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Posts posted by Jonesy7211

  1. Like most on here, I do the lower league saves and work my way up, but last week I started a save as Real as I'm pushed for time at the moment and don't get to play for more than a few hours a week.

    One thing I've noticed is that PSG want loads of my players and every player they bid for is unsettled when I reject them. They've bid for Caballos, Mendy, Courtois, and Rudiger. I like a big squad to rotate so I reject the offers but every time it unsettles the players, their mates in the squad get shirty, and morale plummets. What's weird though is that other, bigger, clubs bid and no-one cares. Are PSG overpowered? I've tried slapping the players down but every one pushes to go there. When I've been a lower league team I've always been able to convince the players to stay, or at least be happy with my decision.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Whenever I feel sorry for him, I remind myself of how unsuited he was to be PM in the first place.

    Parachuted into a safe seat in 2015 and won by virtue of having a blue rosette, did very little for 5 years, then gets given the second most powerful office in the country because he was willing to say "yes sir" to Dominic Cummings, then walks into the PM's office by default after losing to Liz Truss.

    He looks comically out of his depth, because he is. It's tragic he was ever able to become PM in the first place. He'd achieved absolutely nothing of note to become a front bench politician. Judge him on his record, he says.

    Wasn't he the MP who walked in on Carrie going to town on Boris in is office in downing street? I thought that's how he got the chancellor gig.

  3. 1 hour ago, Rds1983 said:

    They'd sell him in the same way SHA did with Bellingham. Pretending that he didn't want to go but the club needs the money and he's the saviour of the city type nonsense. He'll stay for a while but he won't want to waste his career there if he can get top flight football. 

    Gray only made his debut this season, and Jude was a bit further ahead in his development at the same age. I can see what you've said happening, just not for another season or two, unless he develops quickly next season.

  4. There'll be a queue of clubs for Gray, but he's got such a family link to the club I can't see him going unless he outgrows them completely. His dad played for them, and his uncle is Leeds royalty.

    That being said, I wouldn't mind taking Summerville for a small fee. I think there's a player there if you can improve his decision making. If the ffp rumours are true they're in for a tough few seasons. Clubs will know they need to sell and screw them for a lower price.

  5. I joined the Army as an 18 year old and my basic training was 9 months. My technical training was another 2 years. The average posting to a working unit is 2-3 years. In my first I also continued my tech training until I completed my HND.

    National service for 12 months is just not worth it, for anyone. It makes as much sense as Diane Abbott's 10000 extra police officers for £300000, yet doesn't seem to be as ridiculed.


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  6. 2 hours ago, AXD said:

    Chelsea is NOT historically attractive.

    sorry to be a pedant, but I refuse to normalize them as a big club. They are every bit as artificial as Man City.

    I agree to a point, until Roman came in they were very much in our shadow, when I grew up they were the definition of a mid table team. But in more recent years they've won every trophy in the game and have massive financial backing. So, imho, they're as big a club as can be over the last 20 years.

    I do agree it's artificial though, but the reasons why are a whole other discussion.

  7. 2 minutes ago, The_Rev said:

    What are the potential repercussions for her? I mean is being a figure of fun for a few days while she squirms in the dock as bad as it’s going to get or does the inquiry have any actual teeth?  I’m sure there’s an element of catharsis for the victims here but if the people who ruined their lives all just go back to comfortable lives in big houses next month then has anything actually been achieved? 

    I don't know how likely it is, but once this inquiry has finished the post office may refer individuals to the police for investigation.

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  8. Well, Vennells' true colours were on show today. An email transcript was shown which contained her reaction to a documentary on the BBC back in 2014 about the Horizon issues, and it said that she was "more bored than outraged" over it, and continued to state a victim who'd been prosecuted for stealing £36,000 "lacked passion". To avoid jail, the victim had to plead guilty to a lesser crime of false accounting. The victim nearly lost everything. The email from Paula was after she knew there were bugs in the system. The victim was also in the court today, and if I was her I would have had to be held back before I did something I wouldn't regret when the email was read out.

    She also did her best to continue to not to have any memory of doing anything wrong when there was clear evidence showing what she'd done, but also many times clearly remembered what she was thinking (i.e. no evidence of) at the time some of the events occurred, and all of it was with the best of intentions.

    There are plenty of news articles summarizing today's session very nicely, and clearly, she's lying. The documentation and evidence showed everyone that she wasn't the nice person she was trying to present herself as. The evidence in the inquiry shows time and again that she would do her best to shut down any investigation into the truth. That her motivation was to make money for herself and the PO no matter the damage to employees. A thing to remember is that she knew all about this for at least 6 years before accepting her CBE. Tells you a lot I think.

    That's it now for the inquiry until 3rd June.

    • Like 2
  9. Glad we extended Unai's contract when we did, some of the jobs available are historically very attractive to any manager. Barca, Liverpool, Utd, Chelsea, Milan, Juve, Bayern, and Ajax. Obviously a few of these have already been filled, but I don't remember an end to a season when so many were available. The turnover is incredible.

    (The bit about Unai is sarcasm, he's never leaving UTV)

  10. 3 minutes ago, tinker said:

    Why was she even offered a peerage?

    This is one of those threads that really needs pulling. Ian Hislop did a great piece on the horizon issues being common knowledge in the media and in government by 2019, when she received her peerage.

    It also shows that at some point between 2015 and then that the government unofficially knew she'd lied at the 2015 enquiry.

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  11. Sir Keir on LBC a few minutes ago was asked his opinion on the failed Rwanda policy. To be fair, he got a laugh in our kitchen as he responded by saying it was like getting soaked standing in the rain without a brolly. More of this shithousery please Sir Keir.

  12. 1 minute ago, Genie said:

    She could have single handedly stopped the crisis. People lost their jobs. People lost their homes. People lost the respect and love of friends and family.. People killed themselves. People went to jail. People died before their names were cleared.

    She could have stopped it all but didn’t when she knew something was not right. She accepted a peerage. Absolutely disgusting individual. I sincerely hope she gets locked up.

    The evidence shows that she was told about the technical issue in 2011, but she said that she didn't understand it. I don't know about you, but if I don't understand something I will ask. Not conspire and collude for years and years forcing people to suffer needlessly.

    I can only fathom that she was protecting her bonus. Having to admit fault and make huge payouts would have eaten in to the PO's profits.

    • Like 1
  13. As cynical as it sounds we should be looking for a Southern or Eastern Asian player to be in the squad to boost shirt sales and our profile in that area. We'd crack the 300k shirts no problem then.

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  14. Just checked the odds, and with quite a few bookies we're the favourites for the tournament at around 3/1 whilst France are 7/2. Are our players better than we're giving them credit for, or haven't the bookies taken account of the Southgate factor of losing to the first decent team we play?

    Genuinely baffled at the odds.

  15. 40 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Pickford in goal, some defenders (probably the usual with Trippier as LB), then a midfield two of Rice and Gallagher, then Foden Bellingham and Saka behind Kane. 

    (I suspect)

    I agree with this, however we've seen him go negative in the past against stronger nations. My worry is he'll drop Foden or Jude to bring in another DM, such as Trent.

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