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Posts posted by red5

  1. more from the crazy bastardo its gold

    "he (Jesus) was walking on the water, and he was talking to everyone 'haha you **** noobs' "

    Blasphemy, but funny!

    Loved the way he answered the criticism that he is just copying Purepwnage too. :mrgreen:

    Just had to log out.Before I drove down sarf and punched the knob.

    Gief details!


    Tried to chat on Vent, but the usb connection on my Mic is damaged so it seems i cant talk. Ho hum.

    Nighteye being his usual self.'You can't play your class properly' 'no dispelling on me noobs' yadda yadda...MC is still hard which some people seem to forget.Especially when you have 1 holy and 2 shadow priests.So I took as much stick as I could stomach and logged before I got all emo.

    And they say rehtori doesn't know when to shut up...

  2. I always wondered what Eric Cantona got up to after he retired!

    His "boyfriend" couldn't look any gayer if he was sat there in a full on Pulp Fiction gimp outfit!

    Actually laughed out loud.In real life.

    That hat alone would make him the gayest thing in gaytown.

  3. Nice one Juju. HEAL SCULLI !

    On a lighter note,what a palaver last night over me and Riss asking if we could go on a 'Alt' only run.Quite reasonably and with no drama.Cue much hysteria and wringing of hands etc etc,yadda yadda,blah blah.

    In fact am so weary about the whole thing I cba to type anymore..

    I blamed it all on Nayson's Ramadam to be honest.

    And our carpet bombing of Dresden.

  4. Well this afternoon I moaned in gchat that no-one ever wants to do anything and less than an hour later we've finished steam vaults. Don't even ask who lead the dmg (/flex).

    Amazing what can happen when a warrior can be arsed to play. Now I just need to find a group to do an instance I need, rather than the tank.

    Well,if certain villa lads wish to assist with tank levelling then everyones a winner (as the song has it).

  5. Yep.Just what they need to be honest.Hugely underpowered.

    Am expecting more Weaving nerf anyday now....

    On a separate theme,anyone going to Walsall v Villa this evening?

    Or will it be the usual suspects in the usual 10man?

  6. I tend to agree with tarj to be honest.Last nights Kara was a joke.I spent 3/4 of my time healing,which as a 1/2 decent off healer I don't mind,but tarns healing/gear/skill? was frankly pants.At this rate we are not progressing at all,more like going backwards.My interest in the Dashers as a (non!)raiding guild is waning rapidly.......

  7. Any chance of some Instance boosting? need to practice tanking skills,preferably with people who are a bit more tolerant/not complete arses.....^^

    Ideally you need a group of people of your own level to come along? I know a hunter who pwns who will be pleased to lead you into wipe after wipe without holding you at fault for failing to hold aggro!

    I may even take growl off my pet, just for you.

    Ha! Its never happened yet.

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