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Posts posted by T-Dog

  1. 5 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    He really isnt

    18 goals, 13 assists, in 136 Prem appearances? Granted, he's just had one of his better seasons, but that's not a great return. He's a highlight reel player.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    When it wasn't fun anymore and felt more like a second job I couldn't get out of. That was 12,289 days ago.

    Firstly, congratulations on 12,289 days ago. Secondly, thanks for sharing that, not heard that take before but it makes sense.

    • Like 1
  3. Might be a very personal question, so apologies if it is, but for those of you that have given up booze or drugs or any other addiction for any reason, what was the the point where you went "nah, this is enough now, this needs to stop" - obviously don't answer if it's deeply personal and you don't feel like sharing.

  4. 3 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    Well done mate keep it up . I fell off the wagon just after the 8 month mark but I’m two months again now . 

    Keep at it man

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, LondonLax said:

    I don’t really feel glee about seeing rival teams in financial trouble.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing them lose on the pitch, but I think it sucks how much the financial side almost overshadows the actual football discussion in modern football. 

    No **** em, they've had many years of poor business management, many years of acting above their station, THAT game in the Championship, the pathetic lauding of a the Bucket **** Biesla when Deano was clearly the better manager, their shitty ground, the myth that Bamford is anything more than a cello shagging register case, **** em. 

    They need to know their place, and it ain't alongside us. Get em down to League 1.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    I’ve said it before but his debut against Norwich was one of the best I’ve ever seen and filled me with such hope for him! Naturally, he didn’t score in the match but was a constant menace and handful for the Norwich defence, something that continued into his next few appearances.

    I really do think the difference between Keinan Davis as-is and Keinan Davis being a big name player in the PL is simply injury, he has the tools to be unplayable.

    Unfortunately, I always got the impression he was coached into a type of player that doesn't really exist any more in the Prem. If you needed a player to bully defences, flick the ball on, hold it up, he was decent. How many teams these days have that type of player any more? It's very rare.

    Shame, liked the bloke a lot, but sometimes in football you gotta score goals, as the old saying goes.

  7. 5 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    I don't think it would happen under our current regime. 

    I'd be amazed if it happened under the old regime. I know they're young men with loads of money but alcoholism in football has been rife for years, and, in most instances, I would imagine lead to a other substances too. I'm not suggesting the club should be taking blood samples every week, but I would have thought that kind of thing was monitored through most levels of the professional game. I might be wrong, but staggering if true.

  8. 10 hours ago, CarryOnVilla said:

    I hold Dean Smith in high regard. The perfect manager for the time we needed him… not just for getting us promoted, but to bring back a sense of self to the club. Him as manager and Jack as captain, with the promotion really made that whole period feel great and the most “Aston Villa” for a long long time. Him and Jack may have gone, but that feeling is still here. 

    And after the showers of shit we had up to hiring him, the poor ownership, the ratty wage stealers like Lescott and Richards only a few years before. That era, everything about it, Deano, Jack, the unbeaten run, some of those amazing games, absolutely incredible times.

    • Like 1
  9. I started it after reading about it in this thread. A season and a half in, it's decent, nothing special. It seems to skirt around being an advert for Ryan & Rob and then switching to the club and the location. I've enjoyed it but I'm still not entirely sure what the brief was at the start. Every episode just feels a little bit confused compared to the last.

    And, as a sceptic, and I hope I'm wrong, I can't really see what the end game will be for anyone involved, and that usually ends in tears.

    • Confused 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Marka Ragnos said:

    Finally got to see The Damned United last night. Lots of thoughts. Seems like the sort of film Guardian- and Indy-reading people who see some deeper meaning in sport -- people like me and you! 😉😁  -- might enjoy. Not sure if I really believed how Don Revie is portrayed, but I didn't really care. I love the scene where Don Revie picks up the telephone late at night in his frilly, flouncy, shaggy seventies bedroom. I reckon the other American who saw this film would have been more confused than me, but I ate it up from beginning to end, pretty much. I suspect the film is actually better than the novel, knowing what I know about it, but regardless, Michael Sheen's acting is transcendent, and the comparison probably doesn't matter. Sheen turns Brian Clough into a truly heartbreaking and human figure, someone fragile and selfish and quixotic and so inspiring. Loved it.


