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Posts posted by Si.

  1. Right now everyone connected with Villa is hurting badly.

    A win was in sight last night against Bolton after a strong start and the tenacity the team displayed, although ultimately we weren't able to hold on for the points.

    We very openly acknowledge the frustrations of Villa fans and share in them completely.

    What matters to us and the Board at this moment is how we, as a Club, handle adversity and the pressure it brings.

    Our horizon is the next three games and we continue to be in control of our own destiny.

    Young players side-by-side with more senior players are fighting hard for the Club.

    They are now preparing for West Brom followed by Spurs and Norwich.

    We will continue to support and rely on our manager and the squad and therefore give them our full support.

    We are totally conscious, as is everyone at the Club, that this is a very trying time for those who love Aston Villa.

    We know that the team will continue to fight through every minute of the remaining games and we hope Villa fans will continue to show their great support.

    Official statement from the club.


    I actually laughed at this shit.

  2. I cant believe people want us to get relegated :shock: strange!

    What we need is McLeish to go in the summer and the deadwood. We dont need to be in the fizzy pop league for that to happen.

    IMO thats exactly what we need. We couldn't clear out most of the shite in a cost-effective manner without triggering a few "relegation release clauses"

    No one is going to be daft enough to buy Dunne or Collins off us are they?

    I understand your point Eames but tbh being one of the only clubs to play in every premier league season is the only honour we have left to our name...

  3. I remember in McCant's 1st press conference he was asked a question along the lines of;

    "Fans think your a negative manager, what is your reply to these fans?"

    He replied;

    "Ill prove you wrong"

    What a total cock. You have just proved us right. Do the right thing and piss off!

    sorry mate but you are talking shit, i have a letter that he personally sent to me saying that he cant be a negative manager because he won the scottish league


    How about the letter after he finished 3rd with Rangers? :winkold:

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