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Villa 59

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Posts posted by Villa 59

  1. Fantastic performance again. 

    I would have been happy with either Matt or Bertrand when we bought him from Southampton. But I think he's now much better than Bertrand!

    Great signing at a bargain price. I love that he keeps wanting to improve as well. 

    England cap can't be too far away imo

  2. 3 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    Haha why? We're 8th and you want the journalists to start hounding him over his team selection?

    We don't deserve nice things. 

    Lol...we meet again. I'll leave it at that. Great respect from me for sticking to your guns :)

  3. 5 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    He doesn't work as hard as Watkins or Mcginn but he never has and I never thought he'd be that sort of player. Although I would say that he looked much more athletic in his games before his injury. I don't think it's just a case of he's lazy. 

    I don't think Dean or any of our coaching staff, especially JT, would stand for it, if it was as simple as he's a fat lazy bastard with a bad attitude like has been invented on here. 

    I genuinely don't get the anger towards him. 

    Thanks for reply mate but I'm never angry at players who have a poor game (it happens). But not giving 100% is unacceptable to me!

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

    I think the laziness is exaggerated on here. You seem to have a lot of anger towards him. So strange. 

    I have absolutely NO anger towards him for poor performances. 

    Guess what I'm angry angry about? Almost every poster on here says he's lazy. But I guess your never going to acknowledge that are you? 

    One lazy player let's the whole team down. Someone mentioned him being like Lescott in attitude and I agree! 

    Genuine question: are you happy to see a lazy player in a Villa shirt?

  5. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    I don't think he's got a lescott style attitude. I think he's probably gutted and fed up. 

    His career is spiralling down hill. He got his big move and it hasn't worked out. He's come here to prove people wrong, started well and got an injury. He's now struggling and any pipe dream of the euros, getting back into the Chelsea team or a big move in the summer looks dead. 

    I think it's more that than anything else. 

    I don't think he's done anything to warrant the hate he gets off a large section of our fans.

    You conveniently forget to mention how lazy he is whenever you post. Why is that? 

    Every time you comment on Barkley you concentrate on why you think he's underperforming.

    Is it possible that he might improve if he puts a little effort into what he does? 

    As I've said before, being lazy is a choice and it's a choice he makes 

    Or is someone else making him lazy? If so, who's responsible?

    • Like 1
  6. On 15/02/2021 at 15:45, Villa 59 said:

    Dear Deano 

    Barkley must be dropped for the Leicester game NOT because he's playing poorly (form is temporary but class is permanent). He should be dropped because he's lazy and subsequently having a major affect on the 'team' performance and probably morale. 

    Laziness has nothing to do with how much training you've done or on how your recent injury is affecting you!! 

    Laziness is a  CHOICE and  it's the CHOICE that Barkley makes. 

    Barkleys good form will probably return if he stops being lazy. People who give 100% in life are usually rewarded and footballers are no  different!! 

    In my opinion of course

    This again except for 'delete' Leicester 'insert' Leeds

  7. Dear Deano 

    Barkley must be dropped for the Leicester game NOT because he's playing poorly (form is temporary but class is permanent). He should be dropped because he's lazy and subsequently having a major affect on the 'team' performance and probably morale. 

    Laziness has nothing to do with how much training you've done or on how your recent injury is affecting you!! 

    Laziness is a  CHOICE and  it's the CHOICE that Barkley makes. 

    Barkleys good form will probably return if he stops being lazy. People who give 100% in life are usually rewarded and footballers are no  different!! 

    In my opinion of course

    • Like 1
    • Shocked 1
  8. 17 hours ago, useless said:

    I think people are going overboard with the criticism of Barkley, he's had a few bad games, but you'd think he'd been rubbish all season going by the reaction to yesterday, it's not as if he hasn't shown any good form for us, for the most part he's been pretty decent with moments of sheer poetry, and I don't think there's any reason to doubt that he won't get back to those levels,  a sort of progression to the mean.

    People just low with him at the moment because of focusing too much on a few games after injury, rather than looking at his overall contribution to this wonderful season that we're having.

    Non of this excuses his 'laziness' because there is NO excuse for laziness. He chooses to be lazy it's NOT 'forced' upon him!

  9. 7 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    Hes won us at least 4 points this season. Although I don't think he is performing well, hes not the only one and i dont think he was our worst player yesterday. Maybe second worst. 

    tbf mate I'm not having a go at him for being the 'worst' player yesterday but he was 100% the worst in terms of 'effort'

  10. 6 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    He's not our player so I've got very little time for supporting him through bad spells and building up his fitness or confidence, I'd much rather use that time and effort to develop our own players. If he's not pulling his weight, he shouldn't play. If he's not performing well enough to play regularly, he should return to his club. 

    100% right mate. He's not our player. Would rather see Ramsey have more game time because he's our future whilst Barkley (hopefully) is very much our past.

  11. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    Something strange going on with him. Before his injury he looked so strong and fast. Both in the Liverpool and Leicester games, he'd drive with the ball, it was one of the main things that stood out for me. 

    Now he just looks slow and sluggish. I got the reason for trying to get him back to match fitness quickly. And having Barkley does take some focus away from Jack. 