    Top film, and the book was decent, but I much preferred this - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Provided-You-Dont-Kiss-Me-ebook/dp/B002RI9QYY - I'm not sure it's 100% factual, I think the author himself said it was 'a bit of story' based on factual events, but it's a fantastic read if you're after more.

    Back on films, watched Fire In Babylon the other night, story of West Indies cricket over the years. Decent, expected a little more. 7/10

    • Thanks 1
  11. 9 hours ago, BOF said:

    As an artist I can kinda take him or leave him. As a DJ though. A genius.

    I've been in and around the dance music scene for 20 odd years, DJing, putting on events, raving (less so these days). I've been lucky to see some of the best, some absolute cult heroes, industry legends, and I stand by this... the best set I've ever seen was Fatboy Slim at the Beats Hotel at Glastonbury. And nobody else in my circles agrees, and it's often an opinion that's derided. 

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, MNVillan said:

    As of yesterday, I am officially 1 year alcohol free. While not always easy, sobriety has brought peace, happiness, health, and stability to my life.

    Incredible achievement, congratulations. I can't imagine there's very many in the world that can say they've achieved that, so really well done. 

    • Like 2
  13. 39 minutes ago, tomav84 said:

    sat behind them at a game this season and there was a lot of aggressive gesturing to the away fans throughout the game (the others, not max) and generally just seemed very negative and moany

    not had any personal run ins with them or anything that was just my only experience of them

    School-igans is a phrase I've heard used, and inclined to agree.

  14. 36 minutes ago, CarryOnVilla said:

    I agree with most of your takes here. 

    it’s not quite a podcast, but I also enjoy the young lad with glasses match day videos. Can’t remember his YouTube handle, but I think he’s called max. Really sells the match day emotions and captures the feeling just right. 

    *Villa on Tour is his account

    I'm sure he's sound, but have had a couple of interactions with his crew and they could have conducted themselves a lot better. Odious little runts.

  15. Made breakfast on Saturday for three of us.

    Fried the bacon as normal, toasted a couple of muffins, harissa paste in the baked beans, poached eggs, waffles (would have made a rosti but didn't have any potatoes in), and chorizo and cheese egg muffins (literally egg, milk, cheese and chorizo baked for 20 minutes) - I think it might be the greatest thing I've ever cooked.

    • Like 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, rjw63 said:

    Never tried them till two weeks ago!

    Also didn't try weed til I was 48, and it does nowt to me bar give me a splitting headache so that was a short-lived experiment.

    Don't bother with weed mate, if you're gonna get on it go straight to the Class As ;) 

    • Haha 1
  17. The contract is great news. The way we're doing business is absolutely superb. No **** around, get it done, get it sorted, nothing in doubt for anyone involved. 

    Love it.

    • Like 2
  18. 4 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Tongue and groove panels. Small battens on the floor, glue top and bottom. Easier than I was anticipating, tbh. 

    EDIT: The downside is that if we get any plumbing issues under the bath, it won't remove easily without damage. A risk I'm willing to take. 

    OK, thank you sir. I've got a pesky leak on the shower somewhere at the minute that I can't quite figure out, so probably not a task I'll take on currently, but it looks great, big fan. Mrs Mooney has picked well and you done a sterling job.

    • Like 1
  19. 10 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    Our bath had a nasty moulded plastic side panel, that had become cracked and crap looking. The missus decided she'd like it replaced with sauna-type wood cladding, and started looking at costs for bespoke work  - not cheap due to the curved outline. Sod that, I thought, I'll do it. Came in at well under thirty quid and two days work for me. I'm rather pleased with it and she's happy, so I have brownie points credit in the bag. 😇


    How did you fix that in place sir? The side of my bath is mashed after my lodger fell over pissed one night and stuck his head through it :D 

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