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Posts posted by red5

  1. Single biggest factor after the 90's drink-driving push is the cheap booze/everyone selling it scenario tbh.

    10 years ago no-one in their right mind would have expected a Petrol station of all things to sell booze.....

    And we are about to see yet another campaign to stop pubs doing drinks promotions, but you can buy premium strength beers for less than a soft drink from a supermarket as a loss leader........hmmm..

  2. My cousin played briefly for West Brom (I know,I know)

    I worked with Tom Ross's son.It was interesting....

    Me and Limpid were on the opening credits of MoTD.

    Gillian Anderson threw my 'phone acorss a bar.

    (There is another one,not so dull,involving said lady.I will let Limpid explain,if he reads this)

    I used to serve Roger Cook and a guest a pint and a sandwich once a month.Thursday usually.

    I had my arse felt up by Sue Pollard (of Hi-Di-Hi! 'fame')

  3. For those interested - Kael down yadda yadda...

    Did you get to use any of the legendaries? Or just spam teh mind flay?

    First couple of times yes,then not for teh kill.

    You can spam flay with the orange stuff as well...

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