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Posts posted by Only2McInallys

  1. Regarding these rumours about Jack addicted to painkillers etc.

    I have just heard through an player who have left us recently that it is true.It’s not that surprising.I think he has been playing with pain for quite a while now and been managing it with painkillers.

    With lockdown he has been unable to go out and is probably extremely bored at home.

    With the right rehab he will get over it.


    • Haha 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Yeah i don't get sushi either. 

    It's OK but it's vastly overpriced and people go mad for it. 

    I am a huge fan of sushi but it has to made fresh on that day and the quality of the fish is essential.

    Large Sainsbury’s now have a dedicated sushi stall.It’s made on the spot and the quality is pretty good and priced about £5 to £6.Their spicy tuna is really good with lashings of soy sauce.

    It is a strange eating experience where the texture is as important as the taste.

  3. 10 hours ago, Dave-R said:

    Villa 1 Barca 0 85 mins.


    Incredible game.Seem to remember Mark Walters played incredibly well in extra time helping us to win.
    He was a very talented player not sure if he fulfilled his potential.

    • Like 1
  4. I am not sure people should be obsessing about the poor showing of Labour in the opinion polls at the moment.

    The Government are riding high due to the impressive vaccine rollout.People think all our problems will be over and we will go back to normal.

    I think we have very tough times ahead.Certain businesses such as retail may never recover and things won’t get back to normal until whole world is vaccinated 

    The real effects of Brexit will become apparent as time passes and the eventual inquiry into the handling of Covid may hurt the Tories.

    For me Starmer has to be a real alternative for voters who in the past had voted Tory in a way Corbyn wasn’t.




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  5. On 13/02/2021 at 13:26, blandy said:

    Ah, right. Thanks. Now that was a good performance.

    Brilliant game.6-2I remember before the game started they were saying Neville Southall was the best goalkeeper in the world😂

    Watched it with a few non Villa fans who were quite dismissive of Platt before the game and he ended up with a hatrick.

    Taylor really created a great team.

    • Like 3
  6. On 09/02/2021 at 02:08, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    I have spent the evening watching extended highlights of games from 80/81. The similarities are remarkable. 




    Brilliant to see this again.

    Kenny Swain =Matty Cash

    Allan Evans =Mings

    Garry Shaw=Watkins

    Morley <Grealish

    Cowans> Luiz




    Few things that struck me was how Morley and Grealish have some similarities especially carrying the ball and cutting in.

    That fast direct attacking is quite similar to team now.

    I had forgotten how beautiful the Trinity Stand was.It was a crime to not replace it properly.

  7. 11 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    Lots of people have forgotten the FA twinning campaign from a few years ago when every team was paired up with a philosopher.

    Man Utd have won the league 20 times, they win Aristotle

    Liverpool have won the Champions League, they win Plato

    Aston Villa have won the European Super Cup, they win Socrates

    Birmingham City, they have won Foucault


    I feel Birmingham City fans are most closely associated with Kant.

  8. 54 minutes ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    If anything, one way I'd suggest we can get better , is by being a little more creative when we have those breakaways you speak of. My one critique is alot of the time I find us using the SAME option, or not taking an option with more space for another player. We usually go to the usual suspects. Yes I get creating the overloads, but they sometimes ignore how much space has been opened up on the other side with that. We often taken the more difficult/tighter option. 

    We will get there.

    This is so true.If there is one area we can improve on its being more clinical with our chances.
    I often feel when we get into the penalty area we make poor final decisions.

    It’s great that we are playing so well but we could be even better


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  9. 3 hours ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Just started thinking about our style of play.

    It's not JUST Counter Attacking

    It's not JUST Brentford esque  Tiki Taka

    It's not JUST direct

    It's almost a hybrid of all 3 plus.

    We are truly ( Finally ) developing our own style, combining elements of all the best Villa teams I can remember with a modern twist!

    This might be the secret of our success.We are not predictable.Sometimes we play out from the back and sometimes the keeper kicks it long to one of our players.Means teams take a big risk if they play a high press.

    What I love most about our play is when we break at speed there always seems to a number of options.I think it helps that most of the players are comfortable on the ball even our centre backs and for Villa that is rare.

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  10. One major change I can see coming in for European SL or revamped Champions league is where a clubs record over 5 years is taken into consideration for qualification for each year.The major worry for the big 6 is they have Champions League squads and Champions league wage bills but are at serious risk of not qualifying especially now with the reemergence of Everton and Leicester and others.

    Someone suggested if they used this “historical “method for qualication Arsenal and Tottenham would have qualified for champions league this year.

    What I can see happening is expansion of Europa league and Champions league so clubs that finish 10 th will be qualifying and I could see us,Everton,Leicester etc agreeing to it .Probably going to need to reduce size of premier league and get rid of league cup.

