off? Very strange. Exactly, another very valid point. The trouble is, especially in this country, we have such a vast media set-up, all desperate to break the story first that we hear new "developments" every half day/day when in reality it is just news company's trying to fill space. None of them know anything! People should seriously stop believing all this bullshit spewed from the Press and also stop studying the betting odds untill you are blue in the face. I know it's easy too, because I'm guilty myself. Randy, particularly after Houllier, will really want this next appointment to unite the fans. I'll eat my left bollock if Steve McClaren gets appointed, it's just not going to happen. On the other hand, it couldn't be any clearer who the Villa fans want. Lerner knows this, and that is far more important than any newspaper article written in the last 7 days or the next 7 days.
  13. I think you could be spot on. I am no Mysteryman but I do have it from a very strong source that Villa have been in contact with Ancelotti and are working on a deal. It wouldn't surprise me at all if you were correct. Indeed, I am desparately hoping you are. After years of playing 2 games a week with CL, Villa would be like a holiday for Carlo anyway! :winkold: Indeed mate. They may have downfalls but one thing the new Villa Board is, is clever. People thinking we are honestly going to sign someone like Steve McClaren must be barking mad when it's clear none of the Villa support want him - do people honestly think Randy & Co aren't fully aware of this? I doubt highly whether they want another situation like Houllier. One thing Carlo Ancelotti definitely is, is down to earth and knowledgable about the game. He knows what a big club Aston Villa Football Club is. He's already stated he would love to stay in England - even trying to excentuate that fact by saying he would consider managing in the Championship - so do people really think when Villa made contact he refused to even go for a face-to-face talk? I think it's highly unlikely that what people are being fed through the media at present is the truth. Highly unlikely. It was in Villa's best interests for that "story" to come out today and it was in Carlo's too. Come in Carlo, your time is up.... :winkold:
  14. I still 100% think it will be Ancelotti unveiled as new Villa manager. Today was the perfect way to snuff out what was pretty severe mounting expectation yesterday among the Villa fans. But it has been done in a way not to completely discredit the possibility and now gives the two parties breathing space to thrash out a deal. Like someone said earlier, as in the case with Hughes, if Ancelotti really wanted to rule himself out of any jobs he would have issued a statement through his agent, like Hughes did. A few vague comments to an Italian rag mean nothing in my opinion. Then there's the discrepency between what Carlo reportedly says about not hearing off any English club, and Mat Kendrick who is adamant Villa have been in contact. Ancelotti says in those quotes that he needs a rest from the game, but one thing that will ALWAYS tempt a manager back into a job is if he knows he is wanted - and let me assure you, Ancelotti will be fully briefed on the fact that Villa fans have been positively buzzing about him for days, as will Lerner. Didn't he say the other week he really wants to stay and manage in England? And now he suddenly wants a year out to "watch" other managers? Pull the other one - don't believe that for a second. He is the only guy that would really unite this fanbase and send a message to the footballing world, and Lerner knows this, so if you think I'm going to believe a few vague quotes from a foreign tabloid you are mistaken. Mark my words, I'm not ITK or anything of the sort, but we haven't heard the last of Ancelotti yet...
  15. Valhalla is either a genius, or 99.9% of Villa Talk is right...
  16. So tomorrow is Martin O'Neill rumour day, is it? Oh the joys!
  17. 300 pages on who the next Villa manager should be - probably only 20 pages of which have been serious football talk. The other 280 pages have consisted of: - Hate messages for Steve. - Hate messages for Rafa. - Actually, hate messages for everyone bar Carlo. Keep up the good work lads.
  18. Jesus wept. We've sunk to an all-time low. That must be strong stuff you're smoking...
  19. What the **** :| I think some people have lost the plot... Do people think that little of our football club? I actually feel degraded that some fans could even think this, let alone say it. Mind boggling, completely mind boggling. Rijkaard is surely going to be a dissappointment like Houllier was prolly a little more. I hope you ignorant people will witness this. Hire Rijkaard, Randy and show the fans how abysmal his managing skills are. 1 good spell with Barca with World-Class players makes things quite easier than turning a sub-top team into a top tier team. Besides Barca his other spells were horrorfying. Look at Galatasaray in their current state ending up on 8th place with their squad they should really be champs year in year out. Excuse my rage. Sorry, I missed the bit where I even mentioned Rijkaard's name? :?
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