    Something isn't right and I think he needs to be dropped and I imagine he will in the next game.

    I think all these calls of lazy and needs to be sent back to Chelsea are extremely harsh. I really don't get what he's done to deserve what almost seems like hatred at this point in time.

    It's currently not working out. But saying that we're still getting the points even with him starting and he was only slightly worse than mcginn, traore and Jack yesterday. 

    Your 100% wrong mate. Nobody hates him because he's not playing well (it happens to every player). The hate arises from complete lack of effort! 

    There is no excuse whatsoever for laziness. It's very bad for team morale to see a player getting away with less that 100% effort. There really is no excuse for laziness. Barkley is a mature man of 27 he therefore 'chooses' to be lazy and that's totally unacceptable in a team game!

    • Like 4
  12. I'm never really critical of Smith but if he selects Barkley for the Leicester match it's a serious flaw in his management of a team imo 

    How do the rest of the players feel watching him stroll around every acting like he's doing us a favour.  He's unfit, lazy and taking the urine. 

    Deano could quite easily lose the dressing room by continuing to select him whilst others  who put a shift in get left out despite playing well and giving 100% when selected (Trez, AEG, Nakamba and Ramsey) 

    There's NO I in team 

    There's an I in Villa though and you Barkley are not fit to represent this great club and don't think your doing us a flucking favour just by being here! 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, UpTheVilla26 said:

    1 person has voted Barkley MOTM. 

    I would suggest a bottle of Jack Daniels, some anti depressants and a visit to Specsavers will solve your problem. 

    Well I can only think that he must have been tossing off someone on here at halftime. Maybe not because that necessitates a little bit of movement! :)

  14. Barkley...plays like he thinks he's doing us a flucking flavour. I'd ship him back to Chelsea now if we could. 

    I see people saying that it's in his contract to play if he's fit, well there's your 'get out of jail card' right there for he's nowhere near fit!. Moreover, he's one hell of a lazy tw*t and I hate seeing them in a Villa shirt. 

    Terrible performance overall apart from Martinez although the defence was resilient which is a real plus point! 

    On the positive side it's a point that takes us past last year's total with 16 games left. So I'll take a point tonight and move on (swiftly)

    • Like 3
  15. I really hope that Deano can bring some success and trophies to our 'younger' fans. 

    In many ways I've been lucky although the late 60s/early 70s were not too good years. I've just been looking what we've won since I've been alive which includes: 

    1 x FA Cup 

    5 x League Cups 

    1 x European Cup 

    1 x European Super Cup 

    Not too shabby imo 

    Deano will definitely win some trophies if we stick with him



    • Like 1
  16. 17 hours ago, TRO said:

    They were the darlings then, under Bobby Robson......beat us 3 times that season 2 league games and 1 cup....but Shankly said any team that wins 26 games in a season deserves the title.

    Middlesbrough came to the rescue.

    Did Middlesbrough come to our rescue though? Without checking I seem to recall that we won the league by 4 points (only 2pts for a win them days). I'm happy to be corrected though!

  17. 2 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    How about the 76/77 side ?, best attacking Villa side I have ever seen live

    Yep...76/77 was a really great team to watch. As they used to chant in the Holte attack,attack,attack

  18. 6 hours ago, TRO said:

    but it was green sand.....makes all the difference.lol

    Yep, we had the best team and best sand in the country! I'd forgotten just how good Tony Morley was. 

    TRO....do you remember Eamon Deacy? He was our LB in that era. Am I correct to say that he gave up football to move back to Ireland at such a young age to become a farmer?

    Well that lad could tackle! I recall wingers moving to the other side of the pitch just to avoid him. Such a waste of a career imo





  19. 3 hours ago, darrenm said:

    I was screaming at him to pass there, all the way until it went in.

    I've sat by so many people doing exactly that - just targeting the players for abuse. As a crowd, at home, we're toxic. I don't know how it compares to other home fans and I know our away fans are incredible but we really do destroy confidence at home with the groans on every pass that goes backwards or wayward shot.

    I can't remember what you were quoting but all I know is I was going to agree fully.

    Ahem ;) (swap Rashica with Barkley because we obviously tried to get him, couldn't and got Barkley instead) 



    Nobody would dare to boo the Scottish Cafu. That goal gave me so much pleasure. It will live with for ever!

  20. 15 minutes ago, OxfordVillan said:

    I think Nakamba has proved that he’s a perfectly adequate player to do some good work off the bench, or indeed from the start. I think a few ppl, myself included, were especially critical after the Burnley game. That was a game that was crying out for Barkley to be replaced with Nakamba the moment we took a 2-1 lead, and probably Trezeguet on for Traore at the same time. I’m certain that those two changes at 2-1 would have helped us see the game out. It’s actually since that game that we’ve seen one or two more earlier substitutions. 

    I'll hold my hands up and say that the Burnley game is the only one where I've complained about subs  and yours are the same 2 that I mentioned. 

  21. 12 minutes ago, sne said:

    What European superstar wouldn't want to get yelled at by and angry bald guy with ginger pubes around his mouth?

    That's so, so funny! 

    It's a perfect description. Hope I don't have that vision in my head for the rest of the day!

    • Haha 1
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