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Posts posted by andyjsg

  1. Just be careful with them trying to “fix” your gait, a lot of people are prescribed these shoes and up with bad calf and Achilles injuries 3-6 months later. Can’t go far wrong with a quality neutral shoe like Nike Pegasus (which I don’t use as they are a bit narrow for me but a decent pair of shoes), Brooks Ghost, Adidas Solarboost etc

    I think it’s convenience of a watch to be able to stop start easily when racing. Usually a bit more accurate for me than an app on my iPhone.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I know exactly what you mean, but I've been forcing myself to be consistent about it. Troublingly large number of fash there to be honest, they seem to be getting bigger crowds these days.

    I guess fans need something to do when they aren’t supporting West Ham

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Free Tommy Robinson, attacks on police.

    Where was the condemnation from the same people condemning the minority of protestors nationwide for being violent? (Farage et al)

    it's almost as if, they're not sincere and they're just a bit racist.




    It also works the other way though, I watch in disgust at some of the videos from the last week of the police battering the peaceful protesters, but then look at this (less peaceful for sure) and have the exact opposite feelings

    • Haha 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    Similarly in Nuremberg, the Rally Grounds are still there including the famous platform Hitler would speak from.  I've climbed up it and stood on that very spot.

    It now gets used for things Hitler perhaps wouldn't approve of, such as music festivals and Sunday morning roller-blading.

    They debated demolishing it, and whilst the eagle statues were ripped from the top they decided it should stand as a reminder of what happened (with no upkeep), and allowed to erode in its own time.

    The park is stunning, I had a jog round it before I realised what the location was as was staying nearby when I did Challenge Roth a few years back

    • Like 1
  5. Would be nigh on impossible to police unless you are weighing people in some way. I can put down power but even when I’m in my best shape I’m 78kgs (more like 90 at the moment), just mark it as 60 and I’m suddenly semi-pro...

    • Like 1
  6. It’s actually quite a challenge to get these contracts, you have to be on an approved list which tends to come from already being a supplier and being able to prove a number of things, such as security, support etc. I would love to know how they get these massive contracts as we fight for getting funding on our stuff. I guess we are part of privatising the NHS as we are external but I very much doubt they could do it cheaper for the quality.  

    The IT contracts are a weird one as you would expect say a Cap Gemini would do this successfully as they have done in other large corporations but I think they must come unstuck by the sheer size of it all.

    Also there is lots of dated hardware/software which in my case makes things difficult as you are trying to write up to date web applications whilst supporting IE10 at the same time. There are only so many times a polyfill can save multiple hacks of JavaScript code.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Xann said:


    I will need to check again with my boss, but I don’t think the 2nd part of this is true. I was told about the NHS App about a month ago and the company who were doing it we a company who we have bid against on projects at least a year or two ago which wouldn’t fit with the timelines here as they were already on other projects. 


  8. My client for development work is the NHS or at least my client provides some web based applications to certain specialist sections anyway. Fortunately it was my app originally so I got to choose how and what was developed. We have also done another app for the cabinet office and the application we replaced was awful and they had paid hundreds of thousands for it and we replaced it for about 30k and is now used widely. But as others have mentioned employing decent developers is very very hard, I’ve employed 6 and so far kept 1.


  9. 11 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:



    It was one of those classics to watch. Hancock was on a programme last week, either Newsnight or Question Time and was asked repeatedly about the 100,000 tests. Repeatedly he said ‘yes’ ‘absolutely’ ‘definitely’ he even used the word ‘guaranteed’ at one point. At which point I said to my missus, he just guaranteed something that is totally out of his control, that was silly.

    The following morning, Hancock ‘clarified’ that the 100,000 was a ‘goal’.

    They just can’t help themselves. Who knows, they might even achieve it, but doesn’t really matter, there will be no consequences if they don’t. So just say what you like.

    This isn’t just politicians, this is everyone ive ever met in any business ever, apart from the “I can’t do that and everything is an effort” brigade.

  10. So with JL they are putting staff on furlough and making up the difference but waitrose staff sometimes from the same building are continuing to work - that must be tough to swallow.

    i have two kids young school age kids and now a week old Baby and I’m hitting online stores up daily on anything from new clothes to a frog bike as thought it was a good opportunity to get my 5 year old cycling a bit.