    These changes make it virtually impossible that one of the big 6 will not qualify for Champions league.


  11. So many different emotions after the game tonight.

    So proud of our young players,some of them will hopefully make their way into our first team.

    Klopp is someone I previously had a lot of respect for but after seeing his pre match interview I saw a cold ruthless guy trying to avenge the 7-2.Playing a pretty much full strength premier league winners against a group of 18 year olds lacks class in my opinion.

    Especially someone who is consistently moaning about fixture congestion and player tiredness.He wanted to demolish us.I did think before the game we would have been better to forfeit the game.But actually I think it’s been good for us to see some of these players.

    Barry had 1 chance and he took it surperbly.That’s got to be a good sign.

    Only sadness is this year we have the team to go on a cup run and don’t have to worry about relegation or promotion.

  12. There have been many great moments and I would agree with the ones mentioned above,for me others stick out

    Beating WBA at home in80/81 with a last minute winner from Withe.A magical night,very cramped felt like there was 60,000 in that night.

    Beating Wolves 4-1 in 2018.I was with some lapsed Villa fans and the atmosphere that night was very special.Felt like this was the beginning of the rebirth and we were emerging from our dark days.

  13. I always had a lot of respect for Lampard as a player but as a  manager he lacks a lot of class.His post match comments seem delusional.Hodgson who is under huge pressure spoke honestly after our game and he seems a dignified person.

    Our performance was gritty and determined.We play as a team.A very organised and well drilled team with some extremely talented players.I think one of the keys to our success this season is a strong team bond and I think everyone seems such good characters.

    Why are we so shit at throw ins?We have improved massively at corners but not throw ins.I remember with Bruce it was bad and I expected with Smith it would improve but it seems the policy is just to give it to the opposition as soon as possible.

    • Like 1
  14. I like El gazi.After the Everton incident that may be difficult to explain.

    He shows some great technical ability eg Free kick tonight and penalty last week.

    He can be infuriating like the chance when Grealish passed to him and he shot with the power of a 2 year old.

    I think confidence is a major factor with him and I hope the coaching staff can somehow make him realise his ability.


    • Like 2
  15. It’s funny this talk of Cowans and Grealish on here.

    Grealish for me is the finest player Villa have ever had.He has more natural talent than any Villa player I have seen(Dwight Yorke close)

    But Cowans is certainly very close as greatest ever Villa player.They were completely different players,Cowans had great long and short passing,great dead ball delivery,great engine and good at tackling.He served us well went to Italy(broke his leg I think) signed by KennyDalglish  for Blackburn then came back to us and was still brilliant.But he always gave everything and had a huge part in our greatest successes.

    Although Cowans was from Durham he felt like one of ours because he came as a youth.We are so blessed to have  Grealish,a player of so much natural talent who plays the game with a smile on his face.

    We will look back on this time as a golden period.

    • Like 3
  16. I think tonight he has moved onto another level in the eyes of non Villa fans.

    The performance tonight was no different from the performances he showed us for the last 3 years.But for him to do it against supposedly the number 1 team in the world just shows how far he can go.

    If anything I think international football might suit him more than than the premier league.The free kicks he wins in danger areas could be crucial and I don’t think international teams can assign 2 or 3 players to close him down.

    His problem is the lack of creativity in midfield .How often did Henderson or Rice have the ball and just pass it sideways or back to the defence.Jack needs someone in Midfield to give him the ball quickly and Jack needs a forward with great pace (Sterling).

    Only then will England be as good Villa at the moment.


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  17. I think we have been incredibly lucky to have these owners.

    They have invested heavily but not so they put us at risk of penalties.

    They seem to enjoy our success and we can see them celebrating at certain games but they don’t seem to seek limelight.

    They don’t seem to meddle as we see from other owners.Sticking with Smith when things looked bleak was for me a great show of loyalty and the best option.We seemed to be prepared for relegation if it had happened.

    Long may it continue.

    • Like 3
  18. Just noticed Bielsa after the game described Bamford as a “noble player”.I think that is a long way from the truth.After his previous acting performance to get El Gazi sent off his play acting to try to con a penalty was despicable and probably why Mings was so angry.

    The game was in the balance just after half time but they scored and really dominated us and deserved to win.Mcginn looked exhausted and Barkley was poor.

    I don’t think we played that badly just they played with high energy and good tactics.We are not the finished article and we had no one on the bench to change things offensively(El gazi might have helped?)

    Still incredible start to the season.


  19. Just been watching the pre Leeds press conference and how Smith seem so thoughtful,honest and likeable.

    Also how I think he is a great student of the game.Prelockdown we were a shambles defensively but he has analysed it and now we seem to be very difficult to score against.

    He is the kind of manager that the longer he spends in the premier league the better he will become.

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