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Posts posted by Follyfoot

  1. Just now, chrisp65 said:

    Not speaking for snowy but for myself, my gut reaction, was ‘didn’t happen’.

    I could be wrong, I’m a big fan of anecdotes myself. But it’s difficult to have a conversation where someone has ‘my friend said’ as part of the discussion.


    I can’t really comment because I’m white and he’s black and  I was not there. Sam told me what he told me. I’ve known the bloke 35 years and trust him like a brother. He is adamant that this is the case and I believe him ahead of some person laughing at his quote because he does fit whatever perception Of someone who was not present viewpoint

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Follyfoot said:

    I was speaking to one of my black friends earlier who was at the march last week (And yes I did bollock him for attending for covid reasons as his old fella is not at well) his view is that the BLM movement should distance themselves as far away as possible from Antifa, he said they were stirring up hatred to create a white black divide that does not exist and also induce violence on the March, His point is why are they there, he asked one and apparently he said to stop racism mate and he replied what on earth do you know about racism or have to do with BLM and did not get a response


    @snowychap what is so amusing ??  

  3. I was speaking to one of my black friends earlier who was at the march last week (And yes I did bollock him for attending for covid reasons as his old fella is not at well) his view is that the BLM movement should distance themselves as far away as possible from Antifa, he said they were stirring up hatred to create a white black divide that does not exist and also induce violence on the March, His point is why are they there, he asked one and apparently he said to stop racism mate and he replied what on earth do you know about racism or have to do with BLM and did not get a response


    • Haha 1
  4. What happens if it all kicks off with the veterans who have come to protect the statues, if they use force to repel the perpetrators are they going to be criticised for it or attacked and if so what of the people who would attack war veterans to achieve such aims



  5. Watched the Fury Wilder fight again and picked up Wilder's trainer was Mark Breland which got me to watch his hammering of Honeyghan, which in turn got me to watch all Lloyd's title fights including twatting Johnny Bumphuss (who died this year) on his stool at the start of the 2nd and back to the job he did on Don 'the cobra' Curry' (arguably the best away performance of any British boxer ) Well worth a revisit. The only thing I would say about Honeyghan is that he dodged Kirkland Laing (who beat Roberto Duran) at domestic level, a bit like the Hatton and Witter situation 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Follyfoot said:

    Probably because we live in a mostly non racist country that see's good and bad as just that and not being driven by race ?

    Example, I am not racist but I disagree with the defacement of statues and lobbing half enders at the police/police horses 

  7. 28 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

    There's so much "Yeah racism is wrong, but..." in this thread. I'm finding it a bit embarrassing. 

    Probably because we live in a mostly non racist country that see's good and bad as just that and not being driven by race ?

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    People used to have a sense of humour now they take things too seriously. Surprised love thy neighbour hasn't been removed from YouTube

    Curry and Chips also still showing, as is Rising Damp etc

  9. 27 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    Little Britain I can understand because some of the characters have dated badly (and its shit) 

    If they've done league of gentleman because of papa lazarazu though that's bullshit, despite the make up he's not a "black face" character, there's no racial connotations to him, that's what happens when you don't review things in detail and apply context

    Edit - the inbetweeners has been taken off some apps too which I don't understand as well as rumours they're coming for django and hateful 8

    The Little Britain sketch they have pulled up is the two fat women and the husband/ex husband. As crap as it is I do not see this as racist, I see it as a take on the thin man who likes big fat women which are sometimes seen in society. I would have thought the woman who vomits when she finds out food has been made by different races far more offensive 

  10. 36 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    When we go out on the hoy in London , breakfast is usually at the greasy spoon place on Covent Garden market ... sausage , bacon, eggs , chips ,buttered bread and a mug of tea ( some weird ones have beans with it but let's not talk about them)   , it won't win any awards for services to food , but by jolly its just what the doctor ordered to  resuscitate you  

    no fried bread or mushrooms

    • Like 1
  11. I just read that they have removed the league of gentlemen from Netflix, I can only assume because of Papa Lazarazu, Also Little Britain

  12. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    Thats child abuse

    In all fairness we had **** all and she did her best, This was the late 70s early 80s As you will probably remember was difficult for a lot of families. My birthday and Christmas present was the Villa season ticket for as long as I can remember., very grateful for this especially around that time. One bright spark from that era is my mum won £1000 on the Villa lottery in 1981 and she got presented with the money on the pitch with a big cheque The next day she took me and my sister to Carrefour in Sutton and we brought on an Atari 2600 with space invaders, the rest went towards Christmas

    • Like 4
  13. 32 minutes ago, bickster said:

    Well yes, because Luncheon, is a light meal and there's no way anything that came out of our school kitchens could be considered light, the stew would have dumplings you could shoot out of a canon

    I used to have a dickie fit if I did not get the skin of the custard. We occasionally had tapioca as well which was rank

  14. 7 minutes ago, ml1dch said:

    Well, what's your concern? What's the worst-case scenario that you're worried about?

    Mine is if they get me to remove the statues/portraits of me in my own property and in my garden, One I look a load thinner And 2 have more hair and look younger

  15. 2 minutes ago, sidcow said:

    It seems mid day dinner is an exclusive school thing. Weird how these things come about. 

    I wonder if it's because traditionally it may have been the only substantial cooked meal a child might have but now it's more usual to have a large cooked meal in the evening?

     We are used to have bloody milk as well And I remember one day that just stopped

  16. 2 minutes ago, Xela said:

    You have lunch money though! ;) 

    Do you have dinner during the working day? 

    My boys school have dinner money credits, they did anyway(please let them have again soon) The only lunch money I’ve heard of is the American singer named LunchMoney Lewis which suggests it is probably an Americanism

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