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Posts posted by tomav84

  1. 55 minutes ago, DJ_Villain said:

    Just charge them with 5-7 of their charges every year until they have had all the charges accounted for.

    Then that’s 5-7 charges a year that can be properly investigated and they can be punished for… year after year after year…

    and that will make up for their breaking of the rules and flaunting it in front of everyone’s faces…

    year after year after year…

    It’s their fans that deserve to suffer the most

    well reports today of scrapping points deductions in favour of financial penalties instead so they've gotten away with it by the looks of things

    • Shocked 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    Why would they be on the bench? I think we’ve rotated squad and gone for the same defensive setup that handled Haaland/City at Villa Park - I guess Langlet is rotated in for Torres.

    Sadly, in a way, Haaland isn’t playing but I don’t think our selection is down to illness - other than playing Olsen, of course. 

    well you can have different levels of illness. emi clearly felt ok to start then realised he couldn't get through it. bailey might be rotation but i don't see why pau would be benched if it wasn't illness.

  3. 8 minutes ago, lapal_fan said:

    Nothing on this forum so far helps, either.

    We're missing one of the key demographics almost entirely, and have an extremely tiny number of the other (although I've not seen Eiolodon (sp) for ages, either!)

    Anything else is just noise.


    i don't think there's any harm in discussing it. it helps to bring our own experiences to the table. whilst we're not in the demographics ourselves, we might have met some that are. many of us have wives/partners whom we could ask their viewpoints on particularly around the changing room/toilet topic which IMO is one of the most difficult to resolve.

    as i type, i asked my mrs that question. she's fine with trans women using female facilities. they're women as far as she's concerned. it's straight, cis gender men that are their biggest fear. her view is that women that tend to have the issue with it are typically transphobes that hide their prejudices behind the line of feeling threatened.

  4. 5 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    We also had 5's let you play another card above a 5. And a red 3 can be played on anything and let you give the build up of cards in the middle to any player. 


    our rules were:

    2 - play on anything and resets count to 2

    8 - skips the next player

    10 - trashes the deck

    4 of the same numbered card played in order (doesn't need to all be by the same person) - also trashes the deck.

    i believe these rules are in line with the shithead mobile app

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    I think you're all missing the illogical assumption in the minds of the objectors - that a trans woman is by definition a sexual pervert, and therefore more likely to be a predator. 

    Whereas a 'normal' looking bloke is assumed to be probably safe until proven otherwise. 

    Yep. And often forgotten is that legally, there's nothing stopping a cis gender man from entering and using a female toilet and vice versa. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Jonesy7211 said:

    I think the people that use the term as a negative have a very different idea of what it is, but I don't understand that. 

    when asked to define it, these individuals tend to respond with something along the lines of "i know woke when i see it". in other words, something they don't like.

  7. as said above, assaults are more opportunistic than planned. they target females walking alone etc, not in a public space with potentially half a dozen other women present ready to rip their bollocks off if they tried something.

    besides, if someone attacked a woman in a toilet or changing room under the ruse that they identify as female then the mail, sun, express etc would be all over it. i've seen nothing of that sort so it's obviously not a common occurrence anyway

  8. 54 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    Yeah, it’s a bit of a shit period until the side really grows BUT… you’ll get good money for players as the league develops. So those good players will be £5m+ “normally” rather than £250k or whatever initially.

    I found you’ve just got to keep squad harmony. Sell the players kicking up a fuss and bring in talented youth from South America. Colombia and Uruguay are good because you’ll be able to attract players and they’ll develop well/earn a lot. You might be able to get some Brazilians if the reputation is good enough and then you’re on track for proper European challenges.

