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Posts posted by Demitri_C

  1. nugent? no thanks over-priced english player. have seen preston in the last few games even against the blosers yesterday did not look that special. id rather stick with gabby and luke moore than waste 7m on nugent.

    my mate seems to think defoe is leaving spurs this summer so id rather we paid 10m for him than 7-8m on nugent

  2. this is a good debate bellamy or bent. the one benefit we have if mon chooses bellamy (which is the likely option) is mon has worked with him before, so he will know his strengths/weaknesses and to expect from bellamy in terms of attitude.

    bent would be a class signing but id expect the big guns to go for bent if he became available. i see young going to somewhere like united or possibly spurs should they sell a striker in the summer.

    bent is class so even if we paid over the odds for him it would still be great for us.

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