    • Like 1
  11. 13 hours ago, PieFacE said:

    This whole thing is just very surreal for me. I feel like everyone's lives are changing and this is having a huge impact, yet 'cos I work from home and sit in my office all day on my own and I have no kids, literally nothing has changed for me. Without all the noise from people worrying/panicking/gossiping at shared office spaces it just feels like whatever is happening is a million miles away.

    Not complaining by any stretch, it just feels.... odd. 

    I have kids but same situation, Im still out running and to be honest I live on the outskirts of Basingstoke so even if they lockdown Im not sure they are going to be chasing me across farmland with their drones.

    • Haha 2
  12. 7 minutes ago, Tayls said:

    its not a Flu though... its a different type of virus that presents with flu-like symptoms... 

    Its much worse than a flu

    Its going to kill a lot more people in a short space of times than compared with a flu

    Governments all over the world are not treating it like a flu

    Hospitals are struggling to cope with the amount of sick people who have Covid19 than compared with the flu. 

    Its not a Flu!! 

    This times 100.

    Flu has a mortality rate of 0.2%, this is more like 4%. If it gets into an old peoples home you are talking what 80-90%?

    I do think the current strategy from the government is probably the right one, you cant lock people up for 6 months, what you can do is slow it down and treat the most vulnerable so as not to overwhelm the hospitals. 

  13. Just now, ROTTERDAM1982 said:

    Being realistic he did as well as he could today.

    Theres not enough good players on the ball, hopefully, if we stop up, he can rectify it.

    If Rodri had been in our side today, we probably would have won. We need better players on the ball.

    Wouldn't have took El gHazi off tbh, but tats about it from his decisions

    Agree with this, not sure he has the team he wants and a combination of cleaning house and FFP have tied his and Suso’s hands. He has done well with what he has in the short time he has been here and even if we go down he probably deserves to be given a chance to come back up.

    • Like 1
  14. I found him frustrating at times as you can see the calmness he brings but is just not fit and killed a number of attacks from just not being sharp enough to pick up the ball or continue the attack. I think if we can get him fit and potentially get a long term deal on the cheap it could be worth the time investment.

  15. 3 minutes ago, useless said:

    Taremi seems to be doing pretty well in Portugal, he's known as the Iranian Zlatan, has a good goal scoring record at internatinal level too, not sure of the oppostion though. Looks a good player.

    I was just reading an article where the ex-Wednesday manager Carvalhal (now the Rio) coach was saying he is too good for the (Portugese) league. Looks strong from the couple of videos I just had a look at.

  16. 1 hour ago, M_Afro said:

    I think he’s better than a lot of people think. He is trying to get up to speed but there is hope there. We played most of last season on the championship with Conor, Glen or Jedi playing and he is much better than any of those.

    Exactly this, he is very very effective and is constantly a bane to the opposition midfield. Our problems yesterday were caused when they bypassed Nakamba and ran at the defence, them backing off caused problems on a number of occasions.

  17. It’s difficult as I think there is a player there, he is very calm on the ball and wants to get involved but is nowhere near fit enough. It’s wether you stick with it and hope he gets fit in the process. I can see why Smith played against city (to give him game time in a game he knew he was going to get beat) but today wasn’t really the time. I wouldn’t start him against Watford but maybe after 60 mins if we are doing okay.

  18. 2 hours ago, VillaChris said:

    Couple of thousand still on sale for Watford.

    Said this might be the one game we don't make 40k especially if we get a decent result in the first leg at Leicester.

    Not convinced Watford will take both tiers either although more likely with the great run they're on.

    Still two weeks to go though but plenty of choice in upper tier of Trinity.

    Only went on general sale at 5pm and will be the first time I’ve managed to get tickets to take me and the family this season.

    • Like 1
  19. 25 minutes ago, MaVilla said:

    Meeting owners tonight???

    Should have been meeting the recruitment team for weeks before the window opened to identify what we need........

    Ideally we needed the new signings in this week......

    I imagine they had a plan in place but that has to change due to the recent injuries?

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