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Posts posted by USA_Villa

  1. I will say it again. When was the last time we scored a goal?

    We don't even look like scoring.

    We are a BAD TEAM. There is only one reason for this, and it's not stability, it's not change, it's Steve F-In Bruce. He needs to go.


  2. Let's be honest is anyone surprised by tonight's performance or result. I know I'm not. It's the same week in or week out. We are the worst TEAM in this league with one of the worst scoring records. Bruce got away with it when Kodija or Grealish scored a late goal and we scrambled a result. When was the last time we saw a good team performance?

    When was the last time we scored a goal?

    How many times have we scored more than two?




    • Like 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, osmark86 said:

    No let's keep making more drastic changes. That tends to create clear common ground for everyone involved.

    I cannot remember the last time we had some form of continuity. We have all the right ingredients to make that happen now, so bloody endure. Mid table mediocrity this year (yeah I know, worst form, doom and gloom etc). Real fight next year.

    I hate our current predicament as much as anyone else on here and allow myself a tide of woe after each consecutive defeat as much as your nextdoor aston acolyte, but for the love of Saytan, let's not do what we always do and expect a different output.

    Here's the continuity. We're continually Shit.


    • Like 1
  4. All those fans saying he still needs time to get right players playing in the right positions, and it's too early to pull the plug. Can you we get some perspective here. It's not as if our players are going out and playing against Man Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool to try get a result. We have just lost to Barnsley, Ipswich and Forest.

    Is this what we have settled for, if so we should be ashamed of ourselves. These are teams that an anywhere decent club would be rolling over every week.

    Tell me how much worse it can get.

    • Like 2
  5. Here's what I know:

    1. Just because you pay a player lots of money, it doesn't guarantee they are successful on the field. Hogan's wages are 7 x times more than he was getting at Brentford. Does that make him a better player. No. It still needs the manager to guide the player and have a style of play that suits the player and team.

    2. Bruce does not take training. He delegates all training to Calderwood. Why?

    3. The Man management of McCormack was a disgrace. The fact that he thought it necessary to drive up to his house and check teh gates just sums up teh elationship he has with the team.

    It really is time for him to go. Maybe not now, but at the end of the season. 


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  6. Stevie, this is it. Death or Disco !!

    I see goals being conceded, the million dollar question is can we score more than Barnsley. Oh how things have changed in such a short amount of time. I'm here worrying if we can score more than Barnsley. OMG

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  7. Let's be honest, Bruce is here until the end of the season.

    Please, Please, Please, after the final game go and get the person who we should have got the last time. Dean Smith. Brentford beat us to death by playing great attacking football, and with only three players over 24. Get him in as soon as possible and let's get some imagination and attacking style back in the team.

  8. Just thought I'd mention. Brentford scored three against us and then three against Brighton (Who equalized in 97th minute). When was the last time we scored three goals Steve?

    Dean Smith in the summer please.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:


    Come off it. He's being the boss, that's literally his job. 

    Plenty of sticks to beat him with at the moment, picking up that one is ridiculous. 

    No, his job is to run is to put a team and tactics together that will get us out of this awful division. It's not to worry about if the gates are stuck or not.

  10. From Ross McCormack:

    "The stuff about the gaffer jumping the fence and us having a blazing row is complete nonsense."

    But he did admit that Bruce made a personal visit to McCormack's house to check out the facts.

    "He came round to have a look at the gates," said McCormack. "He didn't stop. He didn't get out of the car.

    "You don't get much signal in the house so I was standing at the top window on the phone trying to get it fixed and I've seen him pull up and drive away."

    Really Steve. How about spending more time on the training pitch with your team and sorting out your your medieval tactics. Honestly I'm struggling to see how this is going to end well for Villa or Bruce.

  11. I think we can all agree, Steve Bruce is not a good manager. In the early games we were nicking a goal and getting a late draw or win. Now, we are showing the true Steve Bruce colors. Relying on individuals to make things happen, we are playing very poorly as a team.

    There was no pressing of the Brentford team at all, our striker was isolated and we kept on lumping long balls to him. Where's Plan B Steve? We were 2-0 away from home at half time and you make no substitutions until about the 70th minute. What were you seeing in the first half that we weren't? The team and the tactics needed to change and you did nothing, Explain why you didn't change things at half time !!

    We got turned over by a well organized young team and a manager that gets the best out of his team. We made the safe choice in appointing Bruce. Proven track record, Blah, Blah, Blah. We got it wrong again. I have seen nothing that gives me confidence this will turn around. Steve, stop taking photos of Ross McCormicks front gates and spend more time on the training ground. We should have appointed Dean Smith last time around, hopefully we will rectify our mistake and fix it at the end of the season. That's how you prepare a team for a game, you don't just throw them on to the field and wait for an individual to do something special. We are a BAD team.


  12. How on earth can you feel sorry for Bruce. Stop giving him the benefit of the doubt. When did we last play well? When did we last score from open play? Not good enough. He's had these players long enough to stamp his mark. For those of you that lauded Bruce, this is what you get. Poor, Boring Villa..

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  13. To be fair we have been playing like this for a while, but managing to scrape a win or a draw. Brucie is relying on individuals to make things happen. We are a VERY poor team. Ball takes too long to come forward, players aren't making the runs they should be doing, and what is Bruce doing about it. Not a fat lot from what I can see. He's had many months to stamp his name on this team and this is what we have.

    Bad. Very bad.

  14. Unfortunately, this is what we signed up for when we were all lauding and requesting Steve Bruce. Average performances, not performing as a team and scraping a point or a win here and there. We certainly don't look a cohesive team. The whole team is built on nullifying the opposition, when was the last time we broke a team down other than individual efforts. 

    On a side note: Ayew is the  laziest player in the world, Kadija needs to learn that he can't do it all om his own. Bacuna would struggle to get in to any other championship team and Hutton is a Sunday League player at best. And Amavi got exposed so many times today.

    I didn't expect a great deal from Bruce but I have even less confidence in him after seeing the last few performances.


  15. Lets put bodies in the middle for a change and have some flair up front:


    Bacuna     Chester     Baker

              Jedinak          Westwood

    Tshibola         Grealish      McCormack

              Kodija        Ayew

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