    Stick out the stale bit and try and get some quality national youth players through your academy. That’s definitely the main challenge for me now… although the league sides are getting better which is good. I’m no longer winning every league game 7-0 etc - even lost my 120+ game unbeaten streak not long ago 😳

    yeah to be fair they're easy to keep sweet with the "i'll sell you if a bid for £x is received" as teams so seldom match that figure.

    the academy is a problem. i'm getting no decent players coming through but the board are "devastated" at me not meeting the goal of giving youth team players opportunities whilst rejecting any proposal of mine to invest in the youth academy so even though i've taking zilina to the CL playoff round last 3 seasons i'm still only rated a B.

    south america is indeed where it's at, but slovakia has the "no more than 5 non eu players in a matchday squad" rule so can't go too crazy with signings from there. i keep forgetting that also applies to UK players (thanks brexit :()

    the coefficient is a 5 year rolling thing i think so i should see some improvements next season. as things stand i'm still having to play the qualifier and playoff before the CL league stage

  9. On 25/03/2024 at 15:12, bobzy said:

    The scaling up is huge once you hit CL money in these leagues.  The league becomes too easy, but that's fine.

    Just loaded up my game to check bits... I'm in 2044:
    - 2nd best club coefficient for the season behind Man Utd
    - Optibet Virsliga is ranked 8th in the World (behind Eredivisie in 7th) although the season falls oddly, starting in January.  I think the league rankings update in June and TV revenue jumped from £26m last season to around £70m this season so I'm guessing the league will climb when June comes round.
    - 8 of the 10 Latvian league teams are rich

    For my Super Nova team, I've won the league 21 times in a row, the cup 14 out of the last 16 years (really odd blip in 2039, lost the final :D), and have won the Champions League 3 times, with back to back victories having just happened.  First win was 2037/38.  Valmiera have developed as the undisputed 2nd best team in Latvia and are becoming a competitor in the Europa League although have only got to the quarter finals as yet.

    The gameplay is QUITE stale though :D  Obviously just trying to get the league to be as strong as possible but, because those usual superpower leagues are still up there, my recruitment is essentially all "buy young player from South American country, develop them.  Sell, reinvest".  Managing to keep a few "elite" players now, though - which makes a nice change.

    i see what you mean about the gameplay being stale. odds on me winning the league this season are 1/10. i'm just going on holiday for the league games now

    i'm also in that period where my reputation is behind my performance so all my players want to leave as bids keep coming in for them.

  10. 9 hours ago, villa89 said:

    The last thing humans need is another legal drug IMO. Especially with the strength of modern cannabis plants. We've enough problems with alcohol. Although I expect cannabis will become legalised across Europe very soon. 

    it wont be here anytime soon. don't think labour have much appetite to legalise it either

  11. 42 minutes ago, villa89 said:

    I'd have huge doubts about attracting NFL to Birmingham, they already have everything they need in London and will be focused on expanding to other countries. They will also make more money from having an NFL game in London than Birmingham. Also I'm not sure that rugby will really be an option, What team is going to play in this new stadium and attract 20K+ fans? Athletics isn't going to generate any money and if you have it then the stadium is rubbish for other sports. 

    knowing levy he'd have ensured that spurs have the exclusive for NFL being played in their stadium only anyway

  12. MLB the show 24

    not a baseball fan at all. didn't even know the rules before playing. but it's annoyingly addictive...and just annoying at the same time. trying to tell my pesky thumb not to press the button on clear balls outside the zone isn't easy at all.

    got drafted to the astros though and just promoted to their AAA team who are properly terrible so we lose every game despite me playing well and it's not like football where you can just request a transfer.

  13. 2 hours ago, Zatman said:

    Put in context they also congratulated Poland, and posted about our players that play for England, France, Brazil etc


    i could almost understand there being rage about congratulating poland considering they knocked wales out and i'd imagine there's a fair few welsh villans.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

    And it was a friendly of all things.

    exactly. if youri score a brace to beat england in the semi final there's no way the official twitter would've been as excitable

  15. 50 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    It sounds basically like a game for people who can't be bothered to commit to a proper FPL season. You can just dip in and out when you please.

    My big hope is it will attract the people who enter teams every week just trying to get the highest GW score in the proper FPL team so that the number of players isn't falsely inflated

    ah good point, yes that will definitely happen fortunately

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