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Posts posted by Mark_1989

  1. absolutely can't stand the guy. he is useless, anyone on this thread who thinks he is of value to AVFC needs their heads examined. If he is with us next year we will not progress. the guy is sucking the life out of this great great club. He embodies the failings of the last 4/5 years! I cannot stand him, he has become fat and lazy coupled with very very comfortable. He is overweight and clearly dosent care about us. The new manager whoever he is should make him the number 1 departure. WE WILL NOT PROGRESS UNTILL HE IS LET GO! he is a disgrace to football!

  2. the guy is utter s*** one goal means nothing. terrible player who is extremely fortunate that Villa is run by a bunch of idiots and got handed a 5 year contract. The guy is stealing a living. Sadly he's one of many at Villa.

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  3. I really think this lad is a decent decent footballer. I just hope we can hold onto him in the Championship. Its a shame he's not playing alongside quality midfielders and he is allowed to blossom under a less stressful situation. Really coming into his own, comfortable on the ball and in possession and can pick a pass.

  4. What the F*** does this guy offer! he is and has been holding this club back for years. If he scores first half which he should, just like he should be able to use his left foot to strike the ball the game would have been different. Yet because of his complete ineptitude he balls it up and offered nothing. He is useless and anyone who disagrees is also clueless. His goal return is pathetic. The fact he played 90 minutes is worrying.

  5. the guy is luggage, honestly how he gets a starting spot is worrying. he has one asset and that is pace. Quality defenders know how to combat that. he did one nice bit of skill running at defence and moved the ball onto his left before the tamest of shots. We really need to move past gabby to progress.

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  6. If Gabby starts v Bournemouth first game of the season I think we will have major problems this season. He wasn't good enough 5 years ago let alone now, he's getting worse year on year and his returns will be very poor. Pure luggage.

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  7. I have just got back from the States, he has been carrying the squad. Earning terrific reviews. I honestly don't know why he was dropped, cost us against City but can't think of too much wrong. Shay should never have got the cup final game.


    Nathan Baker is by far the worst player I have ever seen in a Villa shirt. Complete garbage. I don't think he is even good enough for the Championship. Players like him make me mad as they are simply robbing a living. I appreciate that he trys hard but at this level I expect nothing less. Its all well and good being able to head a ball but I am 6'3 and I feel I could win the occasional header like Baker plus I have the heart and desire to win 50-50 tackles and take one for the team yet I get payed peanuts in my profession and god knows what he earns. In my eyes he's thieving a living.


    I think that's a bit harsh. He's trying his best to do a job that he's not really qualified to do. What do you expect?


    I can see why you think this is a harsh assessment and that is why I respect the fact that he does give everything for the team and I cannot question his effort however as for ability I believe he is very limited. Due to his lack of real quality he loses his head time and time again and ends up diving into tackles and giving away needless free kicks and penalties ultimately costing the team. I do not feel he has progressed as a player and often panics which unnerves the rest of the back line. But yes I agree he is trying his best its just his best isn't good enough and the idea of thieving a living I guess relates to the current climate in football which rewards sub standard players with attractive contracts and I guess that just irritates and infuriates me.

  9. Nathan Baker is by far the worst player I have ever seen in a Villa shirt. Complete garbage. I don't think he is even good enough for the Championship. Players like him make me mad as they are simply robbing a living. I appreciate that he trys hard but at this level I expect nothing less. Its all well and good being able to head a ball but I am 6'3 and I feel I could win the occasional header like Baker plus I have the heart and desire to win 50-50 tackles and take one for the team yet I get payed peanuts in my profession and god knows what he earns. In my eyes he's thieving a living.

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  10. i hope makoun is dropped for this game. he needs a rest

    friedel (no alternative sadly)

    walker collins dunne young

    downing reo coker petrov delph young


    gabby should be dropped, he's been woeful lately

    Friedel????....in the first 20 minutes against Newcastle he was the one that kept some sort of discipline in are back line else would have been chaos, handling was solid all game and made a brilliant crucial save at the end!

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